Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Left Is Preparing A Rural Offensive, But GOP Remains In Solid Shape (And Gerrymandering Has Nothing To Do With It)…vel-and-no-gerrymandering-has-nothing-to-do-with-it-n2296725
– Appalachia), there isn’t enough Democratic candidates to run for a lot of the state offices that are worth anyone’s time. … In the meantime, the Democratic Party’s leadership will grow older; the bench of new leaders will be smaller, or nonexistent in some … As The Washington Post reported, every state since 2008 has shifted right in presidential and state contests.…
The Republicans’ Last Gasp: A Contrarian View
– Approximately 8 to 10 million Boomers are expected to die by the presidential election in 2028 and roughly another 8 million by the … And while not every citizen in the U.S. actually votes, historically, most new citizens tend to vote Democratic as they typically lean … And they will need to field younger, more diverse candidates who will appeal to these more culturally and socially diverse Americans…
The Left Is About To Eat Their Own
– Keith Ellison (D-MN) failed in the 2016 presidential election and DNC election chair respectively, the far left is eyeing red state … mounting primary challenges against their red state brethren (who have proven they can win statewide) with hyper-left primary candidates … Yet, before we get into all that—the progressive Left needs candidates. Sanders can’t do it all.…
6 Questions Democrats Should Be Asking Themselves Right Now…ons-democrats-should-be-asking-themselves-right-now-n2304001
– You could make a decent argument that she’s the single worst presidential candidate of all time, yet she won anyway. … That’s not how you make friends and influence people. 5) Has The Democratic Party Gotten Too Extreme? … 6) Can The Democratic Party Continue To Advocate For More Spending?…
Where’s Russia’s Collusion with Trump? Here's Cuba’s Collusion with Clinton…usion-with-trump-heres-cubas-collusion-with-clinton-n2303750
– The only hope of defeating Donald Trump is Hillary Clinton…the difference between the two candidates is vast. … Presidential campaign, by performing for free at an event on U.S. soil funded by the Democratic Party. … Their purpose was to drum up votes for the Democratic Presidential candidate.…
Just Say No: Senate Democrats' Alleged "Deal" to Confirm Gorsuch is a Joke
– The current talks are limited to about a half-dozen Democratic lawmakers. … They haven’t made an offer to Republicans yet, and Democratic leaders wouldn’t support one. … Incidentally, why wouldn't Democratic leaders support the extension of a one-sided offer to Republicans that would clearly benefit…
206 Pivot Counties Voted Twice for Obama Then Switched to Trump…unties-voted-twice-for-obama-then-switched-to-trump-n2302567
candidates. … Most voted for the Democratic candidate during the Republican victories in 1988, 2000 and 2004. … Only a few voted Republican during the Democratic victories in 1992 and 1996.…
Question for Nancy Pelosi: Who is the Leader of Your Party Right Now?
presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, … Forty-five percent said they want to see someone not on the list of possible candidates in the survey. … A plurality of Americans are looking for a fresh Democratic leader to emerge, excluding anyone they've ever heard of.  Ouch.…
Time for the GOP to Use the Power They Were Given
– As if the AHCA debacle were not enough of a spanking, a Democratic filibuster on the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court … Judge Gorsuch is one of the most qualified, temperamentally suitable candidates for the Supreme Court in decades. … rules, requiring only 51 votes for lower federal court judicial nominations and other presidential appointees.…
Obamacare Was Designed to Explode -- Dems Want Single-Payer
– Neustadt, in "Presidential Power: the Politics of Leadership" writes: "When contemplating General Eisenhower winning the Presidential … Former Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean also said the end game is the so-called "public option." … During the 2008 presidential campaign, Dean talked about the health care proposals of Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Sen.…
Resist: Post-Trump Victory, Dems Finally Flip a State Legislature Republicans…finally-flip-a-state-legislature-seatto-republicans-n2304918
– Even with hefty financial investments and high profile Democrats lending star power to state-level candidates, Republicans won control … of every district they previously held across multiple states that Democrats have won in the last three or more presidential elections … But these very early campaign results prove is that the Democratic/media narrative about a resurgent Left is at least premature, given…
The Ryancare Rout -- Winning by Losing?
– Among the reasons he was elected was the popular belief, which carried him through scrapes that would have sunk other candidates, that … To have failed on his first big presidential project has thus been an occasion of merriment for the boo-birds in the Beltway bleachers … A Democratic program from birth, it is visibly failing.…
Warren Reveals Why She Didn't Run For President
– In "This Fight Is Our Fight," Warren discussed being pressured by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to run, providing an … While her husband was supportive, he was wary that a presidential run would be more intense than her 2012 Senate race against then-incumbent … "I didn’t want to undermine either of our candidates or to short-circuit any part of that debate,” she wrote.…
Remove and Replace Assad?
