Results for: sign up to vote

The Democrats’ Plan to Transform America
– They then hoped to addict Americans to government-provided medicine, causing people to vote Democratic forever. … Instead of listening to the people, Democrats are trying to get different people to vote. … Wolf’s proposal to abandon standards for registering to vote.…
Why the Center Cannot Hold
– There’s no question that Democrats and progressives despise Trump and are motivated to vote. … Had Republicans displayed the courage of their convictions in the years leading up to 2016, instead of sucking their thumbs every time … As it was, having been sold down the river too many times, voters picked an outsider who clearly could stand up to the press and the…
What Did Zuckerberg Hearing Do To Facebook Stock?
– Materials Material names had a great day, which is largely in part to metals, which continue to come on strong, in part to sanctions … Americans can vote to be great again. … Surely, it’s okay to admit your country wants to rule the world.…
Winning the ‘Trade War’ with China
– Phyllis Schlafly strongly opposed the trade giveaway to China, which never would have attained the 2/3rds vote required by the Treaty … The naysayers were proved right as China continued to flout the rules for the next 18 years and still shows no sign of real reform. … Now China is rapidly moving up the food chain to sell us high quality products containing innovative technology that was created and…
Democratic Party, in America the Citizens Choose Our President – Not You…america-the-citizens-choose-our-president--not-you-n2559764
– Yet, Democrats voted to impeach the president. A sure sign that they think he will win a second term. … They want to ultimately get rid of it and be the ones who choose the president through the popular vote since large liberal cities … These are both Democratic strongholds that will likely never turn Republican and gave Hillary the bump to win the popular vote.…
CNN Host Says McConnell Is Trying to Hold Impeachment Trial Under the Cover of Darkness. That's Just Rich.…t-trial-under-the-cover-of-darkness-thats-just-rich-n2559939
– He reached out to Schiff’s staff prior to filing the report; Schiff knew and planned to weaponize its contents before this all became … How could any senator vote to convict based on such a rigged proceeding? … To get someone who eschews the limelight to come out guns blazing is probably a sign that this is a witch-hunt, which it is.…
Gun Advocates Rock Richmond
– Ralph “Blackface” Northam has vowed to sign into law strict gun control legislation.   … Two of those Electors were “faithless” in 2016 by refusing to vote for Trump despite how he carried the state. … The Supreme Court just accepted a case to decide if Electors can vote contrary to the vote of the people in presidential elections.…
The Liberal Media Totally Eats It With Their Fake News Coverage of VA's Pro-Gun Rights Rally…in-their-coverage-of-virginias-progun-rights-rally-n2559835
to the rally. … “Tight security, more than 20,000 show up to protest stricter gun laws in Richmond as police in riot gear turn out in force. … to once within 30 days.…
Serious Question: Will We Ever Really Know Who Won the Iowa Caucuses?…g-will-we-ever-know-who-won-democrats-iowa-caucuses-n2560927
– In some cases, vote tallies do not add up. … to the public. … Yet Biden underperformed in Iowa, and his campaign appears to be deflating, at least momentarily. So what to do?…
Trump Wins a Double Victory in the Iowa Caucuses
– He received over 97 percent of the vote. … A surer sign of the unanimity of Republicans heading into the 2020 election would be hard to imagine, especially given the high hopes … It's hard to see, therefore, how the “moderate lane” will narrow to a single candidate anytime soon.…
Will Iowa Feel The Bern Again Tonight?…anders-has-the-best-shot-of-winning-the-iowa-caucus-n2560634
– With a more loaded field, Sanders is expected to walk away with at least 14 of the 41 possible delegates up for grabs, but he’s followed … Iowa will award 41 pledged delegates: 14 will be given out based on the statewide vote, and 27 will be given out based on the vote … “While this appears to be isolated to one surveyor, that could not be confirmed with certainty,” the executive editor of the paper…
Strength: With Economic Satisfaction High, Dems Fret About Trump Enthusiasm and Organization
up its get-out-the-vote machine ahead of the general election...The efforts are paying off, with Republicans turning out in historic … The vote totals in New Hampshire were even starker. … For Trump to flex electoral support at these levels while 'competing' against token opposition is a significant and positive sign for…
Doxxer Joaquin Castro Claims Media Is 'Sidelining' Warren…r-joacquin-castro-claims-media-is-sidelining-warren-n2561212
– Warren was not expected to do stunningly well in the Granite State, but receiving less than 10 percent of the vote in a neighboring … state is not a positive sign for the once-frontrunner. … to Donald Trump — the owner of ?…
Embarrassing Festival Of Never Trump Losers Occurs For Some Reason…stival-of-never-trump-losers-occurs-for-some-reason-n2561859
