Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Establishment vs. Tea Party
– Republicans” over Tea Partiers, Bennett admitted that while he’s an admirer of the Tea Party, he would not endorse those of its candidates … Bennett’s justification for not voting for Tea Party candidates—let’s call it the “No Harm” principle—is the justification to which … Poll after poll continues to show that the vast majority of Americans prefer, in the words of none other than presidential candidate…
How A 'Miracle' Victory Over Cory Booker Could Change Political History…ory-over-cory-booker-could-change-political-history-n1810592
– The Democratic-leaning Washington Post recently assessed the chances of the Republicans taking a Senate majority this year as, … … Today’s tea party candidates are merely following a trail blazed by Bell. … Establishment Republican hostility, in part, allowed the Democratic nominee, instead of Bell, to claim final victory.…
Democratic Strategists in 2014 Are Like French Generals in 1940…trategists-in-2014-are-like-french-generals-in-1940-n1810345
– That may not scare Grandma, but it's not likely to make her vote Democratic. … Looking ahead, Democratic incumbents and candidates in seven states carried by Mitt Romney are running under 50 percent in polls. … That's true also of Democrats in four 2012 presidential target states carried by Obama.…
Poll: Shaheen: 50%; Brown: 41%
– Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown announced Friday that he is laying the groundwork for a possible challenge against incumbent Democratic … And thus, he’s going to have to earn every vote -- and take nothing for granted -- if he wants to unseat his Democratic opponent: … shrugged Kyle Demers on Saturday morning over his breakfast at the Red Arrow diner in Manchester, a perennial stop on the presidential
GOP Working to Attract More Women
– After all, President Barack Obama won women by 11 points in the 2012 presidential election, and he won single women, who make up 40 … Many organizations have taken up efforts to recruit female candidates. … As part of the program, female candidates are mentored by Members of Congress.…
Hand Me That Poll
– The highly regarded "George Washington University Battleground Poll" conducted by the Republican Tarrance Group and the Democratic … Note to GOP candidates: Write that down. … Finally, there is a guy named Nate Silver who, during the Presidential election, managed a New York Times-affiliated website named…
Unemployment Will Remain High So Long As The Dollar Remains Wobbly…ll-remain-high-so-long-as-the-dollar-remains-wobbly-n1814041
– declaim before their party’s nominating convention about crowns of thorns and crosses of gold (and then go on to lose their presidential … No longer do presidential candidates, such as William McKinley (the gold-standard Republican who beat the eloquent but misguided Bryan … ) or Grover Cleveland (the progressive Democratic champion of the gold standard) push this issue to the fore.…
Know Thy Enemy
– and if you multiply that by 365 days a year you come up with a $730 million annual industry that produces a lot of potential Democratic … dollars to its political arm -- the Planned Parenthood Action Fund -- that is nothing less than a shill for liberal Democrat candidates … In the press coverage of the 2012 presidential election, it was reported that one in six Democrat fundraising “bundlers” was homosexual…
The Color of Georgia
– In spring of 1976, when former Georgia Jimmy Carter swung ahead in the Democratic Presidential Primary polls, my father knew that this … The second is the open Senate, where there are seven Republican candidates running for the primary to then face off against Democratic … Leans Democratic states are Iowa (open) and North Carolina are currently Democratic.…
President Obama Was the Wrong Person, at the Right Time
– left who will reliably vote for the Democratic nominee, and the passively enslaved who will also reliably vote for the Democratic … The tools provided by Democratic state legislators include no-photo-ID, vote-day registration, and sloven mail ballot databases. … The most influential variable in who takes the presidential race is the constitutional conservative voter turnout.…
Focus by November Will Be More than Georgia-Florida Football…november-will-be-more-than-georgiaflorida-football-n1818657
– And, given her proclivity to be seen with Democratic superstars such as Vice President Joe Biden, who is equally unpopular in Georgia … It might be that Nunn's race becomes a yawner, particularly in light of the emergence of fairly mainstream candidates as the leaders … But given the state's history of poor Democratic turnout in such instances, a runoff election would result in a blowout win for the…
Surprise: Another Major Hillary Donor Pleads Guilty to Illegal Fundraising Charges…r-major-hillary-donor-guilty-of-illegal-fundraising-n1825868
– First, the latest development: A wealthy hotel executive and Democratic fundraiser who supported Hillary Clinton for president … pleaded guilty Thursday to charges he secretly funneled more than $180,000 in illegal campaign contributions to three unnamed candidates … Chase laundered about $165,000 into the campaigns, as well as to the county Democratic party, according to the commission.…
