Results for: is the us at war with iran

Tariffs Are Taxes
– One of the ironies of trade protectionism is that, with tariffs and import quotas, we do to ourselves in times of peace what foreign … nations do to us with blockades to keep imports from entering our country in times of war. … That is happening at a furious pace right now, as Trump has made America the best and most reliable place in the world to invest almost…
Tariffs Are Taxes
– nations do to us with blockades to keep imports from entering our country in times of war.  … at the cash register. … That is happening at a furious pace right now as Trump has made America almost overnight the best and most reliable place in the world…
Six Simple Reasons ‘They’ Are Wrong On Tariffs
– Trade war is not a given - The most repeated statement in the collective analysis thus far asserts that an all out trade war will soon … hair trigger of real war that the globe is constantly on the edge of. … coupled with the very real impact that Trump tax reform is having now is the absolute right time to push for this “leveling of the
Obama's Scandal-Free Delusion
The left believes -- and acts on the belief -- that the ends justify the means, and so, it naturally assumes we will do the same. … --The Obama-Hillary Clinton FISA scandal, the egregiousness of which is being casually dismissed by many, will someday be fully exposed … "Just plug the damn hole"; his stable of unaccountable "czars"; his war on Fox News, which preceded Trump's battles with the press…
Is Trump Partnering with China to Bring Down the Kim Dynasty?…partnering-with-china-to-bring-down-the-kim-dynasty-n2459875
the virulently anti-Western rogue regimes of North Korea and Iran to ally with Russia and China, thus forming what I call the “New … Unfortunately for Trump and us, there is no more road down which to kick the Korean can. … Could it be that China is now working with the U.S. to collapse the Kim regime?…
John Bolton: The Wisdom of This Choice Is Made Clear in the Panic of Liberals
– Should we keep the military option on the table with regard to North Korea? Is meeting with Kim Jong-un a good idea? … But if he is to be taken at his word, he knows that he is not “the guy who got elected.” … If that is instructive, war is in fact less likely with a president unafraid to give voice to such strength, and a National Security…
Has the War Party Hooked Trump?
– Trump's credibility is now on the line and he is being goaded by the war hawks to man up. … and a U.S. war with Syria. … The sole beneficiaries of the gas attacks in Salisbury and Syria appear to be the War Party.…
Disaster: Obama's 'Smart Power' Syria Policy Was a Catastrophe, and Trump is Trying to Clean Up the Mess…me-that-assad-had-been-disarmed-of-chemical-weapons-n2469173
– some analysts to conclude that this was the first stage of a one-two punch -- with the US preparing to deliver the second, harder blow … Mattis' reference above is to the Obama/Kerry accidental policy of 2013, in which the US flailingly signed onto Moscow's unserious … This is the same man who negotiated the Iran nuclear deal.  Who's feeling reassured?…
President Trump Slams Putin & Iran For Latest Chemical Attack
The allegations are denied by the Syrian government, with the US describing the reports as "horrifying". … The attack killed 1,400 men, women and children, and at the White House, officials asserted “with high confidence” that the government … But as FRONTLINE details in the below excerpt from Obama at War, the president had second thoughts.…
John Bolton: The Right Man, the Right Job at the Right Moment…ton-the-right-man-the-right-job-at-the-right-moment-n2468807
– In fact, the threat of war is not even the most effective way of creating such circumstances. … Clearly, the Iranian Resistance is winning more widespread acceptance at a time when mainstream American politics is more receptive … At this exceptional juncture, we must recognize that the mullahs can be subdued, and that the US can put itself on the right side of…
Syrian Showdown: Trump vs. the Generals
– He is unwilling to spill more American blood to overturn the outcome of a war that Syria, Iran and Russia have already won. … Once ISIS is defeated, Trump wants out of the war and out of Syria. … The War Party does not concede Syria is lost. It sees the real battle as dead ahead.…
John Bolton Is Good for the U.S. and Bad for Iran
Iran is the most repressive country in the Middle East. … Critics in Iran and the United States have condemned Bolton’s affiliation with the exiled Iranian opposition group, the Mujahedin-e … With John Bolton at the helm of the National Security Council, there is at last a glimmer of hope that the period of appeasement is
Tariffs - No, But Give Me A Solution
– They are hidden taxes that raise the price of the goods we buy and harm trade with other countries, which is not good for America or … If that is so, then provide us with another path to solving the China trading problem.  … That is questionable because the signing of the bill was in doubt until the end with over 1,000 economists presenting a letter in May…
Is Trump Standing Down in Syria?
