Results for: they are all going to jail

Who's the Real Dictator? Trump and the Absurd Accusation of Dictatorship…tor-trump-and-the-absurd-accusation-of-dictatorship-n2644920
– He even admits he’s going to be like Hitler. … They certainly never relinquish power voluntarily; typically, they have to be ousted by force. … Attempting to lock up the leader of the opposition party in an election year? Clearly the ones doing all this are the Democrats.…
This Is Not the America We Were Promised
– You must listen to experts, they tell us, and by the way, we get to decide who the experts are. … And they are trying to throw the man most Americans appear to want to be their next president in jail for the rest of his life on bogus … charges before the biased venues when they are not trying to murder him.…
The Real Kamala Harris
to the damage that she's already done.The media sure aren't going to alert the public to this looming danger. … get violent criminals out of jail and back to doing what they do best.She openly cheered the BLM riots -- on tape -- enthusing to … Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they're not going to let up -- and they should not. And we should not."…
Since 2009, Dems Have Been Dividing America, and the Country Wrestles With Another Assassination Attempt…country-wrestles-with-another-assassination-attempt-n2645009
– The following is the record of Trump "haters": They tried to put him in jail. … They tried to ruin his marriage. They tried to fix a debate. They switched out his opponent. … Democrats are leading us in the wrong direction yet are trying to convince Americans that they represent "change you can believe in…
Jenn Rubin Places Kamala on the Left AND Right Wing, and NPR of Course Appoints a 'Joy Czar'…nd-right-wing-and-npr-of-course-appoints-a-joy-czar-n2644573
– Get access to Brad Slager's "Riffed From the Headlines," a daily VIP feature where he looks to bring accountability to the mainstream … Rubin as she has degenerated to such a degree that her warblings are barely worth mentioning.HOWEVER – when she manages to distinguish …  Making this header all the more egregious is that in the copy it states very clearly that Trump's intention is to go after those…
A Little Debate Preview
– You’ll probably want some nose plugs too, as it’s going to get really smelly around here.What can we expect from the debate? … Just that they were snippy with each other, but nothing that was said. And with Hillary? Trump saying she should be in jail. … the other side is likely to try to do so you can avoid backing into that buzzsaw.…
A Tale of Two Predators
– That's, of course, all dependent on whether the sentences run concurrently, as opposed to consecutively.Prosecutors decided to drop … I do find you are, in fact, guilty of the 15 offenses as they are alleged in the indictment, and I will accept your plea as tendered … Defendant and his counsel are reliant on an evaluation in this case to present any possible mitigating information to the Court in…
Another Lie: Biden Is Deporting More Illegals Than Trump…her-lie-biden-is-deporting-more-illegals-than-trump-n2644344
– Some illegals are so busy collecting benefits and committing crimes that the barely have time to vote.Biden and Harris want to find … for them, no person of ordinary intelligence is going to believe them. … As he said: "If Joe Biden truly wanted to secure the border ... all [he] needs to do is to reimpose every single border policy of the…
Yes, We Can … Deport All Illegal Aliens!
– Luckily, there are other, more efficient ways to do it. … They know that some jerk in a wheelchair is going to roll up and sue them for thousands and thousands of dollars because the sink isn … I would give them bus fare to the border. But they need to go. There’s no situation where they should stay.…
I Absolutely Refuse to Play Their Stupid English Language Games…refuse-to-play-their-stupid-english-language-games-n2644076
–  This crossword puzzle comes from England, and I have to wonder if the authors of the puzzle are now in jail. …  Now...” they” and “them” can also be “singular,” and all because somebody wants somebody else to use them—uh, those pronouns—to …  I’m not going to burp you; I’m not going to encourage you in your chimera; I’m not going to LIE for you; I’m not going to warp…
Another Nutjob Just Threatened to Assassinate Trump. Here's Everything We Know About Him.
– tRump is going through here tomorrow and going to Naco, AZ to the port of entry to Mexico. … They probably want to keep it from me. Thank you for telling me. Let's get out of here right now!" … Trump would-be assassin, appears to have avoided jail time in a December 2023 plea agreement for failing to register as a sex offender…
Dear Democrats -- What Are You Voting For?
