Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Trump On American Exceptionalism: ‘I Don’t Like The Term'…onalism-i-dont-like-the-term-ill-be-honest-with-you-n2175381
– added that these remarks were uttered in April of 2015, a month before the billionaire real estate magnate launched his 2016 presidential … for Trump or Clinton—even if he didn’t necessarily endorse the concept of American exceptionalism that traditional Republican candidates … being a possible RINO—we should be focusing on Hillary Clinton who has now amassed enough delegates to become the presumptive Democratic
The #NeverTrump Party's Desperate Scenarios
– A number of potential candidates, well known and not, have turned down the chance to run. … It's a commonplace that the states that have voted Democratic in the last six presidential elections total 242 electoral votes -- just … 28 short of a Democratic victory.…
Graham: It's Time For Republicans to Start Un-Endorsing Trump
– iQMiaMaFd4 — Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) June 7, 2016 So that's the playbook you're likely to witness from many Republican candidates … Here's Chris Christie first declining to comment on the latest "kerfuffle" as he calls it (friendly reminder: his presidential campaign … fans is this story, which details how Trump's bare-bones campaign is barely functional in the way it needs to be to defeat the Democratic
'Honorable Alternative' Gary Johnson Sides With Bernie Sanders 73 Percent Of The Time…agree-with-73-percent-of-what-sanders-says-you-know-n2172078
– socialist become the Democratic nominee (which isn’t going to happen). … candidates, I next side with Bernie Sanders at 73 percent. … total nutters. […] [Libertarian presidential candidate] Darryl W.…
WSJ: Libertarian Ticket Is An 'Honorable Alternative'
– Gary Johnson, Governor of New Mexico from 1995-2003, will be the party’s presidential nominee for the second time in a row. … Johnson isn’t likely to win a state, but he can still play a useful role by reminding the major party candidates that they aren’t the … or Hillary Clinton, is enough to jolt any liberal, or conservative, to hold their noses and vote for either of the respective Democratic
Both Presidential Candidates Under Investigation, Either By The FBI Or In Federal Court…investigation-either-by-the-fbi-or-in-federal-court-n2172424
– This may be the very first time in U.S. presidential election history when both of our major party candidates were in trouble with … presidential nominee willfully violated or skirted well-known government security rules and regulations. … Meantime, both candidates remain under investigation, one by the FBI on risky security practices, and the other in federal court for…
Voters Not Likely to Invite Hillary to a BBQ, New Poll Finds…ot-likely-to-invite-hillary-to-a-bbq-new-poll-finds-n2171986
– have a slight edge over Donald Trump in a new national Quinnipiac poll, beating him 45 to 41 percent, but when it comes to the candidates … There’s something to be said when a 76-year-old Democratic socialist from Vermont does a better job connecting with millennials than … Presidential qualities are important in a candidate, but so is personality. President George W.…
Clinton Camp Dodges On Whether to Seek Death Penalty for Charleston Murderer…ether-to-seek-death-penalty-for-charleston-murderer-n2171582
– In an email to The Huffington Post, who asked both Democratic candidates to weigh in, Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs wrote, "Sanders … HuffPo, like many voters no doubt, believes that this tragedy demands some kind of response from the presidential candidates.…
Stumbling Towards Uncertainty
– Two presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have already shaken up the political system in the United States. … Sanders, a junior Senator from Vermont and an independent until late 2015, is mounting a serious challenge for the Democratic Presidential … Whether either the Democratic or Republican parties can regain control over the nominating process and selection of candidates for…
Making Room For Rubio? Rep. David Jolly Drops Out Of Florida Senate Race
– Senate race and run for re-election instead, taking on likely Democratic nominee Charlie Crist, confirmed former St. … Rubio, having just run a national presidential campaign, is a proven, successful fundraiser. … both candidates, losing by 22 points in a hypothetical matchup.…
Politics, Not Personalities, Will Likely Determine Presidential Election…alities-will-likely-determine-presidential-election-n2178905
– For all the flaws of both presidential candidates -- Trump is an undisciplined political amateur, Clinton a compromised and scripted … True, both candidates are notorious flip-floppers and opportunists who seem to lack deeply held beliefs. … But for now, Clinton is pledged to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and has largely repudiated many of the centrist agendas…
Identity Politics: Krugman Gets One Right
– Over the past half century, the public position of Democratic politicians has changed quite a lot. … The coming presidential election, he writes, will not mainly be about ideas. It will be about group identity. … Republican candidates didn’t even know where the black churches were.…
Let the Games Begin
– The three major political parties have their candidates now for the general election. The ad war is starting in earnest. … The most qualified of the three candidates is a two term Republican governor of New Mexico whose running mate is the former Republican … The Democratic Party has its presumptive nominee.…
Hillary the First Woman Running for President... Not So Fast…y-the-first-woman-running-for-president-not-so-fast-n2176313
– Like most candidates she has also been more than happy to through her resume into the limelight. … As of June 7th, 2016, Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. … The CNN headline, "…will become the first woman in the 240-year history of the United States to lead the presidential ticket of a major…
Trump Must Address the Chief Concern of Voters: The Economy…ust-address-the-chief-concern-of-voters-the-economy-n2176240
– America's two major political parties have chosen their presidential nominees and, for good or for ill, are mapping their strategies … And it's the first time, at least in the modern era, that both candidates are drawing extraordinarily high unfavorable ratings from … Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, an unreconstructed political liberal, has captured the Democratic nomination.…
Bernie Sanders Wins, Even While Losing
– Peru has just had a close presidential election between two candidates both described by Reuters as "business friendly." … You didn't hear much about these developments in the Democratic primaries and caucuses. … But it may not serve America or the Democratic Party well in the long run.…
For Never Trump, What Follows the French Mistake?
