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AP Photo/Khwaja Tawfiq Sediqi

Scott Perry is angry. Every intelligent American should join in his outrage.

On the Salem Media Group news program THIS WEEK ON THE HILL with Tony Perkins, the Pennsylvania Congressman was asked to drill down on this week’s 350+ page report issued by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs chronicling events leading up to the humiliating American withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 engineered by Kamala “I-was-the-last-person-in-the-room” Harris and her boss Joe Biden.


Congressman Perry—in addition to being a member of the House committee which issued the scathing update—is a retired U.S. Army Brigadier General so he knows whereof he speaks on military matters. His assessment: under Harris and Biden, United States armed forces have been so hamstrung that “men wearing flip-flops and carrying AK-47’s are now thwarting the most powerful military machine on the globe.” Perry adds that bungling by State Department bureaucrats and the White House in trying to hastily choreograph the withdrawal led directly to the deaths of 13 brave American troops as the military scrambled out of Kabul like scalded dogs, leaving behind billions of dollars of military equipment now in the hands of Taliban radicals.

Perry charges that the House report proves that Harris and Biden’s “leadership is incompetent and inept and awful and they make decisions based on political considerations rather than on strategic and tactical decisions. And they put the lives of those who pledged their lives for their country in jeopardy…and unfortunately those lives are lost.”

During Tuesday’s ABC News Presidential debate, Vice President Harris—deftly aided by supportive ‘moderators’ from ABC—sidestepped any responsibility for her role in the disaster that unfolded as America was literally chased out of Afghanistan by the Taliban.


(Call me crazy, but one reason for the kid gloves treatment Harris was afforded might have something to do with the fact that according to the group Libs of TikTok, ABC News personality Linsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris. No conflict there, right?)

According to Scott Perry, Joe Biden’s only interaction with the families of the 13 soldiers killed by a suicide bomber at Abbey Gate during the disgraceful surrender in Afghanistan was “when he showed up as their flag-draped caskets arrived back in the United States; America—and the world—watched as the caskets at Dover Air Force Base passed Biden, who frequently was spotted staring at his watch as if to say “How long until this over?”

Contrast this with the hysterical media howling over former President Donald J. Trump honoring the fallen soldiers at a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Aug. 26th.  Although Harris and Biden didn’t even have the decency to show up, Trump was vilified for supposedly “turning the ceremony into a campaign photo-op.” This was quickly debunked by families of all 13 fallen servicemen/women who issued statements that (a) formal invitations had been issued by them for Trump to participate and (b) they were grateful the former President took time away from politics to honor their deceased children.


The rank dishonesty of America’s legacy media—starting at the bottom of the barrel with the Associated Press and including MSNBC, The Washington Post, fact-twisters at ABC News, NBC News and others—knows no bounds. So when this week’s House report of the Afghanistan disgrace was issued, media weasels dutifully spun Democrat talking points that the House report was “politically timed” to hurt Kamala Harris’s campaign.

Only two things wrong with that messaging: first, it was the foot-dragging by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other Harris/Biden Administration flunkies that prolonged the investigation as subpoenas were dodged and appearances before Congressional investigators were refused. Secondly, anyone who believes Kamala Harris could be “hurt” by a critical report from Congress must be living in Fantasyland at Disney World, because no such report would ever reach the public until it had been distorted and watered-down by her protectors in TV and print.

That’s why Congressman Scott Perry is angry today. And why you should be, too. 

Addendum: as this column was being finalized, breaking news was issued in Vatican City: Pope Francis has strongly criticized both U.S. Presidential candidates over what he calls their anti-life policies on abortion and migration. The Pontiff on Friday advised American Catholics to choose the “lesser evil” in the upcoming U.S. elections.


Gazing into my crystal ball, I predict that the Associated Press, MSNBC and other fifth columnists in the legacy media will distill that news into this compact headline: POPE CRITICIZES TRUMP…BRANDING HIM ‘EVIL.’ 

Tom Tradup is Vice President of News & Talk Programming at Dallas-based Salem Radio Network, and serves as Executive Producer of THIS WEEK ON THE HILL with Tony Perkins broadcast weekends on leading radio stations and on the Salem News Channel.

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