Back Any Candidate You Want as Long as It's One of These Three…andidate-you-want-as-long-as-its-one-of-these-three-n1825453
– As those of you who follow my hate mail know, I am opposed to running untested candidates against perfectly good incumbent Republican … There are at least three Republican primary candidates who pass this test with flying colors. … Brannon, Roche and Brat are the candidates true patriots should support with everything they have.…
Obama and the Politics of Race
– New York Democratic Congressman Steve Israel, the party's point man for congressional elections, took a similar line: "The Republican … Candidates tend to talk that way in election seasons, especially candidates eager, like Obama, to attract attention in spite of inexperience … With Obama low in the polls and Democratic control of the Senate threatened, the party sinks to the occasion.…
Death of an Old Fox
– appeared the other day -- he was 95 at his death -- he had been involved to one prominent degree or another in just about every presidential … He elected candidates; he never promised to educate them. … Bob Strauss was a Democratic partisan, but that didn't keep him from achieving bipartisan success, for with him it was the country's…
Carville: The Republican Party "Will be Extinct" if They Lose in 2016…e-republican-party-is-finished-if-they-lose-in-2016-n1824233
– If Republicans lose in 2016 it will be the sixth time in seven straight presidential contests the party … will have lost the popular vote, according to Democratic strategist James Carville. … Fellow roundtable panelist Laura Ingraham quickly chimed in that Democratic strategists peddled the same talking point back in 2008…
Why Elizabeth Warren Should Run For President
– byy140428 BYRON YORK by Byron York--> Democratic Sen. … its presidential eggs in one basket. … It's for the candidates to become better candidates.…
Hillary: The Achievement Gap
– Clinton's future—a likely spot at the top of the 2016 Democratic presidential ticket—the networks are killing each other to score an … candidates' resumes. … Democratic talking head Donna Brazile summed up the inevitability meme when, speaking on ABC about the Chelsea pregnancy, she said,…
Running on Obamacare
– Defending something without being defensive while doing it will twist most Democratic candidates into rhetorical knots, but that's … The point is, I have been around pretty senior Democratic operatives and message mavens over the past two weeks and they have been … Obamacare was not central to the Presidential campaign in 2012 because (a) Republican candidate Mitt Romney, while Governor of Massachusetts…
Republican Primary Voters Seem Determined to Nominate Candidates Who can Win…seem-determined-to-nominate-candidates-who-can-win-n1835471
– and less inclined to vote for candidates who stand up on chairs and yell, "Hell no!" … Plenty of fodder for Democratic ads if he had won the nomination. … Tillis concentrated his fire on incumbent Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan and her deciding vote for Obamacare.…
Obama's Phony Ambivalence on Keystone
– According to Rolling Stone, Obama is determined "to use his presidential powers to effectively hasten the phase-out of dirty coal from … So though on the surface it may have appeared to some that Obama had thrown overboard some of his red-state Democratic senators up … candidates.…
Election Lawfare and the 2014 Senate Races
– With 14 Democratic seats and control of the U.S. … (The large field of would be 2016-presidential candidates have also learned from the 2012 primaries that these lawyers are necessary … Only two candidates --Mitt Romney and Ron Paul-- qualified for the ballot in all fifty states last time around.)…
FIRST-PERSON: What should pro-lifers think about abortion 'exceptions'?…person_what_should_prolifers_think_about_abortion_exceptions
– Both candidates claimed to affirm that life begins at conception, but Mourdock called for the end of abortion on demand. … Some demanded that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney should pull an ad supportive of Mourdock. … These are the exceptions currently affirmed by Mitt Romney in his presidential campaign. What should we think of these?…
SBC's Richard Land endorses Romney
– "I would agree if LifeWay had asked me, I would have said, No, I don't think pastors should be endorsing candidates from the pulpit … But Land, in his endorsement of Romney in The Christian Post, asserted that the stakes in this year's presidential election "could … Referencing the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties in his column, Land noted the Democrats' embrace of abortion and…
"Dewey Defeats Truman," Polls Have Fatal Flaws that Hide True Romney Surge…ts_truman_polls_have_fatal_flaws_that_hide_true_romney_surge
– While this topic has been covered, it is now time to put real "meat on the bones" to explain why polling in this year's presidential … Looking at a vast array of polls coming out just two weeks before the presidential election, critically important states such as Florida … There are fewer younger voters and not all voting Democrat this go around; less enthusiasm among the Democratic base; and a giant…
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