– As for the political future of Syria, it is not vital to us and not ours to determine. … Having let them succeed so often has diminished us as a superpower from what we were at the end of the Cold War. … Among the reasons the Republican Party nominated Trump and the nation elected him was that he promised to take us out and keep us out…
Secretary Mattis: U.S. Government Not Sure Who Carried Out Chemical Attack in Syria…ment-not-sure-who-carried-out-syria-chemical-attack-n2470044
– You don’t see things like that, as bad as the news is around the world, you just don’t see those images. … “Today the world is conspiring against us. And we have no one but Allah, an excellent protector and helper is he!” … Of course, the fact that the allegations of the chemical attack are coming from an Islamist-controlled area with a vested interest…
Trump's Handling of Iran Deserves Praise
Is it possible President Donald Trump may have perfectly played the Iran conflict? … There's been a real concern that the president could get us into a war with Iran. … The hashtag "World War III" trended on Twitter for days. Iran warned of grave repercussions.…
Come Hell or High Water, if There's War With Iran, Trump Is Done…or-high-water-if-theres-war-with-iran-trump-is-done-n2559178
– on his hands, may very well have put us on the path to war with Iran. … Slowly, then all at once. Republicans say war with Iran won't happen. … What Americans don't want is war, troops on the ground, and that is where Trump is being led.…
The Trump Doctrine Delivers a Win Against Iran
– More tellingly, the Iran saga has further crystallized what the Trump Doctrine is: leverage asymmetric power to maximize gains for … The simple fact is that America is the lone indispensable nation on the planet. … and trade agreements with the US.…
None Dare Call It Patriotism
– That less than half the public supported the move is disturbing enough, but that 40 percent opposed it is disgusting. (14 percent had … Within those numbers is a testament to the political divide in the country. … Michael Moore, after having personally reached out to the “supreme leader” of Iran in support of our surrender, wondered at the size…
Vice President Pence Explains the Trump Admin's Process for Dealing With Iran…we-continue-to-confront-iran-just-as-we-always-have-n2559220
– O'Donnell followed up by asking Pence how concerned the administration is about Iran launching a "covert war." … The CBS host asked what the administration's strategy is and if the goal is for Iran to have a regime change.  … "We moved forces, we provided the level of force protection at the president's direction, and, in a very real sense, we had the early…
Trump Takes Out a Terrorist: Good News or Bad?
– In their view, liberal hatred for Trump is so extreme that the left would rather sympathize with terroristic Iran than celebrate thewith the impeachment causing the left to become even more radicalized. … Trump will get us into another world war. He is irresponsible. He is a madman.…
Time Magazine Editor's Take On Trump's Handling of Iran Is Probably Going to Anger Liberals…r-iran-is-weaker-solemani-strike-is-a-win-for-trump-n2559175
– Ian Bremmer, Time magazine’s at-large editor, is no fan of the Trump administration, but his take on how the president has handled … The first is for the last year as the Americans were destroying the Iranian economy, Iran was responding and didn't know what the red … So much so that the Saudis ended up having to negotiate with Iran on the sidelines because, "The Americans aren't helping us.…
#IVotedForHillaryClinton Backfires When Clips of Her Talking About What She Would Do to Iran Resurface…says-as-president-she-could-totally-obliterate-iran-n2559187
– Others, meanwhile, said the U.S. would never have gotten to this place with Iran had she been elected, pointing to her 2016 statement … that, “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.” … He also said the U.S. "is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it."…
Shocker: The Liberal Media Was Slapped Down Again Over 'Trump Will Spark A War With Iran' Claims…ought-trump-killing-irans-top-terrorist-would-cause-n2559157
– It was a good kill, but the liberal news media thought that World War III might erupt. Not the case. … Trump wisely taking the W with that statement — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 8, 2020All is well! … The compilation of the meltdown these clowns had was something to behold. It’s they who wish for war.…
Analysis: Iran's Impotent Retaliatory Strikes Signal an Initial Victory for American Deterrence…impotent-retaliatory-strikes-are-a-win-for-america-n2559160
– Last night, the Iranian regime launched multiple missiles at US-coalition bases in Iraq.   … But when the dust settled, the US government announced zero American casualties, as did the Iraqis, on their end.   … The US responded to Iran's increasingly bellicose escalations and provocations with an unexpectedly harsh and stinging blow.  …
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