Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Clinton Crushes Competition in South Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa…es-competition-in-south-carolina-new-hampshire-iowa-n1958619
– In poll results released over the weekend, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton trounced other potential Democratic presidential … In Iowa, Clinton was the clear favorite for the Democratic nomination, garnering the support of 68 percent of respondents. … Responders from South Carolina support Clinton over Biden for Democratic nominee by 45 percentage points.…
Get Ready: Liberals Bringing Back "War on Women" Theme For 2016 Presidential Election
– More from Real Clear Politics:  With the help of EMILY’s List, Democrats are already laying down markers on GOP candidates. … This week, the group that supports pro-choice female Democratic candidates launched a new campaign that will document each time a Republican … EMILY’s List is targeting Republican presidential candidates’ opposition to Planned Parenthood and/or their efforts to defund it, as…
Jeb Bush Makes A Grand Supply Side Entrance
– Jeb Bush entered the presidential primary cycle impressively. … Elizabeth Warren insurgency, now is pocketing the Democratic Party’s nomination. … Barack Obama’s presidential run). There is Sen. Marco Rubio.…
Democrats' 'Blue Wall' Not Impregnable to Republicans -- If They're Smart…all-not-impregnable-to-republicans--if-theyre-smart-n1958122
– They argue that there is a 240-electoral-vote "blue wall" of 18 states and D.C. that have gone Democratic in the last six presidential … A Democratic nominee needs only 30 more electoral votes to win the presidency, they note accurately. … To see why, go back and put yourself in the shoes of a Democratic strategist following the 2004 presidential race.…
Friday Filibuster: The Tall Tale Edition
– Campaigns & Elections Potential GOP and Democratic presidential candidates continued dropping hints this week that a run is all … The Democrats also announced this week that the Democratic National Convention will be held in Philadelphia. … Anthony List, who explained why supporting life might be a winning strategy for presidential candidates on either side of the aisle…
Bobby Jindal for President?
– Bobby Jindal's name is not first on most people's list of candidates for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, but maybe … days before President Obama's inauguration, the governor told me Republicans must decide what they are for before picking a presidential … anti-Obama and the party of "no" and start showing people "we can be principled, conservative, not just a cheaper version of the Democratic
Key Clinton Ally Bolts From Super PAC, Alleges 'Political Hit Job' On Other Pro-Hillary Groups…lleges-political-hit-job-on-other-prohillary-groups-n1955703
– the cycle, American Bridge wanted a larger portion of shared fund-raising so it could begin tracking and researching Republican candidates … Bonner was seeking to establish her client as a central financial clearinghouse for other Democratic groups. … Mr. … when the former Secretary of State should make her 2016 announcement, one where almost everyone assumes she’s going to mount a presidential
The Democratic Majority That Emerged -- And Disappeared
Democratic strength in governors' mansions and state legislatures is at its lowest level since the 1920s. … In three of the last four presidential elections, both parties have won between 47 and 51 percent of the vote. … And other Democratic policies began splitting the party's coalition.…
"Presidential Madness": Salem All Stars Debate 2016 Candidates
– “Everyone knows that governors are usually better presidential candidates than senators,” Townhall's Katie Pavlich said. … This is why primarygoers may take a hard look at candidates a la Sens. … That [base of support] is not the Democratic coalition; it is Barack Obama’s coalition.…
CPAC 2015 Kicks Off With Heavy 2016 Presidential Speaking Line-Up…ks-off-with-heavy-2016-presidential-speaking-lineup-n1962262
candidates hit the stage to make their case. … "The American Conservative Union has an important role to play as the Republican presidential nominating process begins at CPAC 2015 … "The field is large, interesting, and filled with strong candidates.…
Look Who's Making an Issue of Obama's Religion
Candidates for president need not be Christian, and it is not the business of any presidential hopeful to gauge the religious credentials … Some figures on the left have insisted that Obama is an atheist — but reporters aren't buttonholing Democratic governors to ask whether…
Scott Walker: ‘Should We Get In, We Will Talk About What We’re For, Not What We’re Against’…will-talk-about-what-were-for-not-what-were-against-n1961666
– he had a meteoric rise in Republican politics, going from the state legislature, county executive, governor, and a potential presidential … As he ended his speech, Walker asked that attendees pray for him and his family and all the potential candidatesDemocratic and Republican–because…
The Media's Slimy Assault on Gov. Walker
– If mainstream reporters are so interested in such questions, why don't they ever ask Democratic candidates and public officials similarly … Why don't they ask Democratic presidential aspirants whether they believe that transgender "women" should be allowed to use public … Why don't the media ask likely Democratic presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton whether she truly quarterbacked the squelching of husband…
