Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Respectful Presidential Town Halls Can Attract Millennials to Politics…tial-town-halls-can-attract-millennials-to-politics-n2545963
– is changing in light of the surprising civility and bi-partisanship demonstrated in the recent Fox News town halls featuring Democraticpresidential candidates. … During presidential elections, our turnout wavered between 46 and 50 percent.…
Democrats Lurch Ever Leftward
– Adults in the Democratic Party, who seem like flustered parents at an out-of-control toddler birthday bash, have been warning about … The 22 declared candidates for the presidential nomination lean far to the Left.   … Capitol co-hosted by former Communist Party vice-presidential candidate Angela Davis.  Ms.…
Oh My: NYT Editorial Board Concedes Trump is Right on Border Crisis, Urges Congress to Fulfill New WH Budget Request…crisis-urges-congress-to-fulfill-his-budget-request-n2545915
– This, for Democrats, is a nonstarter...The Democratic chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, Nita Lowey of New York, said … Unfortunately, a significant portion of the Democratic Party is overtly or effectively in favor of "catch and release" policies that … I'll leave you with a question for every Democratic presidential candidates: How many crimes should an illegal immigrant be allowed…
The Fight For Free Speech
candidates. … The only reason the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee may even have a chance in the 2020 election is due to the tireless work … Obviously, the mainstream news media has consistently been promoting the Democratic Party for decades.…
2020 Dems Who Want DNC Voter Info Have To Politically Sign Their Lives Away…oter-info-have-to-politically-sign-their-lives-away-n2545852
– The Democratic Party's field continues to grow, making it more difficult for lesser known candidates to set themselves a part from … The Democratic National Committee, however, is making things even tougher for their 2020 candidates by implementing a number of contingencies … According to BuzzFeed, a few Democratic candidates agreed to the DNC's conditions, although who they are remains a mystery.…
California Inches Closer to Keeping Trump Off the 2020 Primary Ballot…closer-to-keeping-trump-off-the-2020-primary-ballot-n2545805
– The state Senate approved a bill, 27-10, requiring candidates that on the presidential primary ballot to release at least five years … We believe that President Trump, if he truly doesn’t have anything to hide, should step up and release his tax returns,” said Democratic … California's presidential primary is March 3.…
Will Joe Biden's Long Career Help or Hurt?
– often dysfunctional presidential nominating system, possess. … candidates even closer. … New Castle County suburbs, the state has been safely Democratic since 2000.…
Expert: Doubling Americans' Income Taxes Wouldn't Cover Even the Lowest Cost Estimate for Single-Payer Healthcare…es-wouldnt-cover-the-cost-of-singlepayer-healthcare-n2545701
– Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and supported by several 2020 Democratic candidates. … I'll leave you with a familiar Democratic promise on healthcare, which has turned out quite badly in the recent past: House Rules … presidential primary, and McGovern effectively repeated an infamous promise by President Barack Obama.…
Another Day, Another Democrat With No Chance of Winning Enters the 2020 Race
– Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) has entered the 2020 presidential race, announcing his candidacy Thursday on “CBS This Morning.” … Bennet joins a crowded field of 21 other Democratic candidates. … anything done after more than a decade in the Senate, and unfortunately for him, the ‘unknown, no-accomplishments lane’ of the Democratic
Time to Abolish Congress
– The Electoral College has thwarted Democrats' presidential aspirations twice in the past two decades. … If asked, Americans might not think that California should decide the presidential election. … Brian Schatz of Hawaii, Dick Durbin of Illinois and Dianne Feinstein of California, and current presidential candidates Sen.…
Klobuchar Tries to Get Barr to Admit Trump Obstructed Justice...It Didn't Happen…tic-candidate-to-question-barr-at-judiciary-hearing-n2545705
– Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) became the first of the three Democratic presidential candidates on the Senate Judiciary Committee to question … The senator also told Barr that she joins several of her Democratic colleagues in refusing to accept Barr's 4-page summary of Robert…
2020 Dems Are Mulling How To Get Rid Of AG Barr
– Harris: "Yes." — CSPAN (@cspan) May 1, 2019 ORIGINAL POST Multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates
'Fight for 15' Fail: Employer Survey Confirms Minimum Wage Hikes Harm Workers and Consumers
– House Democrats have introduced a $15 federal minimum wage bill, and multiple 2020 presidential candidates pledged to push for the … This makes for an easy applause line among Democratic audiences, but shouldn't lawmakers be aggressively challenged on the actual,…
Civil War? Hey, DNC, How Could You Not View This Move As Flipping Off Bernie Sanders?
