Results for: jim jordan

Windfall: As Reports of More McCabe Lies Emerge, Liberals Donate Nearly $550,000 to His Legal Defense Fund
Jim Jordan (R-OH) and CNN's sources, McCabe didn't just mislead IG investigators.   … Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said in an interview that McCabe lied to Comey when Comey asked him how sensitive information ended up in an October … According to Jordan, the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility determined that McCabe lied to his superiors and investigators…
BREAKING: President Trump Taps These House Republicans for His Impeachment Trial…s-these-house-republicans-for-his-impeachment-trial-n2559830
– House Judiciary Committee Member and Republican Study Committee Chairman Mike Johnson (R-LA)House Oversight Committee Ranking Member JimJordan (R-OH)House Judiciary Committee Member Debbie Lesko (R-AZ)House Oversight Committee Member Mark Meadows (R-NC)House Intelligence … Collins, Jordan and Meadows have continually made the rounds on news networks.…
Jim Jordan Sends Letter to FISC Asking Why Obama Admin Official Is Helping Them on Reforms
Jim Jordan, the ranking member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, sent a letter to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance … Page," Jordan continued. "However, contrary to Mr. … Jordan is asking the FISC to produce all of the candidates who they considered before settling on Kris and whether they considered…
Bannon Tells Trump To Give State of the Union Address After Impeachment Trial…state-of-the-union-address-after-impeachment-trial-n2559388
– The former chief strategist also said Trump should invite House members like Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan to help make his defense. …
'They're Never Going to Stop' on Impeachment: Jim Jordan Gets Ready to Move to Judiciary Committee…ordan-gets-ready-to-move-to-the-judiciary-committee-n2562691
Jim Jordan (R-OH), currently the ranking member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, told Townhall during an interview at the … "They're never going to stop," Jordan said. "Remember, they started before [Trump] was even president. … So they're never going to stop," Jordan said. …
GOPers Reveal Why They Voted Against the Wuhan Virus Relief Package…opers-are-calling-the-relief-package-the-swamp-bill-n2564943
– Although the bill passed, these 40 Republicans voted against the bill: Brian Babin (TX), Jim Banks (IN), Andy Biggs (AZ), Dan Bishop … Jordan (OH), Steve King (IA), Debbie Lesko (AZ), Billy Long (MO), Barry Loudermilk (GA), Tom McClintock (CA), Alex Mooney (WV)Ralph … Norman (SC), John Rose (TN), Chip Roy (TX), Jim Sensenbrenner (WI), Jason Smith (MO), Bryan Steil (WI), Greg Steube (FL), William…
FISA Isn't Being Reformed and the House Freedom Caucus Has Something to Say About It…oppose-fisa-reauthorization-without-serious-reforms-n2564525
– Members of the Freedom Caucus include House Oversight Committee Ranking member Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Chip … Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) March 6, 2020The FISA draft is more than disappointing... it provides protections for politicians but not…
Adam Schiff Whines About Acting DNI Grenell Clearing Out His Deep State Friends…hines-about-ric-grenell-clearing-out-the-deep-state-n2566559
Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) April 4, 2020 When Grenell was hired by President Trump earlier this year, he was given a directive to clean…
Jim Jordan Tells Jerry Nadler After More FISA Abuses Are Uncovered: Let IG Michael Horowitz Testify
Jim Jordan (R-OH), the new ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, wrote to Chairman Rep. … In light of OIG's management advisory, we hope you reconsider," Jordan told Nadler. … In a previous interview with Townhall, Jordan said the FISA abuses are very concerning because if the FBI can improperly surveil a…
House Republicans Call Out Dems for Pushing 'Extreme' Immigration Agenda During Coronavirus…pushing-extreme-immigration-agenda-during-pandemic-n2567176
Jim Jordan (R-OH), the Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee, accused Democrats of exploiting the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic … Jordan told Albence and Morgan.…
The Latest Spending Push from Democrats: Using Your Money to Let Felons Out of Jail…ur-money-to-pay-states-to-let-criminals-out-of-jail-n2567089
– Republican Congressman Jim Jordan is warning that his leftist colleagues want to use taxpayer money to pay states to let criminals … Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) April 16, 2020 City and state officials around the country have been releasing prisoners for weeks, justifying…
Jim Jordan Opponent Claims Republicans 'Want People to Die' During Pandemic…aims-republicans-want-people-to-die-during-pandemic-n2567012
Jim Jordan's (R-OH) re-election team is taking notes. … Jordan and Freshour face off in Ohio's 4th congressional district election on November 3.…
GOP Lawmakers Demand Answers From WHO Leader Over 'Role in China's Coronavirus Propaganda Campaign'…kers-demand-answers-from-tedros-about-ties-to-china-n2566699
– Organization should be ashamed that they relied on Chinese propaganda when deciding how to combat the coronavirus crisis,” Ranking Member JimJordan said.…
Jim Jordan Shoots Down Democrat Excuses for Not Getting Back to Work…stroys-democrat-excuses-for-not-coming-back-to-work-n2567856
– ." — Emily Cochrane (@ESCochrane) April 28, 2020 But Republican Congressman Jim Jordan isn't buying it. … Congress can't go back to work," Jordan said. "Let's get back in session." … Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) April 29, 2020 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made a similar statement Monday and reconfirmed senators…
Barr Memo: 'The Constitution Is Not Suspended in Times of Crisis'
Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) April 27, 2020 Editor's Note: Want to support Townhall so we can keep telling the truth?…
Jim Jordan Says He Knows Exactly Why Pelosi Wanted to Create a Select Committee on COVID-19 Response…ly-why-pelosi-wanted-to-create-committee-on-coronav-n2567449
Jim Jordan, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, laid out why he believes the new select committee on the coronavirus … The ninth to go after President Trump," Jordan said on the House floor. … Jim Clyburn (D-SC)], the biggest supporter of the Democrats' nominee for president," Jordan concluded.…
Here We Go: Rules Committee Will Meet to Launch Schiff’s Next Witch Hunt…mmittee-will-meet-to-launch-schiffs-next-witch-hunt-n2567448
– pandemic.I’m working on a bill to do that. — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020 Republican Congressman JimJordan is slamming the move and exposing Schiff's true intentions.…
Jim Jordan Demands the FBI Explain Their 'Targeting' of Michael Flynn
Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding he … The new revelations Jordan was referring to are the unsealed documents that had been previously withheld from Flynn and his legal … Jordan wrote how the new documents "suggest that the FBI ignored protocol to confront LTG Flynn about a potential violation of an…
House GOP Opens Probe Into Chinese Communist Party Using Money to Infiltrate US Colleges…investigations-into-us-schools-taking-foreign-money-n2568138
Jim Jordan (OH), Devin Nunes (CA), Virginia Foxx (NC), Mike Rogers (AL), and Marc Thornberry (TX). … Jordan, ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement.…
Dan Crenshaw Issues Epic Rant on 'Cowardly' Democrats, 'Scared and Spineless' Politicians…shaw-blasts-democrats-for-refusing-to-do-their-jobs-n2567911
– Watch the latest video at Congressman Jim Jordan made a similar argument yesterday, pointing out that essential workers…
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