The 2016 Political Environment Has Shifted
– Like it or not, the 2016 presidential race is now well under way. … This poses problems both for Hillary Clinton, who looks more and more to be the inevitable Democratic nominee, and for Republican candidates … In 2010 and 2012, they were inclined to support outspoken, even incendiary candidates.…
Yeah, Democrats Don’t Want Wasserman Schultz To Run For Senate Either…ont-want-wasserman-schultz-to-run-for-senate-either-n1960366
– Marco Rubio doesn’t leave his seat open for a White House run, Florida often tilts Democratic in presidential years, and Clinton would … “I don’t think the Senate is a default position,” said Democratic consultant James Carville. … The Democratic Senate Campaign Committee is far from enthusiastic, according to sources close to the committee.…
Friday Filibuster: The Problem With Political Dynasties
– direction from Obama’s policies 24% of Iowa Republicans would vote for Scott Walker, taking the lead over other potential GOP candidates … Ouch.  2016 Wisconsin Governor and potential GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker fired back this week at those who questioned … On the Democratic side, controversy is already stirring after it was revealed that the Clinton Foundation accepts foreign funds.…
Why Are Republican Presidential Candidates Openly Stating a Desire to Violate the Law?…ndidates-openly-stating-a-desire-to-violate-the-law-n1968767
– For those of you who follow politics, you may have seen news reports suggesting that Robert Menendez, a Democratic Senator from New … Now keep this language from the criminal code in mind as we look at some very disappointing behavior by Republican presidential candidates … Witness this weekend’s pander fest known as the Ag Summit, in which the potential 2016 candidates competed to proclaim their devotion…
They Come to Bury Conservatism
– The media have developed a predictable and equally annoying habit every presidential election cycle. … Their 2007 conference attracted seven of the eight Democratic presidential candidates. Last July, Vice President Biden and Sen. … The best advice for GOP candidates: Listen carefully to these journalists. Then do the opposite.…
Why Marco Rubio Is Strongest Possible Nominee
– It has become conventional wisdom that Republicans are blessed with a talented crowd of potential candidates this cycle. Fine. … California, New York, Illinois and other large Democratic states deliver reliable EC votes. … Groups that lean Democratic -- minorities, young people and single women -- are growing."…
Rep. Van Hollen: 'I'm Running for Senate'
– That being said, Van Hollen won’t necessarily coast to the nomination -- other progressive candidates will soon jump in -- although … Naturally, then, the general consensus is that the Democratic nominee (whomever that will be) will inevitably succeed outgoing Sen. … Then again, as Jonah Goldberg wrote earlier this week, since his presidential chances in 2016 are growing bleaker by the day, perhaps…
Arrogance or Inevitability
Presidential candidates delay officially entering the race so they can raise money for PACs, avoid the media frenzy associated with … This approach has not worked for the Democratic heir apparent Hillary Clinton. … Possibly, her team is relying instead on the idea of her inevitability and the lack of a deep bench on the Democratic side of the Presidential
Little Doubt Remains: Ben Carson Is Running for President
– Ben Carson announced today that he has formed an “exploratory committee” to test the 2016 presidential waters. … He could raise money nationally (maybe even roll over his presidential campaign money?) … On the other hand, many candidates have run for a U.S. Senate without ever serving in government—and won.…
The Calm Before the Storm
– It's the calm before the storm of the 2016 presidential primaries. … This will prove helpful for all the presumed Republican presidential candidates, except for Paul -- who is challenged by having to … Once the presidential primary process kicks off, the candidates, their families and organizations will have to endure scrutiny unimaginable…
Study: Yes, Press Was Very Biased During 2012 Election Coverage
– A new study of more than 130,000 news articles on the 2012 presidential election between Republican nominee Mitt Romney and President … Barack Obama proves without a doubt that the press strongly leans Democratic. … Information gatekeepers such as the news media have a great role to play when it comes to influencing the public’s opinion about candidates
Media, Democrats Agree: Rubio's 'House of Horrors' Will Haunt Him…os-house-of-horrors-may-hurt-presidential-ambitions-n1971647
– If and when Rubio enters the presidential race, he ought to be asked to address his longstanding relationship with an ethically-challenged … Yes, Ready for Hillary flack, please tell us more about how damaging candidates' problematic histories, sordid associations and lapses … The federal convict and the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee have known each other for the better part of two decades, with…
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