Results for: jim jordan

Democrats, the Biden Administration Continue to be Complicit in Harassment Against Conservative Justices…mplicit-in-harassment-against-conservative-justices-n2610081
Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), who is in line to take over the House Judiciary Committee if Republicans prevail in November, didn’t take a … Jordan cited a range of alleged misconduct, from failure to enforce black-letter law to protect clinics and justices, to secret collusion … "That'll be a decision that will be made by the entire conference," Jordan said of an impeachment push. ...…
Whistleblowers Claim the FBI Is Cooking the Books on Domestic Extremism Data…rs-claim-the-fbi-is-padding-domestic-terrorism-data-n2610931
– our country, revelation that the FBI may be artificially padding domestic terrorism data is scandalous," Committee Ranking Member JimJordan wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray this week.  … Jordan has requested a number of documents from Wray related to how the FBI classifies and develops data on domestic extremism.…
Why Does the Left Seem More Committed to Death Than to Life?…the-left-seem-more-committed-to-death-than-to-life-n2610560
– The attack against pro-life churches and facilities was highlighted in the Capitol recently by Congressman Jim Jordan who read a litany … Recently I spoke on a radio segment with Jim Harden, the president of Compass Care, a ministry that helps women with crisis pregnancies…
Democrats Continue to Attack Pregnancy Centers at State, Federal Level…to-attack-pregnancy-centers-at-state-federal-level-n2610504
Jim Jordan (R-OH) indicated in an interview last week with The Washington Free Beacon, impeaching Garland if and when Republicans retake … Jordan, the ranking member, spent several minutes reading out the over 50 incidents that have occurred against such pregnancy centers…
New Studies Show Another Way the CDC Royally Screwed Up Our Pandemic Response…mic-babies-are-stunted-developmentally-from-masking-n2611902
– Steve Scalise (LA), James Comer (KY), Jim Jordan (OH), Mark Green (TN), Nicole Malliotakis (NY) and Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa…
Over a Dozen FBI Whistleblowers Have Come to Jordan After Raid on Mar-a-Lago
– Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) claimed on Sunday that 14 FBI agents have come to his office as whistleblowers after the FBI raid on … Jim Jordan DROPS bombshell on FBI as 14 whistleblowers DROP what's REALLY going on in the FBI after MASSIVE political raid at Mar-a-Lago…
'Intolerable': Republicans Promise Investigation of FBI Raid at Mar-A-Lago
Jim Banks (R-IN), chairman of the Republican Study Committee. … "This is un-American and Jim Jordan led Judiciary Committee hearings in January can’t come soon enough!" he added. …
White House Doubles-Down Labeling Trump Voters, GOP As ‘Fascists’
Jim Jordan (R-OH), who is on the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to the FBI regarding "disturbing" conduct at the bureau about…
Biden Builds a Border Wall, Just Not the One Americans Want…ce-around-his-delaware-home-just-got-more-expensive-n2611996
Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) August 19, 2022So the American people can’t have a wall to reduce illegal immigration but we can pay for Joe…
Courageous Congressmen Rebel Against Pelosi
Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Dan Boren (D-Oklahoma). … Jim Jordan’s opening statements energized the crowd, “The ideal institution for raising children is family; it is moms and dads.” … Surrounded by clergy and his co-sponsors, Jordan continued his declaration of political war by saying, “…We saw what happened in Iowa…
Israel in Danger
– Mitchell’s task is to pressure Israel to “freeze” settlements in Judea and Samaria, on the West Bank of the River Jordan. … Jim Jones, is on record rejecting all Israeli claims to natural growth of their settlements in Judea and Samaria. … The plan to create a Judenrein—a Jew-free zone on the West Bank of the Jordan—is ultimately a plan to de-stabilize and then dismantle…
This is the Dawning of the Age of Nefarious
– Watching Barack work his voodoo last Wednesday was like watching Michael Jordan airwalk, or Michael Jackson moonwalk, or Gary Busey … Except, of course, in his first breath when he was bashing Jim DeMint.…
Democrats Have Kept Racism Alive
– It was at this time that the Democratic Party instituted Jim Crow laws. … award-winning documentary, Emancipation Revelation Revolution (, he would learn that the first Black Democrat, Barbara Jordan
Online Petition Drive to Defend Ten Commandments
– Congressman Jim Jordan has launched a petition to defend the right of a judge in Ohio to display The Ten Commandments. …
Unfair and Unbalanced: The Washington Post
– Bennett’s stand for marriage mirrors the work of GOP Congressmen Jason Chaffetz of Utah, and Jim Jordan of Ohio.…
Why Dig Into Debt When You Can Soar?
– able to listen in on a bloggers conference call today as two congressmen, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA, Chief Deputy Republican Whip) and JimJordan (R-OH, Committee on the Budget Member), discussed today's House vote to increase the debt limit. … GDPs of Ireland, Belgium and Poland... combined.Regarding the "unprecedented spending, borrowing and tax increases," Congressman Jordan
What South Carolina Knows that the Obama Administration Doesn't
– Congressman Jim Jordan, who represents a swath of rural Ohio stretching from the I-75 corridor on the west to Mansfield in the east…
Republican Recovery Strategies Largely Ignored
Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jason Chaffetz of Utah, on behalf of the Republican Study Committee, introduced H.R. 5029, the Economic Freedom…
Seeking Hyde
Jim Jordan of Ohio tells me. "Republicans must confront this attack head-on ... … Consciously or not, Jordan and Boehner, as well as Smith and Lipinski, echo the words of that courageous congressman from Illinois,…
Colo. Baptists to spend more on church planting
– along the way, form some partnerships church to church and association to association, and then we as a convention, to help you," JordanJordan encouraged Colorado Baptists to reciprocate the partnership by going to Oklahoma to work with churches and associations there … . -- passed resolutions expressing appreciation to pastor Jim Shaddix and Riverside Baptist Church in Denver for hosting the annual…
It's Christmas, so...I Got Nuthin'
– There was also the story about Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) saying the First Lady has a “large posterior,” but every thought … May little Jordan Zain Weiner grow up in a happy, cell phone-free home. So that’s it, I’m out of ideas.…
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