Results for: Republican National Committee

Two Pinocchios: WaPo Fact-Checker Skewers Schumer 'Standard' on SCOTUS Vote
– The Gorsuch confirmation battle is well underway, with Republican-aligned groups applying early pressure to 'Trump state' Democrats … Here's a new ad from the National Republican Senatorial Committee targeting Indiana's Joe Donnelly, which they're billing as the first … Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, both of whom were appointed by Republican presidents.…
GOP Moves To Save DeVos, Vice President Pence Could Be First In History To Save Cabinet Appointment…uld-be-first-in-history-to-save-cabinet-appointment-n2280013
– However, both Collins and Murkowski supported DeVos in a committee hearing on Tuesday, saying they did not want to block the full Senate … After the Senate dispensed with the expected confirmation of Rex Tillerson to be secretary of State, Republican leaders were expected … to turn to Sessions next, whose nomination was approved 11-9 by the Judiciary Committee earlier Wednesday.…
Top Trump Adviser: The Media Is A (Humiliated) Opposition Party And They Should Keep Their Mouths Shut…r-the-media-should-keep-their-mouths-shut-for-a-bit-n2277387
– The AP says that it published the story only after receiving assurances from the government that “the national security concerns had … prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists. […] In a scathing 2013 report for the Committee … Alas, I forgot that Trump is a Republican.…
Newsweek Whiffs In Story About Trump Senior Aides Having Private RNC Email Accounts
– Newsweek tried to take a swipe at the Trump White House, reporting that senior staffers have private emails accounts with the RepublicanNational Committee. … For starters, Hillary Clinton’s email server was not part of a national party apparatus; it was located in her home for which she used…
Democratic 2016 Autopsy: The Party Is Dead Without Gains At State Level…opsy-the-party-is-dead-without-gains-at-state-level-n2284566
– In [one county] Democrats turned out in record numbers despite having no help from [the national party]. … The Republican State Leadership Committee has rebranded that effort RedMap 2020, a seven-year, $125 million projected aimed at defending … These Trump voters may have voted Republican, but they’re not reliable.…
Inside the Garden of Political Town Hall Plants
– questions were chosen included: --A member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual Americans For Hillary Clinton Steering Committee … --A supposed "Log Cabin Republican" who had declared his support for Obama on an Obama '08 campaign blog. … --A Democrat National Committee member and community blogger at Organizing for America.…
Liberty Trumps Tyranny
– a committee discussion on this subject. Pardon my worst Dr. Doolittle accent, but I must confess: “Poppycock! … National (really, loser left-wing Facebook posting) outrage demanded an apology. … Then there’s the Republican Presidential election primaries. . .…
RNC Officially Gives Cold Shoulder to NBC, Partners With CNN
– CNBC's disastrous handling of the Oct. 29 Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado has come back to haunt them. … The Republican National Committee, disgusted with the blatantly biased moderating, has officially severed ties with NBC and will offer … In a statement released Monday, the RNC informed voters where they should now plan to tune in: “The Republican National Committee
Strikeout! RNC Won’t Play Ball
– The Republican National Committee is trying to win by skipping the bases altogether—a recipe for striking out. … Ted Cruz or Donald Trump wins the most delegates at this summer’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland. … The way to beat Sanders is to run an equally passionate and transparent Republican.…
The GOP's Evil Establishment Empire Strikes Back
– Front runner Donald Trump scored another strong performance in the 6th Republican presidential debate Thursday night. … This same theme was championed this week at the Republican National Committee (RNC) meeting in Charleston, South Carolina. … Holland Redfield, a committee member from the Virgin Islands, implored the party to stop Trump.…
DNC Chair: Nikki Haley Chosen To Deliver State Of the Union Response Because GOP Has A Diversity Problem…union-response-because-gop-has-a-diversity-problem-n2103392
– Via Politico comes today's lesson in a lack of self-awareness from Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. … Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL): Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Monday blasted South Carolina … “It's pretty clear that Nikki Haley is being chosen because the Republican Party has a diversity problem,” Wasserman Schultz said on…
Veterans, Trump and the Hypocrisy of the Democratic National Committee…the-hypocrisy-of-the-democratic-national-committee-n2112038
– "My brothers and sisters in arms deserve so much more than the pandering and cheap political stunts being pulled by today’s Republican … Sorbie works for the Democratic National Committee, a fact he conveniently omits from the article.  … presidential candidates and the Democratic National Committee."…
