Results for: voted to

Americans Leaving Cities Destroyed by Democrats
– Consequently, citizens voted with their feet and left in droves, a trend which has started to accelerate. … Residents who felt unsafe fled the city if they could afford to leave. Which political party is to blame? … It will be a time for New Orleans to shine internationally, not be embarrassed due to disastrous leadership.…
Less Than a Week Away From the Ohio U.S. Senate Primary, Here's What Polling Says
– Next Tuesday brings us to the Ohio Republican Senate primary, with three candidates running to challenge Democratic Sen. … "The contrast in this primary could not be clearer: Dolan's priority is to other countries, not to America." … He voted against the Heartbeat Bill, voted against Stand Your Ground, and voted for the $800 million gas tax.…
Democrats Losing Their Hold on California and California Losing Its Hold on America
– So, who's going to win in November?Polls give us clues. … Trump continues to have the small but persistent lead in public polls he has maintained since November 2023 -- in contrast to the 2016 … from 1946 to 1973 and Mexicans from 1982 to 2007.…
U.S. House Overwhelmingly Passes Bill That Could Lead to TikTok Ban
– The bill now heads to the Senate. … it available for users to download. … The bill now heads to the Senate.…
Red Lines or Victory?
– That familiar strategy is designed to persuade nations and the media to pressure Israel to cease military operations without reciprocity … or an agreement to release the remaining 100-plus hostages.There is only one reason to fight a war and that is to win. … Perhaps the civilians who voted for Hamas to take leadership in Gaza will think twice before doing so again.…
A Trump Derangement Syndrome Carol
– In my haste, I almost knocked over a woman, who appeared to be about 50 years old, as she attempted to get on the elevator. … He did it to mock himself, as well as to mock an able-bodied general. It is just not true that Trump mocked a disabled reporter. … Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; cut off funding to the Palestinians for being, as Trump put it, 'anti-peace'; did the Abraham Accords…
Could We Soon See a Speaker Hakeem Jeffries?
– Can't wait to see the gavel passed to Speaker Jeffries! … Mike Collins (@RepMikeCollins) March 12, 2024Santos himself chimed in to say those who voted to expel him "aren’t tiered [sic] of screwing … While just eight Republicans voted to oust McCarthy, Buck among them, every single Democrat voted to do so as well, at Jeffries' behest…
A Massive Racial Shift Could Screw Democrats and Joe Biden in 2024
– He needed to go hyper-partisan to give these folks a reason to support him. … My people like to ride slow and low," Abeyta said, referring to classic muscle-car low-riders. … San Francisco voted overwhelmingly to remove three progressive school board members from office.…
Senate Democrats Block Bill That Would Ban Illegal Immigrants From Voting
– Bill Hagerty (R-TN) to add an amendment to the $460 billion spending package, the legislation would require the Census Bureau to include … Democrats’ unanimous opposition to this commonsense measure confirms that they’re using illegal aliens and sanctuary cities to increase … Senate Democrats just voted unanimously to defeat an amendment that would have stopped counting illegals for congressional seat… https…
The 'No Labels' Joke
– Last Friday, the group got together in a virtual meeting and voted to go forward with a presidential run in 2024. … It's hard to say. … Or maybe they could hold a drawing -- you've got to enter to win!…
Slate Is Obsessed With Breasts
– “really try to get your best recollection” from events years earlier. … Jiang provided that link to a CBS News item that…reports how Biden did get the date incorrect, as he had to be fed the correct year … Matt Arco is here to inform us of the truly notable aspect of Carmen's life – he voted incorrectly!…
Biden Cannot Afford to Lose a Single Pennsylvania Voter
– Trump narrowly won it in 2016, but Biden narrowly won it in 2020.If Biden wants to hold on to that narrow margin of victory, he cannot … It is unbelievable to me that they are willing to say, 'OK, well, we'll let Trump win, who is even going to be more supportive or more … said this clamoring on the far left leads him to believe there are people and organizations on the left that want Biden to lose, "…
Is This the Most Overrated Poll for 2024?
