Results for: fbi news

After Widespread Criticism for Meeting With Bill Clinton, Lynch to Step Back in Email Probe…h-bill-clinton-lynch-to-step-aside-from-email-probe-n2186170
– career prosecutors and investigators who have been handling this matter since its inception,” a Justice Department official told Fox News … The source said Lynch will accept the determinations and findings of non-political appointees as well as FBI investigators and FBI … It is up to the FBI to recommend to prosecutors whether to bring charges, but no timetable has been announced.…
Clinton Stonewalled, Nothing New Here
– Hillary and Bill Clinton have a genius for convincing the media that their miscues and cover-ups don't matter because they are old news … They knew better, but two months before the November election, they didn't want bad news to undermine their claim that al-Qaida was … Hence White House aides David Plouffe and Ben Rhodes -- not the Department of Defense, CIA or FBI -- briefed Ambassador to the United…
At Hershey, Boehner Credits FISA For Foiling Bomb Plot
– the bartender, the speaker hoped he gets the help needed to address his apparent mental health issues, after which he thanked the FBI … plotter was talking on social media — Tim Mak (@timkmak) January 15, 2015 Yet, Christopher Lee Cornell, who was arrested by the FBI … On immigration, ABC News’ Jeff Zeleny asked if the Senate has the 60 votes, and if not, what was the secondary protocol.…
Stop Radical Ohio Terror!
– This likely why the FBI has offices in Ohio to begin with, to keep an eye on those radical Ohioans. … But fortunately, the Associated Press, and other news outlets, displaying the highest standards of journalistic integrity, have not…
Thune, Rodgers: Hershey Retreat Is About Unveiling ‘America’s New Congress’…ey-retreat-is-about-unveiling-americas-new-congress-n1943680
– When ABC News’ Jeff Zeleny pressed Rodgers about House Republican support for the measure, Sen. … Twenty year-old Christopher Lee Cornell of Ohio was arrested by the FBI after he allegedly told an informant that he planned to detonate…
It Can Happen Here — And Has
– Politically correct euphemisms for bloody terror can hold out only so long against the bloody facts, and terrible as last week's news … Once the danger is past, or just thought to be past, we tend to forget why organizations like the CIA and FBI and NSA and, yes, Scotland…
In the Wake of Selma Movie Reviews, Confusion Abounds
– June 20, 1997, reported that Dexter Scott King, MLK's son speaking for the King family, announced their finding that LBJ and the FBI … The news reports appeared in practically every newspaper in the United States for months on end.…
The Friday Filibuster: Mitt's Out, Who's In?
– percentage decrease in violent crimes reported for January through June of 2014, compared to the same period in 2013, according to the FBI … And much to the president’s dismay, most of his SOTU proposals have a very slim chance of becoming law, which is great news for the…
Sharyl Attkisson Testifies: If You Cross The Obama Administration, You Will Be Attacked and Punished…tkisson-details-government-intimidation-to-congress-n1950097
– They bully and threaten access of journalists who do their jobs, news organizations that publish stories they don't like and whistleblowers … DOJ and the FBI have stonewalled Freedom of Information requests submitted more than 500 days ago. …
DEA Planned to Track Cars Parked Near Gun Shows
– According to AP News: The Drug Enforcement Administration abandoned an internal proposal to use surveillance cameras for photographing … After all, they already have the alphabet of surveillance agencies (NSA, DHS, BATFE, FBI and others) to help them out if they decide … The NSA analyzing Facebook posts, the FBI retrieving information from Google, and Dodd Frank collecting a treasure trove of consumer…
Shooting Itself in the Foot
– After he was arrested by the FBI in Peoria, Ill., and while he was being held in federal custody, he was kidnapped by U.S. military … Al-Marri is in the news this week because he was recently released from a federal prison and returned to his native Qatar. … ) -- the FBI agents would have been fired and prosecuted.…
Is The Border Secure? Answer: We Really Don’t Know
– I’m sure this is not news to A LOT of conservatives who have been following the immigration and border crisis closely, but we honestly … immigration laws through agencies like Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement than it does on the FBI
Federal Judge Accuses DOJ Attorneys of Defrauding The Court, Threatening Witness in Case of ATF Whistleblower Jay Dobyns…g-the-court-in-case-of-atf-whistleblower-jay-dobyns-n1948216
– the Aryan Brotherhood and the MS-13 gang to carry out these threats, which were laid out in prison letters and confirmed through FBI … true victims here and been forced to suffer too needlessly," Dobyns wrote about the ruling on his website, where he released the news … That's old news and minor compared to DOJ / ATF attorneys and witnesses defrauding federal courtrooms and judges.…
Black Lives Matter: Abortion Killed 19 Times as Many Blacks as Murder…r-abortion-killed-19-times-as-many-blacks-as-murder-n1947682
– CNS News explains: For every black murder victim in 2011 there were 19 blacks killed by abortion, according to data from the … FBI and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 2011 is the latest year for which the data is available.…
The "NAACP Bombing" ... or The Barbershop Bang?
