Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Bill de Blasio Quotes Che Guevara At Miami Airport Rally UPDATE: De Blasio Apologizes For Being A Moron
– The presidential candidate just apologized via Twitter for using Che's catchphrase in Miami today.  … While there, the radical leftist presidential candidate quoted Cuban revolutionary commander and murderer Che Guevara to show support … presidential debate in which all candidates hinted the party would be moving decidedly left towards socialism.…
Kellyanne Notes That This NYT Headline About the Debate Is a Problem For Dems…nyt-headline-about-the-debate-is-a-problem-for-dems-n2549098
– If you tuned in to Wednesday night's two-hour talkathon on NBC, you would have heard ten of the 2020 Democratic presidential contenders … “Democratic presidential candidates engage in ‘arms race to the left’ in first debate,” read a Washington Post headline. … All eyes will be on the next crop of candidates tonight, especially frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden.…
These Democrats Don’t Have What it Takes to Make America Great Again…dont-have-what-it-takes-to-make-america-great-again-n2549124
– What do the 10 Democratic presidential candidates who participated in the inaugural debate of the 2020 campaign have in common? … Throughout the two-hour debate, the Democrat Party’s first batch of candidates repeatedly demonstrated that they are simply incapable … When they weren’t pushing discredited conspiracy theories, the candidates took predictable and uninspired swipes at President Trump…
Welp, Democrats Are For Open Borders
– Watching the presidential debate Wednesday night, one would think the candidates were courting the votes of illegal aliens rather … “And I want to challenge all of the candidates to do that. It’s a mistake, Beto. It’s a mistake.” … With that challenge this morning, however, Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi answered the call.…
'Humorous': AOC Mocks 2020 Dems And Their Spanish Skills
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) joined "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" to discuss Wednesday night's Democratic presidential debate … "So they'll answer the question or get called on and I don't think some candidates thought they were going to get called on on a certain…
Julian Castro Said The Most Insane Thing Ever About Abortion…the-bottom-debate-on-abortioncastros-trans-comment-n2549085
– During the first Democratic debate, presidential candidates battled to out-do one another when it came to proving who was more in…
Democratic Presidential Contenders Get Ready for Their Close-Ups…residential-contenders-get-ready-for-their-closeups-n2549050
– This week marks the official kickoff of the prime-time Democratic presidential primary process. … They and their staffs will have worked hard to prepare questions to ask the candidates. … The current candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination will have prepped for the debates this week.…
Please Mr. President, Keep Your Powder Dry
– of War, and repeated in variations from every successful General from Napoleon through to today, is as useful in the current Presidential … The Democratic nominating contest officially kicks off this week with the first of what will be many debates. … The Democratic debates are all but certain to be, not simply a foot race, but a full-on Olympic sprint to the left.…
House Oversight Authorizes Subpoena for Kellyanne Conway Over the Hatch Act
– including last year when she weighed in on the Alabama special election and more recently as she has mocked some of the 2020 Democraticpresidential candidates and their agendas.…
Let the Identity Politics Pageant Begin
– Tonight, the debates for the Democratic Nomination for president of the United States will begin. … Presidential races and nominating contests are supposed to be about the presentation of new ideas. … As a former presidential candidate once declared, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”…
Why Is Africa Moving to Maine?
