Results for: fbi news

Pew: Trump Trails Hillary by Nine Points, Underperforming Romney Across Almost All Groups…nts-underperforming-romney-across-almost-all-groups-n2190021
– There is some good news for Trump, including the perennial reality that voters really don't like Hillary Clinton.   … Also, this data was gathered before the FBI took a blowtorch to Hillary Clinton's many lies about her national security-endangering…
AG Lynch On Dallas Shooting: The Answer Is Never Violence
– Marshal Service, and the FBI are all on the scene providing assistance to local law enforcement. … anger, @LorettaLynch reminds Americans, "The answer is never violence" — CBS News
Comey on Whether There's an Active Clinton Foundation Investigation: No Comment…heres-a-clinton-foundation-investigation-no-comment-n2189434
– Up first, a flashback: Last November, Fox News' Catherine Herridge reported that federal investigators had expanded their probe … While it's impossible to know for sure, circumstantial evidence suggests that the Clintons' FBI woes may not be over.   … The Utah Congressman asks Comey if the FBI looked at ("did you" -- past tense) that organization.…
Black Lives Matter Protest Devolves Into One Of The Worst Attacks On Law Enforcement In 100 Years…f-the-worst-attacks-on-law-enforcement-in-100-years-n2189789
– It’s one of the worst attacks on law enforcement in a century (via NBC News): The shooting deaths of at least five officers Thursday … Fourth #Dallas shooting suspect was killed by bomb robot, police chief says — CBS News … ATF and FBI agents are on the scene as well.…
Comey's Report On Clinton's Emails Reveals Gross Negligence…report-on-clintons-emails-reveals-gross-negligence-n2189544
– WASHINGTON -- FBI Director James B. … Comey's report to the Justice Department said the FBI uncovered repeated cases where, as secretary of state, Clinton sent messages … There were other damaging consequences from Clinton's incredibly stupid actions that have drawn little news media coverage.…
BREAKING: Shots Fired At Protest in Dallas; UPDATE: Five Officers Have Died
– ATF and FBI agents are on scene and the FAA has issued a flight restriction over downtown as the situation continues to unfold. … Watch the latest: — CBS News (@CBSNews) July 8, 2016 UPDATE XV: A fifth police officer has died. … #BREAKING: Our cameras captured several shots ring out during a protest in Downtown Dallas — FOX 4 NEWS
Chuck Todd: FBI Indicted Clinton On Her Judgment To Be President–And Trump Is Botching This Opportunity…o-be-presidentand-trump-is-botching-the-opportunity-n2189269
FBI Director James Comey infuriated conservatives with his decision not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton concerning the allegation … So, the bad news is that there was no Clinton indictment. Attorney General Loretta Lynch made the final call last night.…
No Western Culture Without the Rule of Law
– The major news events of the past few weeks (and longer, frankly), have a common theme: our culture matters. … But she met with Bill Clinton, alone, while his wife was the subject of a pending FBI investigation. … Days later, FBI Director James Comey, right on cue, announces that there will be no prosecution of Hillary Clinton. 3.…
Trump: Media Focused on Star of David To Get Off FBI News
– They are focusing on the tweet to "get off FBI news" regarding Hillary's emails, Trump insisted at a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio on Wednesday…
Comey to Get Grilled by Multiple Congressional Committees, Starting Today
– Congressional Republicans aren’t letting FBI Director James Comey off the hook without answer questions after his recommendation on … First and foremost, the FBI director will have to explain his decision despite saying the former secretary of state’s behavior was … “extremely careless,” Chairman Jason Chaffetz said on Fox News.…
Where's the Morality in Hillary's Moral Universe?
– shouted the freshly unindicted Hillary Clinton at a Democratic rally in North Carolina, with President Barack Obama at her side and the FBI … A few hours before, FBI Director James Comey blinked and said he wouldn't recommend criminal charges out of that email scandal of hers … The Clinton way is to deny, deny, deny, until the lies are uncovered, and then to say that the new information is just old news.…
Careless Clinton: A New Narrative
FBI Director James Comey's remarks regarding then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton being "extremely careless" in the "handling of … While the Clinton camp is celebrating that Comey did not recommend criminal charges, the fact remains that the FBI findings are dangerous … who is known for her intelligence, work ethic and persistence, Clinton's handling of classified information was determined by the FBI
Total Liar: WaPo Adds Pinocchios To Clinton Email Claims After FBI Briefing…chios-to-clinton-claim-on-emails-after-fbi-briefing-n2188730
– The Washington Post has added more Pinocchios to Hillary Clinton’s email claims in light of the briefing FBI Director James Comey … –Clinton, news conference, Las Vegas, Aug. 18, 2015 “I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. … ” — Clinton, news conference, New York, March 10 […] … [A] Reuters examination of the e-mails released by the State…
Here We Go: Trump to Announce Running Mate Next Week?
