Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Who Is Too Unbalanced to Be Armed?
– The malleability of mental illness was also apparent at a 2007 debate among the candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination…
Dangerous Liberal #20: Bill Keller
– ------------------------- #20 BILL KELLER Executive Editor of the New York Times Whether he's regurgitating liberal Democratic … exuding religious bigotry by personally bashing Catholics or overseeing the publication of lies and innuendo about Republican presidentialcandidates or justifying the publication of military and state secrets that both undermine the War on Terror and our international…
History Rebuts Tucson Lies
– In 1884, Republican Presidential candidate James G. … Blaine and Democratic nominee Grover Cleveland fought through an epic orgy of mudslinging featuring charges (true, as it turned out … Kennedy (1963), following close elections in 1880 and 1960 when the major candidates (all of them widely admired war heroes) largely…
Have American Teachers Moved “To The Left” Of President Obama?“to_the_left”_of_president_obama
– Despite the undying allegiance of the NEA to the Democratic Party, Obama has still been a bit of an infidel for government school bureaucrats … It’s a concept that has become so popular with parents in recent years that presidential candidates can no longer politically afford…
Old Rules Won't Determine GOP Presidential Candidate
– of the next presidential inauguration. … The next-in-line candidates did win in 2000 and 2008. But George W. … Many potential and putative Republican candidates this time seem to be biding their time.…
Potential GOP Fissures
– Republicans look strong each time President Obama assaults the treasury or the democratic process, but people seem more willing to … A better method of accountability would be to threaten to run more conservative candidates against Republican congressmen who refuse … These conservatives have returned fire, charging that the neocons are so ideologically wedded to the idea of democratic movements and…
A Color Blind(ed) Society
– “Post-racial” was the media buzzword from the moment Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election until well into his first term … Al Sharpton, the preeminent racist of our time, has been fully and completely embraced by the media and the Democratic Party. … In Democratic circles that’s enough to forgive any sin, even if it’s a sin you’re currently decrying.…
Would Democrats Amend Constitution to Stop the Koch Brothers?…ocrats-amend-constitution-to-stop-the-koch-brothers-n1840402
– But most Americans probably don't know that Reid and many of his Democratic colleagues now want to amend the U.S. … Reid urged his fellow lawmakers to support a proposed constitutional amendment, written by Democratic Sen. … Which would of course be followed by more Democratic denunciations of the Kochs.…
The Media Starts to Get it Right in Ukraine
– In the nine-phase election, more than 8,250 candidates contested 543 seats in the lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha. … The Independent Election Commission posted the final results of the first round of the presidential election. … However, two other Pashtun candidates prevented him from making a stronger showing.…
Scenario For A Republican Nightmare In The 2016 Elections…io-for-a-republican-nightmare-in-the-2016-elections-n1843859
– The 2016 presidential election is shaping up as another close race, like the last four. … But Clinton is doing something in these polls that Democratic House candidates and, to a lesser extent, Democratic Senate candidates … never won more than 32) to see the potential: a Democratic president, Democratic Senate and Democratic House.…
Random Thoughts
– How turning illegal immigrants into Democratic voters, while demoralizing the Republican base, will help either the country or the … Romney is the Republican establishment's idea of the perfect candidate for president -- no matter how many times such candidates lose … Democratic presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan said that in 1896.…
The Low Information President at the End of History…the-low-information-president-at-the-end-of-history-n1842087
– The inevitable conquest of democratic capitalism across the developed world, Fukuyama argued, would auger in the eventual accession … A vote for congressional and Senatorial candidates who desire that America again carries a big stick will send a global signal that … Third, Americans must demand that any future presidential candidates have a coherent, clearly articulable worldview regarding the necessity…
The Low Information President At The End Of History…the-low-information-president-at-the-end-of-history-n1842079