– He retweeted a message in December calling Sanders “dangerous to the future of the Democratic Party.” … “I have worked tirelessly to help the Democratic Party, and have been proud to support a wide array of Democratic candidates,” Korge … Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign in late January. Yeah, of course, Korge is saying he will be neutral.…
Why Suburban Women Deserve The Truth Even If The Left Denies Them The Access…e-the-truth-even-if-the-left-denies-them-the-access-n2546559
– They voted for both Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton in the last two presidential cycles. Of course they lost both times. … they are universally college educated (read that: elitist) and that because they are, their voice (when siding with progressive candidates … And what the six female candidates for President will never tell you is that most abortions do not occur because the woman seeks it…
Bernie Sanders Calls For $60k Base Salary for All Teachers, End of For-Profit Charter Schools In New Education Plan…of-forprofit-charter-schools-in-new-education-plan-n2546540
– Vermont Democratic socialist and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced his education overhaul plan, including 10 key points … Senator Sanders, arguably the most progressives of Democratic candidates, is the first candidate to release his detailed plan for education…
Another Clown Joins The Circus
– There are no moderates in the field of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates as they are espousing a socialist agenda that is far … Senator and Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern ever imagined. … In the weeks and months ahead, de Blasio will be joined by many of the lesser-known and weaker Democratic presidential candidates who…
De Blasio Is the Ferris Bueller of Democratic Presidential Candidates…erris-bueller-of-democratic-presidential-candidates-n2546476
– The most rational response to the news that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to be president is to ask, "Of what?" When informed that he wants to be president of the United States and not of, say, the local organic hemp co-op, perhaps the next best...
‘Re-elect Obama, Vote Biden’ and More 2020 ‘Strategery’
– “Training” is gaining valuable experience and laying the groundwork for a second presidential run. … Candidates Say Obama Is the Reason the Economy Is So Good.” … Due to the daily non-stop 2020 presidential coverage, it is easy to forget that in political dog years, the next presidential election…
A Four-Person Race for the Democratic Nomination?
presidential nomination. … When you add up the first, second and third choices for Democratic voters and Democratic-leaning independents, Biden makes the top … as the party's presidential nominee.…
Liz Warren Rejects Fox News Town Hall...and Her Democratic Opponent Offers to Take Her Place
– A bevy of her opponents may be accepting Fox News's invitations to partake in presidential town halls, but Liz Warren is not going … Another Democratic presidential contender, former Maryland Rep. … Democratic candidates have to campaign everywhere and talk to all voters. — John Delaney (@JohnDelaney) May…
Mark Cuban Doesn't Think Any Dem Can Beat Trump Right Now
– Billionaire Mark Cuban said no Democratic candidate has a chance “right now” of defeating President Trump in the 2020 presidential … The problem with the 20-plus Democratic candidates is that they are all politicians.  … Another problem with the Democratic candidates for president he said is that right now their proposals are nothing but “headline porn…
B-Team Dems Can Thank Hillary
– The six major women candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination were supposed to be thriving by now.   … A record-breaking 22 Democrats have announced their bids for the presidential nomination.   … So where are the women candidates who thought they would lead this race?  …
Joe Biden And Restoring The Old (Pre-Trump) Order
presidential nomination. … Obviously, Democratic voters want to replace a Republican president with a Democratic president. … There is simply no telling how the Democratic race will play out.…
Joe Biden Jumps on the Conspiracy Theory Bandwagon, Says Trump Isn't a Legitimate President…he-bandwagon-says-trump-isnt-a-legitimate-president-n2546319
– Twice failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has led the charge.  … From Mediaite:  Former Vice President and current Democratic presidential primary frontrunner Joe Biden said “I absolutely agree” … “Would you be my vice presidential candidate?” Biden asked with a laugh, then said “Folks, look, I absolutely agree.”…
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