Courage Versus Bravado
– Under President Obama, the national debt has doubled from $10 trillion to $20 trillion. … National Committee. … Voters no longer believe that Republican politicians -- at least at the national level -- have the courage of their convictions.…
I Was Hoping for a Taller Honest Man
– At the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference in March 2013 -- about the same time the Republican National Committee was … Not one of those 12 million who broke our laws will vote Republican. Obama is laughing at @GOP." … (April 3, 2013) -- "TRUMP: IMMIGRATION BILL A REPUBLICAN 'DEATH WISH'"; via @BreitbartNews by @mboyle1 (June 4…
RNC Breaks Fundraising Record in 2015
– Pulling in $105.6 million, the Republican National Committee managed to set a fundraising record for the party during a non-election … the only org focused/ready for general election — Reince Priebus (@Reince) January 27, 2016 According to an RNC source, the Republican
– Or all those Republican presidential candidates so eager to confirm that I'm just another lame-duck president. Look at me. … David Petraeus' testimony before the congressional committee investigating the massacre of American envoys at Benghazi. … I'm only saying what an equally partisan Republican mouthpiece would say in my place."…
PolitiFact: Debbie, You’re Being ‘Very Disingenuous’ When You Say The DNC Debate Schedule Maximizes Exposure…you-say-the-dnc-debate-schedule-maximizes-exposure-n2109068
– Do you remember when Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. … scheduled six debates, half of which are on weekend, and have only managed to reach roughly half the viewership as that of the Republican … Kall cited several factors contributing to the larger Republican viewership: The first Republican debate occurred in early August…
Mrs. Clinton's Super Delegate Democracy
– Clinton, however, has consistently led in national polls. … Note that Republican U.S. … That’s why Clinton’s confidant, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ensured the presidential debates would…
RNC Disinvites National Review From Sponsoring Debate…c-disinvites-national-review-from-sponsoring-debate-n2108519
– Katie Pavlich) opposed to the selection of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, the Republican National Committee has disinvited … National Review was asked by the RNC to partner in the GOP debates. We agreed. … Tonight, a top official with the RNC called me to say that National Review was being disinvited.…
Bernie and Hillary's Miserable World
– The Democrat Party presidential debates have been so snooze-worthy, it's enough to make you wonder if maybe the Democrat NationalCommittee should schedule future debates sometime between Bernie Sanders' and Hillary Clinton's afternoon naps and the senior citizen … The positive messages and hearty debates (save a boor or two) on the Republican side provide inspiration and serve to remind voters…
That's Rich: Bill Clinton Accuses Sanders Supporters Of Being Sexist…clinton-accuses-sanders-supporters-of-being-sexist-n2116576
– Christine wrote about Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. … On Wednesday night, he acknowledged the appeal of the fractious Republican race in one breath, then eviscerated its candidates in the…
'Disservice': Pundits, Politicians Frustrated Fiorina Left Off NH Debate Stage
Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina feels ill-treated after being left off the debate stage this weekend in New Hampshire … "Our debate process is broken," Fiorina said Wednesday in a letter to the Republican National Committee (RNC), which is partnering … finish in the top three in the Iowa caucuses, place in the top six in an average of New Hampshire polls, or land in the top six of national
The Decline of Political Party Power
– When the leading Republican is arguably a more loyal Democrat than the Democratic sweetheart, it certainly seems silly to talk about … Does anyone quake in fear of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? … How about the Republican National Committee's Reince Priebus?…
Whoa: Did Hillary's Emails Expose Undercover US Spies and Identify Foreigners on CIA Payroll?…ed-operational-intelligence-which-jeopardized-lives-n2113093
– Highly classified Hillary Clinton emails that the intelligence community and State Department recently deemed too damaging to national … Mike Pompeo, a Kansas Republican who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, argues in the story that Clinton's background as a ' … Back to the Fox News story: "According to national security legal experts, security clearance holders are required to speak up when…
Our Foreign Policy Problems Go Well Beyond Iraq
– The only disagreements on the Republican side are about the degree and nature of the mistake. … Obama's own director of national intelligence, James Clapper, told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week that we now face "…
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