– The fact remains: The last successful third-party presidential bid was led by Abraham Lincoln in 1860. … We all did — at least those of us who backed other candidates in the Republican primaries. We didn’t sell them the right way. … So did most of the GOP candidates who, mysteriously, trashed each other while leaving Trump largely untouched. Oops.…
Election Themes Leave Us With Flawed Candidates
– It was the result of this Associated Press item from Wednesday morning: BREAKING: Clinton wins Democratic primary in California … EDT As we discussed earlier in the week, California wasn't going to decide which of the two candidates - Hillary Clinton or … Two of the most flawed candidates - outside of unpublishable fiction - that have ever squared off against one another.…
The Future of Health Care
– In the Democratic and Republican primaries, millions of voters expressed rage by voting for anti-establishment candidates like Donald … The fall presidential election is going to hinge on many issues.  …
What Sotomayor Said Was Worse
– Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, reportedly on the short list of VP candidates for Trump, called it "one of the worst … After all, Trump could say, the media did not hyperventilate over then-presidential candidate Barack Obama's association with his bigoted … At one of the Democratic debates, Bernie Sanders turned to Hillary Clinton and said: "The American people are sick and tired of hearing…
Poll: Despite Trump Travails, GOP Still Tied with Dems on Congressional Ballot…trevails-gop-tied-with-dems-on-congressional-ballot-n2184028
– spite of the presumptive nominee's struggles, his historic unpopularity does not appear to be the drag on down-ballot Republican candidates … It's a virtual guarantee that this November's electorate will more Democratic than what we saw in 2014, but this poll suggests that … Indeed, former Democratic strategist and former Obama operative Bill Burton told an audience at Politicon over the weekend that much…
Can We Harness the Worldwide Populist Movement?
– So what does the Brexit vote portend for the 2016 presidential race in the United States? … count him out, for a host of reasons -- including that he has a better chance in some of the battleground states than recent GOP candidates … Now the additional concerns over declining national sovereignty and democratic rights could lead to a greater shift of working-class…
CNN Panel: It Looks Like Hillary Is Trying To Rehash 2012's 'Kill Romney' Strategy On Trump…ary-is-trying-to-execute-2012s-kill-romney-on-trump-n2183742
– Over the weekend, CNN’s John King discussed the 2016 presidential race (what else?) … Right, and there’s a debate within Democratic circles about whether it’s enough for her to run just against him, or whether she has … Both of these candidates are unpopular, but Trump leads Clinton on honesty by a two-to-one margin.…
Former Friend Who Reported Mateen to FBI: He Was a Hillary Supporter…who-reported-him-to-fbi-he-was-a-hillary-supporter-n2181842
– We talked about the presidential election and debated our views of the candidates that were running – he liked Hillary Clinton and … In any case, much of the Democratic Party and media echo chamber appear to have decided that partisan point-scoring and opponent-shaming … Republicans and a handful of Democrats scuttled two Democratic gun control proposals that critics said (a) offered insufficient civil…
Speaker Ryan: Don't Let Hillary Receive Classified Intel Before Election…ked-from-receiving-classified-intel-before-election-n2188728
– In a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the House Speaker asked for the Democratic nominee to be shielded from … Then, on Tuesday evening, Ryan backed up those comments by recommending the Democratic nominee be prohibited from receiving any classified … information ahead of the general election, usually a routine practice for presidential candidates.…
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