Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

Politician-Pope: Francis’ Climate Crusade
– However, when Donald Trump began closing in on Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race, Pope Francis swerved into a new territory … Donald Trump is “not Christian.” … -Pope Francis earlier this month to the Tertio in response to the phenomenon of so-called “fake news” that propelled Donald Trump into…
Trump Encourages Conservatives With Appointments Demonstrating That People Are Policy…h-appointments-demonstrating-that-people-are-policy-n2258095
– President-Elect Donald Trump is already demonstrating that he is following exactly that maxim through his first rate conservative appointments … That was already transparent in Mr. … Trump heightened the role of Pence in his Administration by turning over the transition to him when that first sputtered.…
What A Sad Way To Go: MSNBC's Morning Joe Rips Clinton On Post-Election Blame Game Antics…morning-joe-rips-clinton-on-postelection-blame-game-n2261399
Trump. … Trump the official successor to President Obama by January 20. … If the millions of two-time Obama supporters flipping for Trump isn’t a red flag for these people, then nothing is.…
Winning the War and Losing the Peace
– . - the one that Trump supporters voted to evict on November 8th. … The wildly overblown claims of a “hacked election” are a totally transparent trap baited and set by the Left to undermine Donald Trump … The American people understand this - it’s one of the reasons they elected Donald Trump.…
Analysis: In Support of Elizabeth Warren's Stance on Trump's Assets and Establishing a 'Blind Trust'…eth-warrens-blind-trust-legislation-on-trump-assets-n2260569
– Indeed, I had no problem with Donald Trump ridiculing Warren as "Pocahontas" when she emerged as one of his most strident critics on … It’s peanuts,” said Trump. … No new deals will be done during my term(s) in office. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 13, 2016…
Cultural Winners and Losers of 2016
Trump. … The first winner is the reality-TV star himself: Donald Trump. … The Amazon web show "Transparent" was showered with TV awards again.…
Judge Rules Woman Can't Sue Trump For Calling Her a 'Dummy' on Twitter…e-cant-sue-trump-for-calling-her-a-dummy-on-twitter-n2270108
Trump a free pass to trample on the free speech rights of any critic.”    … Trump tweeted that Jacobus had “begged us for a job. We said no and she went hostile,” calling her “a real dummy.” … Trump were engaged in a petty quarrel.” …
New President, New World
– Where the CFR and the establishment are wrong, and Donald Trump is right, however, is in recognizing the new world we have entered. … The greater danger for President Trump is that the movement he led will be abandoned, its hopes dashed, and the agenda that Trump rejected … Painful, but Ike put America first, just as Trump pledged to do.…
Schumer: Trump Is Building A Swamp Cabinet
– Senate Democrats have little to no options when it comes to blocking President-elect Donald Trump’s nominees, thanks to Harry Reid … But they have to look as if they’re doing something to fight Trump. … “The last two weeks have not been good for open and transparent government,” he said.…
McConnell To Democrats: You Lost The Election–Get Over It
– **Original Post*** As Cortney and Christine wrote Tuesday, Senate Democrats delayed committee votes on three of President Donald … be fake news: Take, for example, this salacious detail Politico reported about Wall Street banker Steven Mnuchin, President Donald … “Donald Trump ought to be treated exactly the same as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were by the Senate minority,” said McConnell.…
Winning Over Conservatives: Praise For Trump's Supreme Court Pick Pours In
– President Donald Trump announced Tuesday night U.S. … This was the most transparent vetting of nominees in history, as Donald Trump made his list of nominees public before voters cast their … He deserves the assist and Donald Trump gets the goal.  Now it is time for all of us to link arms and fight,” said Schlapp.…
One Year Ago: A Reflection on Scalia's Death, and His Likely Replacement…lection-on-scalias-death-and-his-likely-replacement-n2285379
Donald Trump was similarly transparent about his intention to replace Scalia with a similarly-minded jurist, a pledge he reiterated … Roughly one-fifth of the electorate called this issue their "most important," among whom Trump won by a significant (56/41) margin. … Trump is a budding authoritarian, as his critics allege, one of the safeguards is Judge Neil Gorsuch.…
