Results for: abortion pregnancy

House GOP Seek Challenge to DC Abortion Law that Violates Religious Liberty…gop-seek-challenge-to-controversial-dc-abortion-law-n1992769
– the Washington City Council, the act essentially forces employers to turn a blind eye when their employees use contraceptive or abortion … No employer should have to act privy to abortion if they believe it is morally wrong. … Of course, pro-abortion Democrats are raising the "war on women" flag.…
Fat, Ugly and Morally Inconsistent
– Perhaps the worst is the claim that most pro-lifers aren’t consistently pro-life but are “only anti-abortion.” … Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) for every abortion clinic in America? … These CPCs help women who are facing pregnancy.…
Planned Parenthood Is Trying to Infiltrate Your Child's School…renthood-is-trying-to-infiltrate-your-childs-school-n2374614
– , Planned Parenthood receives tax dollars to preach a gospel of unrestricted sexual experimentation, opening teens up to STDs, pregnancy … In Reading, abortion costs start at $450 and go up. … and multi-million-dollar marketing budget could have kept the Reading school board, parents, and students in the dark about the abortion
When Words Can Kill
– “A medically necessary abortion is any abortion a woman asks for.”      “Is adolescent pregnancy a disease?” … Pregnancy---a      “disease”? … Pro-choice means being pro-abortion. I’m for choices, but not for abortion. Humanists love Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. I don’t.…
Pro-life Organizations Speak Out Against Republican Senator's Agreement to Bill Funding Planned Parenthood…republican-senators-bill-funding-planned-parenthood-n2378867
– appropriations bill Thursday that will allow Planned Parenthood to be eligible for Title X family planning grants and will fund the Teen Pregnancy … should pull this bill immediately to avoid an embarrassing situation where a Republican controlled Senate votes to the left of pro-abortion … Blunt allowed his own bill to move forward in a way that continues Obama Administration policy to protect the abortion industry,” said…
Republicans Attack Planned Parenthood for the Wrong Reason…cans-attack-planned-parenthood-for-the-wrong-reason-n2375658
– To their credit, they do mention abstinence which they state is 100% effective against pregnancy and STDs. … In their various different topics for discussions, under pregnancy they have a sub-category called Considering Pregnancy.   … If you are a pro-choice person you might consider that an abortion is not a negative outcome.  …
Students for Life Launch 'Sock It to Planned Parenthood' Campaign…life-launch-sock-it-to-planned-parenthood-campaign-n2383793
– president of Students for Life of America, emphasized that the pro-life movement is tired of waiting to defund the nation’s largest abortion … She cited the Center for Medical Progress undercover videos showing the abortion giant “illegally selling the body parts of children … She emphasized the need to “show America the enormity of Planned Parenthood’s abortion business.”…
Shapiro Explains Pro-life Argument to Liberal Student: If You Say Fetus Not Human 'Where Do You Draw the Line?'…you-say-fetus-not-human-where-do-you-draw-the-line-n2382029
– Shapiro took questions at one point and had an interesting exchange on abortion with a self-described “left-leaning” student who wanted … Those in favor of abortion tend to believe that life begins either at birth or some late, undefined stage in the pregnancy. … Richards tends to avoid this question, claiming once in an interview that the question is not “relevant to the conversation” of abortion
Big Abortion Needs Big Government: The Case for Defunding Planned Parenthood
– Wade decision effectively legalized abortion on demand in 1973. Between 1973 and 1980, the U.S. abortion rate nearly doubled. … As a result, the U.S. abortion rate has consistently fallen. … There is broad body of research which shows that cutting of funding for abortion reduces abortion rates.…
The Simple Truth That Can End Abortion
– As expressed by pro-abortion feminist Florence Thomas (speaking of her abortion in France in the mid-1960s), she felt “a relief. … If the fetus can be humanized, then abortion cannot be justified. … What, then, is the simple truth that can end abortion?…
California Senate Passes 'Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Bill' that Some Say Threatens Religious Liberty…tion-bill-that-some-say-threatens-religious-liberty-n2380864
– The Catholic Conference’s website points out that “existing law is very clear that an employer cannot discriminate based on pregnancy … The say the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL)-sponsored legislation is inventing “problems” that need … It is a thinly disguised attempt to impose radical pro-abortion policies on religious organizations.”…
Commentary: My Vote of No Confidence in Alabama's Senate Race…ainst-roy-moore-in-alabama-is-an-abortion-extremist-n2387990
– Many European nations ban abortion after 12, 13, or 14 weeks. … "You wouldn't be in favor of legislation that said ban abortion after 20 weeks, or something like that?" Todd asked. … No restrictions on abortion, at any point in a pregnancy. Abortion on-demand, for any reason.…
