Results for: house subcommittee on health members

Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Them
on podcasts. … Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s select subcommittee on the coronavirus epidemic as the doctor beating up Republicans. … officials on this issue. … Fauci and his nominal boss, National Institutes of Health head Francis Collins, joined several key virus…
Merrick Garland Accused of Letting Hunter Biden Get Off Easy. Sen. Kennedy Demands to Know Why…iden-has-no-impairment-because-he-conducts-meetings-n2637931
– of limitations to cease on the president’s alleged tax crimes. …  While testifying under oath before a House appropriations subcommittee, Garland was accused of deliberately allowing enough time …  “I have watched him expertly guide meetings of staff and of cabinet members on issues of foreign affairs and military strategy…
House COVID Panel Requests Testimony From Cuomo Aides
– The House Select Subcommittee on the COVID-19 pandemic requested testimony from four disgraced New York former Gov. … Andrew Cuomo’s Administration members.  Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) and Rep. … “New Yorkers, especially, deserve answers,” the House COVID panel posted on X. …
Biden Health Department Accused Of Tampering With COVID Investigation…partment-accused-of-obstructing-covid-investigation-n2634281
– Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, accused President Joe Biden’s Department … of Health and Human Services (HHS) of tampering with an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.  … The subcommittee said the redactions included the names of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members who made threats towards scientists…
Fauci Admits 'Six-Foot Social Distancing' Was Based on Nothing During Closed-Door Testimony…g-was-based-on-nothing-during-closed-door-testimony-n2633443
– Anthony Fauci’s second day of his closed-door interrogation with members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic … “[The transcribed interview] revealed systemic failures in our public health system and shed a light on serious procedural concerns … Anthony Fauci.Here are the most important highlights from DAY 2 of his testimony👇 — Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic…
Ten Reasons Why I Am Supporting Ron DeSantis Instead of Nikki Haley or Donald Trump…ron-desantis-instead-of-nikki-haley-or-donald-trump-n2633491
– While in Congress, he served on Foreign Affairs Committee and the Judiciary Committee, and was chairman of the Subcommittee on National … Newsom on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News.   … and come out on top. 8.…
Whistleblower: Here Are the Lengths the CIA Went to in Order to Bury COVID Lab Leak Conclusion…ancial-incentives-to-bury-covid-lab-leak-conclusion-n2628326
– Brad Wenstrup, Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and Rep. … Mike Turner, Chairman on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, write that this "seemingly credible source" has leveled the … Given everything we've learned on the subject, it is extremely likely that these team members were correct.  …
Time to Call It What It Is: A Crisis At Our Southern Border…call-it-what-it-is-a-crisis-at-our-southern-border-n2588226
– I joined border officials during a nighttime operation where gang members taunted U.S. officials just 20 yards away on the other side … House of Representatives. … She serves on the House Homeland Security Committee and is Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response &…
Hershey Retreat: Lawmakers Prepare For King v. Burwell And Securing The Border…prepare-for-king-v-burwell-and-securing-the-border-n1944378
– between Senate and House committees involved with health care policy, and the repeal of the medical devices tax. … The same aid also included some things said during the discussion on immigration. House Homeland Security Chairman Rep. … Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) said that input from House and Senate members on how to fix our broken immigration…
Here is The Full RNC Convention Schedule
House in 1999, and during his tenure, he has become known for his leadership on budget and fiscal matters. U.S. … chairman on the Health and Human Resources Committee and a member of the Judiciary and Banking and Insurance Committees.  … During her tenure, she has focused on defending Florida’s constitutional rights against the federal health care law. …
Will GOP Congress Stop D.C.'s Attack on Catholic Schools and Freedom of Conscience
– -Texas, -- introduced a House resolution disapproving RHNDAA. On April 14, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R. … -Fla., who chairs the House Appropriations Subcommittee with oversight over funding for D.C. … "The speaker would defer to the subcommittee chairman on his bill -- but strongly supports religious freedom, as you know," said Boehner's…
Meadows: GOP Leaders Don't Have Enough Support to Avoid a Shutdown…eaders-dont-have-enough-support-to-avoid-a-shutdown-n2435611
– taxes as well as an extension on funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program. … Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) on the House floor. … Kay Granger (R-TX), chairwoman of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, reports Politico.…
Post-Abortive Women Challenge Media Narrative: ‘I Regret My Abortion’…omen-challenge-media-narrative-i-regret-my-abortion-n2561255