– There’s going to be a deluge of analysis and commentary about polling. … On Super Tuesday, Republicans voted overwhelmingly for Trump, who is about to clinch the Republican nomination officially. …  It's the reason why Joe had to apologize to the illegal alien who murdered Laken Riley in Georgia in February.…
LIVE PRIMARY RESULTS: Voters in Georgia, Mississippi, Washington, and Hawaii Head to the Polls
To officially clinch the GOP nomination, Trump needs to win 137 more delegates this evening to hit the magic number of 1,215. … of his base wanting him to betray Israel, demand a ceasefire, and cut off aid, a small bloc willing to vote "Uncommitted" has formed … Another race to watch is the Mississippi U.S.…
Senator Barrasso for GOP Whip
– As Conference Chair, he's collaborated like never before to amplify Senate GOP voices. … He voted against radical Biden appointees like Yellen, Blinken, and most notably Garland, even as other GOP leaders voted for them. … Barrasso had the spine to stand up against Biden’s most destructive cabinet picks.…
Here's Why Biden's Unscripted Moment Freaked Out Democrats
– Only 37 Democrats voted in favor of the bill. … gaslight the American people that he wants to fix such a problem and that he needs legislation to have the authority to do it. … Considering the pandering that Biden has desperately tried to do when it comes to the far-left's lack of support of Israel, as well…
Pro-Hamas Tlaib Owns Biden Now
–  She also voted against a bill barring the travel of Hamas members to the United States. … Just this week, in an incredible abuse of power for political reasons, he announced American troops are headed to the Gaza Strip to … the only path to peace in the region.…
U.S. House Passes Laken Riley Act
–  170 Democrats voted against the bill.BREAKING: The House just passed the "Laken Riley Act", which requires ICE to detain illegals … "Let’s continue to pray for her family and friends as they grieve her loss and resolve to continue to fight for the American people … The couple declined to attend.…
Are Voters Recoiling Against Disorder?
– Trump can't afford to lose too many of the others in target states like Pennsylvania and Michigan.Majorities and large minorities of … voters in overwhelmingly Latino counties in Texas's Rio Grande Valley and some in Houston voted against Joe Biden, and even more against … Biden can't afford to lose too many Latino votes in target states like Arizona and Georgia.When Trump rode down that escalator in 2015…
Here's What Happened When a Local Texas DA Tried to Vote in Her Primary Last Night
– Someone voted in Ms. … ballot for her own primary race — only to be told someone had already voted in her name, according to spokesperson Michael Kolenc.https …  Teare had the backing of a group of Harris County Democratic Party precinct chairs who recently voted to condemn Ogg for inadequately…
Americans Are Tired of Changing Their Clocks
– Twice a year, Americans must change their clocks to adjust to standard or daylight-saving time. … more prone to accidents.” … In 1974, Congress voted to end permanent daylight-saving time because of concerns from parents that traffic accidents…
Speaker Johnson and Senate Republicans Must Block Unconstitutional FISA Warrants from Spending Battle
– House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Republicans needs to keep one set of numbers in mind – 35-2 – when being pushed to reauthorize … So they’ve been looking at options to insert them into federal spending bills. … Such legislation deserves to be debated and voted upon as a standalone measure, not tied up with federal funding.…
Actions Speak Louder than Words, Jill Biden
To wit:“Dr. …  Three different times (in 1984, 1986, 1987) Senator Joe Biden voted and lobbied AGAINST Reagan’s attempts to help the anti-communist … Nothing to wash away the menstrual-fluid that caked to our legs.…
How's It Going for One of the Top Senate Races of 2024?
to then on Friday announce he actually wasn't. … He has the time and resources to do so, especially as he has the backing from and coattails of Trump to ride. … he fails to get the job done for our state," Tester shared, adding "I'll continue to work with anyone, Republican or Democrat to ensure…
Left-Leaning Outlets Begin to Admit Trump Is the Most Favorable Candidate Among Both Parties
– Far-Left networks are being forced to admit former President Trump is the most favorable candidate leading up to the 2024 presidential …  The hosts pointed out that Trump is “flipping states at this particular point” that were critical to Biden’s 2020 victory. …  In Minnesota, nearly 46,000 voters, or 19 percent of Democrats voted “uncommitted.”…
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