CNN Poll: Hillary Trails Bernie in New Hampshire By...27 Points
– . — Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) January 19, 2016 Despite the DNC's transparent efforts, and their hapless chairwoman's hilarious … The editors cite a recent poll showing Sanders beating Donald Trump by 15 points, warning readers that the frumpy Vermonter ought to…
Strikeout! RNC Won’t Play Ball
– Ted Cruz or Donald Trump wins the most delegates at this summer’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland. … Sanders’ appeal lies in his transparent agenda and passionate demeanor. … Fourth Base: Independent and Swing Voters Young people like Trump and Cruz.…
November Surprise: Obamacare Rate Hikes to Hit Just Before Election…se-obamacare-rate-hikes-to-hit-just-before-election-n2115446
– The new, more transparent reality is that many Americans will learn of their new premium increases just before heading to the polls … I'll leave you with the healthcare portion of Saturday night's debate, in which Donald Trump dissembled his way through a clumsy answer…
Des Moines Register: The Democratic Iowa Caucus ‘Was A Debacle’
– In the words of Donald Trump, it was a "total disaster," and the Des Moines Register  seems to have agreed: What happened Monday … Be transparent.…
Commentary: To Stop Trump, A Rubio/Kasich Ticket, and Justice Cruz
– Over recent weeks and months, I haven't been shy about voicing my opposition to the presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump.   … I'm convinced that if the Republican nominee is going to be someone other than Donald Trump, it will be one of these two Cuban-American … Now, the imperative is to stop Trump.  …
Democrats’ Dilemma and America’s Worst Nightmare
– These classic Democrats also see Donald Trump as an “arrogant, egotistical bully,” who, like the Clintons, will do anything, no matter … for failure by promising nearly impossible superlative achievements, such as taming the oceans, but also moderate goals of a transparent … Even more ominous is the possible nightmare that a contest between Clinton and Trump would be for the entire United States of America…
When Did Donald Trump Become a Christian?
– Last September Donald Trump addressed the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit. … Trump had the perfect platform and audience to share his personal testimony, but he never did. … If you really do believe, Donald Trump, that God’s Word is “what it’s all about” - that it is the story of God’s never-ending passionate…
Is a New GOP Being Born?
– They would prefer to lose to Clinton than win with Trump. … If Trump won and conducted a conservative government, it would validate the movement. … The same may be said of the Trump insurgency.…
For What Should We Be Thankful?
– What if President Donald Trump has used high-tech drones to kill foreign people in foreign lands and claimed that he has done so legally … What if the government demands transparency from all of us but declines to be transparent to us?…
The View Co-Host’s Reaction To Obama Tear Gassing Migrants: I Don’t Care…reaction-to-obama-tear-gassing-migrants-i-dont-care-n2536751
– Under President Donald Trump, CBP's use of the substance has hit a seven-year record high, with the agency deploying the substance … I care what Trump is doing right here right now! … This is so horrifically transparent.…
Apocalypse When?
Trump became president) has gone beyond science, labeling those who disagree with global warmists, "depraved." … Two key authors are longtime Union of Concerned Scientist activists, Donald Wuebbles and Katharine Hayhoe." … The Trump administration has promised to issue its own report that will include "more transparent and data-driven information."…
Apocalypse When?
Trump became president) has gone beyond science, labeling those who disagree with global warmists, "depraved." … Two key authors are longtime Union of Concerned Scientist activists, Donald Wuebbles and Katharine Hayhoe." … The Trump administration has promised to issue its own report that will include "more transparent and data-driven information."…
Pelosi and Schumer Show Their Colors
Trump. … He chided Trump for calling for a shutdown 20 times, ignoring that Trump had specifically said in this meeting that he does not want … again Trump denied it.…
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