– The FBI reported in a press conference: "We don't know who was targeted." … But all questions are being referred to the FBI, which did not return my call by deadline. … The FBI description says it was a "dirty" "older model." Which is it?…
Friday Filibuster: The Tall Tale Edition
– Closing Numbers 6 – the number of months NBC News anchor Brian Williams has been suspended. 40% of Americans think Williams should … Brian Williams' Tall Tales NBC News anchor Brian Williams may have gotten suspended without pay for 6 months, but that didn’t stop … Meanwhile, we’re simultaneously dealing with concerns the FBI has raised over the State Department’s plan to resettle thousands of…
In Other News: Comedy Writers Take a Break and Let Joe Biden do Some Improv…iters-take-a-break-and-let-joe-biden-do-some-improv-n1957231
– (Fox News) Joe Biden misses his “old butt buddy” in Iowa. … (Fox News) The official propaganda paper for the Islamic State has released its latest issue… And it’s all about those evil Christian … (Breitbart) The FBI chief (who has never walked a beat in his life) explained that “everyone’s a little racist” by quoting a few lines…
Surprise: Obama Administration Still Stonewalling on IRS Scandal…ma-administration-still-stonewalling-on-irs-scandal-n1955503
– I discussed these latest developments with AB Stoddard on Fox News earlier today: Cusack's story goes on to list the various … say there is no evidence of any prosecution in the works, and media outlets have indicated that the Department of Justice and the FBI
TSA Worried About 'Greatest Potential Incendiary Threat to Aviation'
– According to an FBI report, the use of Thermite on an aircraft is the “greatest potential incendiary threat to aviation.” … The TSA warning is based on FBI testing done in 2011, and a subsequent report. … was not aware of the specific TSA or FBI reports on thermite obtained by The Intercept.…
Selma Plus 50
– Black Christian News Network 1 has compiled figures culled from the Pew Research Center, Census Bureau, Joint Center for Political … Figures compiled by the FBI in 2012 show that 69.3 percent of all crimes are committed by whites with just 28.1 percent committed by…
Which Leaker Is Worse, Petraeus or Snowden?
– Except he didn't come completely clean; America now knows -- because it's in the official record -- Petraeus lied to the FBI. … News & World Report that Petraeus broke the law "to impress a girlfriend. … For all his good work, Petraeus had to pay a penalty because he lied to the FBI.…
In Other News: John Boehner Makes a Good Democrat
– (Fox News) Surprise, surprise: Eric Holder’s Department of “Justice” has determined that the Ferguson Police Department is racist. … (Abna24) Critics say that recently obtained emails show a culture of retaliation and intimidation in the FBI toward would-be whistleblowers…
The Hillary Cover-Up and the End of Democracy
– The Washington Post then broke the news that Hillary had registered her email address the same day her confirmation hearings for secretary … , and the FBI found missing documents with her fingerprints on them in the White House personal quarters. … According to Vice News' Jason Leopold, the Department of Defense told him that they would not release any emails from former Defense…
Paul Greenberg: Scoundrel Time
– : "News is what somebody somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising." … Moyers decades ago: "As the (White House's) campaign against King progressed, FBI Director J. … After receiving one such summary, Moyers instructed the FBI to disseminate it widely throughout the executive branch, to Dean Rusk,…
Why You Should Care About ISIS
– What can readers expect to learn about ISIS that they haven’t heard in the news? … Well here’s a hint: Just last month FBI Director James Comey made a really astounding statement, he said that in all 50 states right…
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