– We all have friends, colleagues, and loved ones who are lifelong Democrats. … Conversations about politics are challenging, but voters should be able to answer the questions I pose here if they take their responsibilities … They may believe the propaganda that he's "a threat to democracy," or that he's "going to start World War III," or that he'll "throw…
Walz Tells Voters to Mind Their 'Own Damn Business,' but That's Not What He Was Saying in 2020
– I think it's important to remember these are folks that went to the hospital, they recovered, but they're still in that mode, and they're … going back to their home, and this is where they live," Walz said. … "The rest of us, we may self-isolate, but where are we going to put [these] people?"…
Twenty Questions for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
– This detail, per Politico (in fairness, nobody knows what they are, including Harris herself):Kamala Harris's campaign is apparently …  Here are just a few questions that need to be asked of these people, after well over a month of ducking any real questions. … Walz's state was being burned and looted by rioters in 2020, you urged your supporters to bail rioters out of jail, and linked to a…
Americans Want Normal
– and they are led by a psychopath named Donald Trump. … They are against everybody. … The regulars are being arrested for internet activity, they are being rounded up for marching for their country, and they are being…
Europe Can Buzz Right Off
– That’s going to go over well. … treasure defending countries where you can go to jail because you post that you don’t like uninvited foreigners going into your country … At the end of the day, Vladimir Putin puts people in jail for saying things he doesn’t like, and so does Kier Starmer.No, they are
Dem Spokesman Offers Absurd Spin on Why Harris Has Been Ducking Interviews
–  Just like journalism and democracy are supposed to work. … Top Democrats are bristling with resentments even as they are about to try to put on a united front at the United Center in the Windy … right thing to do, because Joe Biden was not going to be able to campaign, much less serve as president for another four years, in…
Bill Clinton's Speech at the DNC Was Tragically Ironic for These Pro-Life Activists…dnc-as-pro-life-activists-convicted-under-face-act-n2643759
–  A speaker at the DNC just said “I urge all of us to stand together, support sexual assault survivors, believe them, and hold … Friends, I believe American cannot truly be prosperous, unless Americans are fully able to make their own decisions about their own … The Democrats want that in all 50 states, under a bill that Harris promised to sign.…
Kamala Harris Sure Did Have an 'Unexpected' Path to Becoming the Democratic Nominee…unexpected-path-to-becoming-the-democratic-nominee-n2643810
– And I want you to know, I promise to be a president for all Americans. … America, we are not going back, we are not going back." … There was a 97 percent chance that Harris would say "we are not going back," according to Polymarket.…
The OTHER DNC (Disastrous National Convention)
– Even though the nation gets to decide state by state what they wish the policy to be — her promise is to re-federalize Roe vs. … get out of jail free—so they could go burn some more.She refuses to acknowledge what she will do (via interviews or policies on her … No authenticity and all of it in the worst way.She says what she thinks people want to hear—hoping to win favor in the moment.…
New Details: Walz Also Blatantly Lied About His DUI
–  The campaign also claimed that Walz was allowed to drive himself to jail that night...None of that was true. … And this week, Nebraska state police confirmed to CNN that Walz was taken by a state trooper to jail...On Tuesday, the Daily Beast& …  Lying about all of it, for political gain, appears to be reflective of this man's character.…
Musk’s Billion-Viewed Interview of Trump
– “You don’t have a country … if they get in, you will have 50 to 60 million people from all over the world, not South America only.” … “They are just nonproductive, I mean, for whatever reason. … And if she’s going to be our president, very quickly you’re not going to have a country anymore,” Trump observed.…
Here's the Unhinged Email Sent by the Harris Campaign Attacking Elon Musk's Trump Interview…campaign-sent-a-totally-unhinged-fundraising-email-n2643321
– If not moderate, slightly left...this is to people out there who are in the moderate camp...I think you should support Donald Trump … I mean, he’s not a journalist … Does he want to be fact checking all the information? … I don't know if the president is going to — feel free to say if he is or not — but I — I think that misinformation on Twitter is not…
Judge Juan Merchan Yet Again Rejects Call to Recuse
– once again made clear he's not going anywhere. … Such details have even continued to come to light since Trump was found "guilty" of 34 felony counts on May 30. … In other news about Merchan, America First Legal announced on Tuesday that they sued Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to obtain communications…
Trump Is No Dictator
– Labels, labels: If we are to believe the Left, Trump is Hitler! Vance is weird! … Also, they will be counted by the U.S. Census, to give more congressional seats to Democrats. … Others would like to jail anyone who speaks out against school boards, transgender policies, or support for Ukraine.For all four of…