– The inevitable conquest of democratic capitalism across the developed world, Fukuyama argued, would auger in the eventual accession … A vote for congressional and Senatorial candidates who desire that America again carries a big stick will send a global signal that … Third, Americans must demand that any future presidential candidates have a coherent, clearly articulable worldview regarding the necessity…
The Low Information President At The End Of History…the-low-information-president-at-the-end-of-history-n1842069
– The inevitable conquest of democratic capitalism across the developed world, Fukuyama argued, would auger in the eventual accession … A vote for congressional and Senatorial candidates who desire that America again carries a big stick will send a global signal that … Third, Americans must demand that any future presidential candidates have a coherent, clearly articulable worldview regarding the necessity…
Democrats' Nightmare Scenario for 2016
– At which point the Democratic Party has a serious problem. … rebound in 2012, has very few plausible presidential candidates apart from Clinton. … Democratic nominees have received at least 48 percent of the vote in the last five presidential elections, going back 20 years.…
Marriage and the 'Wrong Side of History'
– Leading Democratic presidential candidates in 2004 — John Kerry, John Edwards,Joseph Lieberman, Dick Gephardt — ran as gay-marriage…
The Muddy Mississippi Race
– The only Democrats legally allowed to vote in the Republican primary were those who did not vote in the June 3rd Democratic primary … Republican voters should reflect on these problems as the 2016 presidential primaries draw closer. … It will be the only way to reform Washington and the only way to win the next presidential election.…
Hillary Clinton's 'Dead Broke' Gaffe Highlights Serious Flaw
– Warren does align more with the Democratic base. … Additionally, York noted, “Clinton has never really excited the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party. … Mitt Romney lost the last presidential election not because he was born to privilege, but because he didn’t know how to talk about…
Is Hillary Inevitable?
– In five of the last six presidential elections, the Democratic nominee won the popular vote. … If elected, Hillary would be, at 69, the oldest Democratic president ever. … And the Democratic left is pawing the turf. Is her record in office impressive?…
Warren Positioned To Take Advantage Of Clinton's Flaws
– Hillary Clinton, the "inevitable" presidential front-runner, had voted for the war and refused to apologize for it. … Other leading candidates, including Joe Biden, John Edwards and Chris Dodd, voted for it too. … Warren owes her left-wing hero status to the Democratic version of this kind of populism.…
Are the Two Political Parties About to Crack Up?
Democratic disagreements have also been visible in Hillary Clinton's book promotion tour. … Potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates have sharp differences on foreign policy generally, on drone strikes and NSA surveillance … Republican primary voters have mostly been refraining from nominating dangerously provocative candidates.…
If Hillary runs, it won't be as a Clinton Democrat
– No would-be Democratic presidential candidate would think of running today on a platform of opposing gay marriage, toughening the Cuba … But a "Bill Clinton Democrat" wouldn't stand a chance in the contemporary Democratic Party. … It's not at all clear that the Democratic base, looking ahead to 2016, has had a change of heart.…
Katie Pavlich Debunks "War on Women" in New Book "Assault and Flattery"ñoz/2014/07/08/katie-p…bunks-war-on-women-in-new-book-assault-and-flattery-n1859988
– & Friends, delving into the myths constructed by the left and exposing the truth on the real attack on American women by the Democratic … interview here: Assault & Flattery comes at a crucial moment in the national dialogue, as liberals ramp up their midterm candidates … and presidential hopeful with continued rhetoric on anti-women conservatism.…
Is There a Patriotism Gap?
– The "hard-pressed skeptics" who are financially stressed, lean Democratic but distrust government. … It's not just because they are liberals or Democrats; other groups that clearly lean toward liberal ideas and Democratic candidates … They identify with the Democratic Party more than any of the conservative groups identify with the GOP.…
Will 'Rosie' Turn Out Single Women?
– We know the trend: single women turn out in droves during presidential years, but stay home during the midterms. … But, with the Democratic Senate majority at stake, liberals are concentrating their efforts trying to energize this key demographic … The party is using advanced data-gathering techniques to identify unmarried women, especially those who have voted in presidential
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