– Sure, she won't get indicted, but her entire tower of email lies just got razed to the ground by the FBI. … She'll have to take a hit after these news cycles, right? In the meantime, pick your preferred tracking poll.…
Giuliani: There's No Doubt I Could Successfully Prosecute a Case Against Hillary Clinton…linton-should-be-stripped-of-her-security-clearance-n2188427
– Former New York City mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani is in disbelief about FBI Director James Comey's decision not to recommend … for a prosecutor not to go forward with it and almost an abrogation of duty," Guiliani said Tuesday during an interview with Fox News … I've read a 1000 FBI background checks, maybe 2000, this would get thrown right in the ash can.…
Gross Negligence, Extremely Careless, or Just Calculated Indifference…extremely-careless-or-just-calculated-indifference-n2188804
– But she certainly didn’t escape unscathed during FBI Director James Comey’s news conference announcing that no criminal charges would … the e-mail scandal is only one of the potential criminal violations involving Hillary Clinton that was under investigation by the FBI … But according to the FBI Director Comey, at least in the e-mail server investigation the threshold of “gross negligence” with regard…
Analysis: The FBI's Comprehensive, Devastating, Indictmentless Indictment of Hillary Clinton…tating-indictmentless-indictment-of-hillary-clinton-n2188349
– By now you've had time to digest the news that after an extensive criminal investigation, the FBI will not recommend criminal … Here's the bad news: Just about everything else. … on it during a stirring 15-minute news conference following which he took no questions.…
By Failing To Recommend The Indictment Of Hillary Clinton, The FBI Indicted Itself…dictment-of-hillary-clinton-the-fbi-indicted-itself-n2188751
– Like many Americans, I followed yesterday’s news conference with FBI Director James Comey with tremendous interest, wondering what … Clinton is guilty of serious negligence, but will the FBI dare recommend that she be indicted?” … No way would Attorney General Loretta Lynch bring charges, and no way would the FBI recommend those charges.…
Trump Releases Condemning Video Showing Hillary Lie About Classified Information…eo-showing-hillary-lie-about-classified-information-n2188719
– This is what Hillary Clinton adamantly said in an ABC News interview last year regarding emails that she sent from a private server … However, according to FBI Director James Comey, Clinton did in fact send and receive information that was marked classified at the…
Ryan: Republicans Will Hold Hearings On Clinton Email Investigation…not-be-letting-clinton-comey-off-the-hook-just-yet-n2188709
FBI Director James Comey announced on Tuesday that the agency will not recommend charges be brought against former Secretary of State … Now, House Speaker Paul Ryan would like to know how the FBI arrived at its conclusion. … Ryan said the FBI should release its findings regarding the Clinton email investigation. …
So the Hillary Indictment Will Have to Come From Us
– And after sharing them for several minutes, formerly respected FBI Director James Comey told us that “no reasonable prosecutor would … To be clear, since the FBI Director seems a little fuzzy: Hillary Clinton knowingly mishandled documents of varying sensitivities. … Hillary Clinton will beam this week as she runs countless victory laps at the news of this judicial stonewall.…
'The System Is Rigged': Trump Reacts to FBI Decision
– top secret information was stored, sent, and received on it, and that hostile foreign actors probably gained access to her emails, FBI … Reacting to the news, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump reminded his Twitter followers that the “system is rigged,” pointing out … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 5, 2016 FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges.…
BREAKING: After Hillary Interview, FBI Director to Make a Statement Tuesday…interview-fbi-director-to-make-a-statement-tuesday-n2188172
– UPDATE: FBI WILL NOT PURSUE CHARGES FBI Director James Comey will make a statement Tuesday at 11 am eastern from headquarters in … After months of staying silent surrounding the investigation, FBI Director James Comey told Fox News Wednesday that he doesn't understand … We do investigations here at the FBI," Comey told Fox News' Catherine Herridge, reiterating Clinton will not be receiving any kind…
NBC’s Meet The Press Piles On Clinton: She’s Playing Right Into Trump’s Hands…les-on-clinton-shes-playing-right-into-trumps-hands-n2187337
– On ABC News, Sen. … saying that Clinton has been a “good public official,” while trying to bash Trump on policy, which wasn’t going to be effective after news … This meeting with the FBI could potentially do that if it results in no charges being brought.…
The FBI is Livid About Bill Clinton's Secret Meeting With Loretta Lynch
– of the secret, 30-minute long meeting between Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton earlier this week in Phoenix, Fox News … is reporting FBI agents are livid as they continue to criminally investigate the Clinton Foundation for public corrupt and presumptive … Herridge said that a well-placed FBI source described FBI agents as "livid" about Lynch's actions, saying it goes beyond just appearances…
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