Sign up here to become a Townhall VIP member to get it. You'll also get exclusive access to his VIP podcast "Unredacted". … Brace yourselves for impassioned pleas by impotent weirdos to vote for the crusty commie curmudgeon because Trump sends mean tweets … The closest thing to diversity I could detect in their line-up was the aptly named Heath Mayo – he’s diverse because he’s a younger…
Why We Need the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act…eed-the-bornalive-abortion-survivors-protection-act-n2561807
– Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has decided to bring the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act up for consideration … in the Senate; meanwhile, over 80 times in the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has blocked efforts to bring up for a vote this bill that … According to the CDC report, those 143 infants that met the legal definition of a live birth—which includes “any sign of life, e.g.…
Failed Never Trump Pundits Don't Speak for You, But MSM Can't Get Enough of Them
Sign up here to become a Townhall VIP member to get it. … right to most normal observers). … Allow me to illuminate... You were awful to us. You continue to be awful to us.…
So, It Looks Increasingly Likely That Democrats Are Actually Going to Nominate This Man…e-democrats-are-actually-going-to-nominate-this-man-n2561756
– and who is most likely to take it away from him. … But it's his race to lose. — Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) February 23, 2020 Well, his margin turned out to be...quite large, and his … It's true that he might be too radical to win.  …
You Bernie Suckers Are Going to Get Fooled Again
Sign up here to become a Townhall VIP member to get it. You'll also get exclusive access to his VIP podcast "Unredacted". … Like I said, you’re socialists, and therefore stupid, so you will get cheated and you will end up having to vote for the Verne Troyer … You totally want to vote for a guy who thinks his powder-diving, dancer-diddling loser son should totally be getting $83K a month.…
The Dems Are Right. Americans Find Annoying Liberal Women Very Annoying.…americans-find-annoying-liberal-women-very-annoying-n2563837
Sign up here to become a Townhall VIP member to get it. You'll also get exclusive access to his VIP podcast "Unredacted". … No, it wasn’t that they are too competent for us to deal with. None of us had to take a DNA test to try to prove our Tontohood. … They always presume to try to “improve” you.…
The Democratic Disaster Just Got Even More Hilarious
Sign up here to become a Townhall VIP member to get it. You'll also get exclusive access to his VIP podcast "Unredacted". … we never have the chance to vote their kind out again. … And then Trump is going to kick the Schiff out him right up into November.…
Conservatives Think They Have This Election Won
Sign up here to become a Townhall VIP member to get it. You'll also get exclusive access to his VIP podcast "Unredacted". … In a couple of months we will likely have forgotten it and moved on to new hyped-up atrocities. … Instead, we should run up the score and send Nancy Pelosi back to Scat Francisco for good.…
Kevin McCarthy, White House Are a 'No' on the Democrats' Coronavirus Bill
– NEWS — @GOPLeader KEVIN MCCARTHY told Republicans that he is opposed to the Democrats coronavirus bill, a blow to hopes for biparitsanship … The legislation that Speaker Pelosi introduced at 11pm last night—written by her staff and her staff alone—and plans to vote on just … He also recently signed an $8 billion package to combat the virus.…
Take a Wild Guess Why WA State Primary Results Will Take Days to Obtain…hington-state-primary-winner-wont-be-called-for-day-n2564397
– PST, a massive dump of more than 816,000 absentee votes put Biden and Sanders in a near tie.  816k vote dump in Washington - Biden/ … So that's a sign we might expect Biden to improve as the night goes on, at least — Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) March … 11, 2020So we've basically got the whole ultra-early vote in Washington this point, and Sanders is up by two-tenths of a point.…
House Passes $2 Trillion Emergency Relief Bill by Voice Vote After Hostile Debate
– Happening now in the Oval Office: @realDonaldTrump is about to sign the CARES ACT that protects the American people during this National … I'm proud of this win, I urge the president to sign the CARES Act into law and I will keep doing all I can to fight #ForThePeople as … But in the end they too managed to pass it in flying colors. The vote was unanimous, 96-0.…
Trump to Give Guidelines Ranking Counties By Risk of Spreading Wuhan Coronavirus…ing-counties-by-risk-of-spreading-wuhan-coronavirus-n2565801
– I want to thank each of you, along with your frontline responders and essential workers, for stepping up to help America confront this … The Senate passed the $2 trillion CARES Act on Thursday, sending it to the House of Representatives, which will conduct a voice vote … Should the House pass the bill as expected, Trump has said he will sign it into law as soon as possible to get money back into the…
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