– heard by a House subcommittee on February 12. … Her perspective changed when, at 43-years-old, she traveled to Jamaica on a mission trip.  … Regarding the study on abortion regret, she said that women usually feel relief immediately.…
Did We Forget This Detail About the Democrats' Star Witness for Today’s Coronavirus Response Hearing?…tar-witness-for-todays-coronavirus-response-hearing-n2568281
– A House Appropriations subcommittee had sought testimony from Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, about the … Appropriations's Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee as part of the first hearing on #COVID19 since Congress departed. … Tom Frieden (@DrTomFrieden) May 6, 2020This is who House Democrats have invited as their star witness for tomorrow's big hearing on
GOP Oversight and Reform Members Call for Hearings on WHO's Relationship With the CCP…s-call-for-hearings-on-whos-relationship-to-the-ccp-n2567959
– Republican members on the House Oversight and Reform Committee wrote a letter to Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) demanding for hearings … and briefings to held on the World Health Organization's relationship with the Communist Party of China (CCP) and its poor response … "Since the first U.S. case of COVID-19 on January 19, 2020, you and your subcommittee chairs have sent letters to companies on a…
Congressman to Whistleblower Doctor: You're Too Sick to Go to Work But You're Here Testifying?…oo-sick-to-not-go-to-work-but-youre-here-testifying-n2568831
on Health for the House Committee on Energy on Thursday. … Bright, who recently got a job at the National Institutes of Health, is currently on sick leave for hypertension. … The NIH announced on Thursday that it has begun clinical trials on HCQ and azithromycin to test its effectiveness against COVID-19.…
Did the Trump Admin 'Tear Babies Out of Their Mothers' Arms' at the Border?
– As the humanitarian crisis overwhelms Border Patrol agents and American border towns, members of the Biden White House continue to … CLAIM: At the White House press conference Tuesday afternoon, Jean-Pierre was questioned if she will answer Sen. … A paragraph from a Senate report on abuses to unaccompanied minor refugees (i.e., children) to the US.…
HHS Extended COVID Public Health Emergency, Even After Biden Claims 'Pandemic Is Over'…n-extended-even-after-biden-claims-pandemic-is-over-n2614545
– The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) on Thursday extended the COVID emergency declaration with an order from HHS Secretary … Energy and Commerce Republican Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Health Subcommittee Republican Leader Brett Guthrie (R-KY) … public health.”…
The Power of Subpoena: What a GOP Congress Should Do to Hold Biden Administration Accountable…should-do-to-hold-biden-administration-accountable-n2615266
– The Supreme Court spoke on the matter in the case of McGrain v. Daugherty. … For example, Republicans should investigate the Biden administration’s assault on free speech. … : According to senior Republicans on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, when they investigated the relationship…
This POLITICO Headline Is Stunningly Honest on What's Wrong with How Democrats Are Handling This Virus…est-on-whats-wrong-with-the-democrats-on-this-virus-n2592025
– Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the House’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, which recently rebuffed calls from its … Republican members to hold hearings on the issue. … That’s forcing Democratic lawmakers to engage on the issue, even if it threatens to step on their efforts to keep the spotlight on
The Army Responds to Shocking Report on Private Military Housing…onds-to-shocking-report-on-private-military-housing-n2541447
– In some cases, the conditions reportedly led to several different health crises.  … It all led to what Fox News's Jennifer Griffin called a "powerful hearing" on Wednesday before the Senate Armed Forces subcommittee … @SecArmy and @ArmyChiefStaff statement on military housing and the Army's commitment to providing a safe and secure environment on
New Studies Show Another Way the CDC Royally Screwed Up Our Pandemic Response…mic-babies-are-stunted-developmentally-from-masking-n2611902
– In January, House Republicans sent a six-page letter to U.S. … The members are on the Committee of Oversight and Reform and the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. … Republicans on the Committee have been sounding the alarm on the negative impacts these policies are having on our children for nearly…
Who's Watching the Watchers
– This summer, amid the furor over health care reform, two powerful House members are taking things to another level. … Henry Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Bart Stupak, D-Mich., chairman of the Subcommitteeon Oversight and Investigations, sent a letter to 52 health insurance companies.…
Healthy Families Act Won't Lead to a Healthy Economy
Health care has dominated policy-related press. … on Capitol Hill. … be eligible on a pro-rated basis).…
Is Congress Dangerously Gambling with Gambling?
– More importantly, advocates of online gambling have the support of key Members of the House of Representatives. … Also, last week the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology held a hearing on whether the … The consensus among lawmakers on the House Financial Services Committee is that they do.…