House Majority Leader Announces Plans for Vote on Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
– The bill would ban late-term abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, the point at which scientists have determined that unborn babies … Micah’s mother Danielle described her ordeal with Micah’s extremely premature birth and her horror at late-term abortion. … “Science tells us that after 20 weeks of pregnancy, babies are able to feel pain inside the womb,” she emphasized.…
Indiana Judge Strikes Down Law Banning Abortion Based on a Diagnosis of Down Syndrome…ning-abortion-based-on-a-diagnosis-of-down-syndrome-n2386203
– “It is a woman’s right to choose an abortion that is protected, which, of course, leaves no room for the State to examine, let alone … She even cites the heightened abortion rates for unborn babies with Down syndrome and an attestation from the CEO of PPINK that it … "Women do have the right to seek an abortion.…
ACLU Sues Trump Administration to Force Government to Provide Abortions for Illegal Immigrant Minors…provide-abortion-access-for-illegal-immigrant-minor-n2393681
– Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) added the case of an unaccompanied minor, who came into the U.S. illegally and is not being given abortion … “And this case isn’t the only one — nationally, the federal government is obstructing young immigrant women’s access to abortion. … “If ‘Doe’ prevails in this case, the ruling will create a right to abortion for anyone on earth who enters the U.S. illegally.…
Twitter Rejects Pro-Life Content at its Own Peril
– Portions of the Associated Press' write-up of the controversy could easily have been written by the abortion giant's press shop: … The panel was created after anti-abortion activists released secretly recorded videos in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood officials … If Twitter wants to be an abortion rights platform, that's fine.…
Washington Post Fact Check Confirms: US 1 of Just 7 Countries to Allow Elective Abortion After 20 Weeks…countries-to-allow-elective-abortion-after-20-weeks-n2392687
– Of these countries, 59 allow abortion “without restriction as to reason,” or “elective,” or “abortion on demand.” … can set its own abortion guidelines. … abortion services or to clinics,” Lee added.…
Former Abortion Workers Will Bring Down the Abortion Industry…rtion-workers-will-bring-down-the-abortion-industry-n2392672
– The secrets of their former lives as abortion workers are devastating to the abortion industry. … pregnancy with no support. … But when former abortion workers get a chance to tell all, to unmask the abortion industry, the building blocks of these so-called…
Abortion Groups React to Rollback of HHS Contraceptive Mandate: 'Robs Women of Our Basic Dignity'
– In their world, women should not be able to prevent pregnancy, choose an abortion, or have support in raising families. … #handsoffmyBC — ilyse hogue (@ilyseh) October 6, 2017 Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion organization, reacted in a…
SBA List Poll: Majority of Voters Support 20 Week Abortion Ban in States Key to Senate Dems in 2018…te-battleground-states-support-20-week-abortion-ban-n2391415
– after 20 weeks of pregnancy. … “Voters agree: it’s inexplicable that the United States is one of only seven nations in the world to allow abortion after 20 weeks … in favor of late-term abortion on-demand.…
Rep. Tim Murphy To Resign From Congress After He Allegedly Urged A Woman To Have An Abortion
– Earlier this week, texts from Murphy's mistress allege the pro-life congressman urged her to have an abortion during a pregnancy scare … Thus, the allegations that he not only urged a woman to have an abortion, but also claimed to have "winced" at pro-life publications…
Sen. Graham Introduces Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, Says Law Should Catch Up with Science…pain-capable-unborn-child-protection-act-in-senate-n2391121
– The legislation would ban abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy, the point at which science increasingly shows that unborn children feel … Given that Micah Pickering, a now five-year-old boy born at 20 weeks of pregnancy, was obviously “viable” since he did survive and … “It’s not much of a leap,” he said, “to say that an abortion would be a very painful thing for that child to go through so we’re trying…
A Tough Road for Micah's Law
– The pro-life movement may have scored a victory in the fight against abortion, but that victory may be short-lived. … The act would officially ban abortion at 20-weeks or more as, at that time, research shows that an unborn baby can feel pain. … A physician who performs or attempts to perform an abortion under an exception must comply with specified requirements.…
Are We Capable of Feeling Pain?
– Based heavily on Leslie Reagan’s book, “When Abortion Was a Crime,” the video glides past the fact that even in the good old days abortionAbortion rights proponents warn that the bill is just an incremental effort to end abortion altogether. … Supreme Court ruled abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy so long as a physician attests to a threat to the health of…
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