– They hail from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the second-largest nation by area in all of Africa. … Maine is their destination, because its Democratic politicians have been aggressively attracting asylum seekers from Congo.   … presidential candidates.  …
Democrats Reveal Their Hostility to the Second Amendment…le-or-no-concern-for-the-right-to-armed-selfdefense-n2548963
– The New York Times recently asked 21 Democratic presidential contenders a question about firearms, and none of them advocated gun … Many of the answers reinforce the impression that the Democratic Party is increasingly hostile to the Second Amendment. Sen. … Only five of the candidates -- Swalwell; Montana Gov. Steve Bullock; Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio; Sen.…
Candidates' Bad Ideas
– Unfortunately, now that Booker is a presidential candidate, he says little about school choice. … Some Democratic candidates have sensible ideas, too. Cory Booker proposed legalizing marijuana. … I bet we'll hear other bad ideas this week when 20 of the Democratic candidates debate.…
Democratic Presidential Candidates Show Their Willingness to Go to Extremes…candidates-show-their-willingness-to-go-to-extremes-n2548930
– Whether the Democrats are aware of it or not (and it doesn't seem that they are), Donald Trump is dictating the selection of a presidential … , as if the candidates were being considered to play the role of the American president in a Hollywood movie. … Currently polling behind Biden in the Democratic race is Vermont Sen.…
House Passes Multi-Billion Dollar Immigration Package
– It's important to note that three 2020 Democratic presidential candidates were absent from the vote, despite having a presidential
Andrew Yang Will Give A Twitter User 1,000 A Month to Push His Universal Basic Income Proposal
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced Monday that he will offer $1,000 a month for a year to a fan who enters his … The presidential hopeful said that the winner will be chosen July 4. … Yang is slated to take the debate stage on Thursday alongside candidates Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg,…
Here Are the Rules For the First Democratic Primary Debate…e-the-rules-for-the-first-democratic-primary-debate-n2548912
– With the release of its debate rules, the Democratic National Committee is causing candidates to prepare their message in quick, bite-sized … With 20 candidates qualifying for the primary debates in total, the Democratic National Committee divided the first primary debate … Check out our list of all the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates here. …
Judicial Group Pressures Liberals to Release Their 'Secret List' of Judicial Nominees…pressures-dems-to-release-their-liberal-judges-list-n2548898
– scores of seats held by veteran judges appointed by Democrats who may be biding their time, awaiting the outcome of the 2020 presidentialDemocratic candidates and liberal groups are campaigning to pack the courts with liberal judges, while keeping their list secret. … Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden and all Democratic presidential candidates should stop hiding and release their list of potential…
White House Tells Dems To Shove It: Conway Won't Testify
– According to the OSC, Conway violated the Hatch Act by "disparaging Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official … Her actions thus erode the principal foundation of our democratic system -- the rule of law," the letter to Trump said, CNN reported…
Bernie: Hell Yes, My Single-Payer Healthcare Plan Would Cover 11 Million Illegal Immigrants…ayer-healthcare-plan-would-cover-illegal-immigrants-n2548803
– How many of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates can dare disagree with this, especially those Senators who've co-sponsored…
With Looming Subpoena Threat, Kellyanne Explains Why She Definitely Did Not Violate the Hatch Act…ting-go-of-kellyannes-supposed-hatch-act-violations-n2548806
– she weighed in on the Alabama special election on TV last year, and when she recently commented on the current field of 2020 candidates … Likewise, when she's discussing the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates and their radical agendas, she's "just repeating the news…
Bye Bye Biden
– In his previous presidential races, voters were not very impressed with Biden. … Instead of being applauded for his ability to work with others, Biden was blasted by his fellow Democratic presidential candidates. … The young progressives driving the Democratic Party today are not interested in a “pale, stale male” as their nominee.…
News Media Protests SC Dems' Decision To Air State Convention Only On MSNBC…atic-partys-decision-to-give-msnbc-exclusive-access-n2548777
– The South Carolina Democratic Party (SCDP) decided earlier this week to give MSNBC exclusive access to their state convention where … 2020 Democratic presidential contenders are speaking on Saturday. … the 2020 Democratic candidates," the letter read.…
The First Democratic Debates Are Next Week...And The Candidates Are Already Knifing Each Other
– The first Democratic primaries are next week. … Biden is low energy, doesn’t have the charisma of Obama, and is already a two-time presidential loser. … The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is publicly "anybody but Bernie."…
Whoopi Goldberg Defends Biden Over Segregationist Comments, Saying 'You Have To Work With People You Don't Like'…s-saying-you-have-to-work-with-people-you-dont-like-n2548695
– Whoopi Goldberg defended former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden over his controversial comments regarding … Goldberg seemed to agree, saying that you can't call Biden a racist, and that candidates who are calling for Biden to apologize should…
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