– Future Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry and Hillary Clinton joined future Republican presidential candidate John McCain … So, too, did Harry Reid, the future Democratic majority leader. … As constitutional scholar Louis Fisher has pointed out in his definitive book, "Presidential War Power," George Washington, who presided…
Why the Democrats Need the Mudcats of Their Party
– to longtime Democratic voters who still like God and guns and find themselves in a church pew every Sunday. … -based Democratic strategist with deep Southern roots. … That civil war has escalated as the Democratic primary race for governor moves front and center.…
Shakeup? Are Reince Priebus And Steve Bannon On The Chopping Block?…ince-priebus-and-steve-bannon-on-the-chopping-block-n2310686
– New York Times reported that Bannon simply could not compromise with Kushner on anything because the latter is a member of the Democratic … Over at Axios, they’re reporting that both Priebus and Bannon could be on the chopping block, including a list of possible candidates … Bush, and a key adviser on eight presidential campaigns.David Urban of the Washington advisory firm American Continental Group, and…
Politico: Trump White House Is Getting Things Ready For A Second SCOTUS Vacancy…is-getting-things-ready-for-a-second-scotus-vacancy-n2310065
– For such a non-controversial figure, Gorsuch experienced the full might of the Democratic Party’s attack machine. … Trump took the unusual step on the campaign of producing a public list of 21 possible candidates for the Supreme Court. … Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike are readying for the biggest fight if and when Kennedy retires. […] One new name…
What Does the Democrat Party Stand For?
– He famously said, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party; the party left me.”) … GOP shortcomings aside, what does the Democratic Party have to recommend it these days? … Trump is giving away his presidential salary.…
Reading the Kansas 4 and Georgia 6 Tea Leaves
– Almost half of the congressional districts that voted for Richard Nixon in 1972 elected Democratic congressmen. … Despite its Republican leanings, it has heavily Democratic black, Hispanic and Jewish blocs. … Ossoff got 1.3 points more than Hillary Clinton did in last year's presidential election.…
MSNBC's Scarborough: The Democrats Failed In Georgia Special Election (And Retaking The House Is Still A Tall Order)…crats-failed-in-georgia-special-election-and-democr-n2315335
– wasn’t a solid ground game, and that Democrats should be treating this race like the presidential election in terms of enthusiasm, … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee had eight staffers on the ground in February, which increased to 70 by Election Day … But on the stump, Ossoff never really articulated much beyond bland Democratic talking points.…
BREAKING: Democrats Fall Short in Much-Hyped Georgia Special Election, Run-Off To Come
– HotlineJosh) April 19, 2017 Republicans are by no means guaranteed to win the June follow-up election between the two remaining candidates … And for all the talk of Democratic intensity -- and let's be clear: there was a massive and expensive get-out-the-vote push for Ossoff … As I mentioned earlier today, he lost GA-06 to Marco Rubio by double digits in the presidential primary, and only beat Clinton by a…
Clinton Receives Planned Parenthood Award, Calls Commitment to Abortion ‘Higher Ground…An Issue of Morality’…tment-to-abortion-higher-groundan-issue-of-morality-n2321715
– Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was given the “Champion of the Century” Award from the nation’s largest abortion provider … Recent remarks by DNC Chair Tom Perez that Democratic candidates must share the party’s position on the issue have revealed a division … in the Democratic party over abortion as well.…
Berkeley Didn't Birth 'Free Speech' But Seems Intent to Bury It…didnt-birth-free-speech-but-seems-intent-to-bury-it-n2319295
– Even presidential candidates were barred from politicking because, "as a state university it was not supposed to be involved in politics … Savio had a romantic hatred -- in the tradition of Rousseau -- for liberal democratic capitalism.…
Trump's Biggest Achievement in His 1st 100 Days? Stopping the Left…t-achievement-in-his-1st-100-days-stopping-the-left-n2318730
– Staffers for newsmen Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer of CNN contacted the Democratic National Committee to seek questions they might put … to Republican presidential candidates.…
Is Macron the EU's Last Best Hope?
– For the French establishment, Sunday's presidential election came close to a near-death experience. … The campaign between now and May 7, however, could make the Trump-Clinton race look like an altarpiece of democratic decorum. … Not only are the differences between the candidates stark, Le Pen has every incentive to attack to solidify her base and lay down a…
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