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Who is governing America?

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Attorney General Eric Holder testified the other day before the House Judiciary Committee. Republican congressman Lamar Smith asked him what seemed to be a pretty simple question.


Regarding the perpetrators in the last three terror attacks (two, thank God, unsuccessful) on our homeland (Fort Hood, the Christmas day bomber, and the Times Square bomber), Smith asked our Attorney General “Do you feel these individuals…might have been incited to take the actions they did because of radical Islam?”

Holder feigned to not understand. “ Because of…?”

Smith: “Because of radical Islam.”

Holder: “There are a variety of reasons people do these things.”

Smith re-worded the same question and re-asked it six times, with Holder refusing to acknowledge what is as obvious as the fact that I am typing these words and you are reading them. That every major incident of terror of recent years has been performed by Muslims and that all of them associate their particular theology with their acts of terror.

The real question today is who is governing America and what exactly is the agenda of those who sit in the seat of power of our own country?

It is no wonder that most Americans are squirming around with the most profound sense of uneasiness. When the chief law enforcement officer of the United States refuses to acknowledge what is clear and true – that those perpetrating terror today are uniformly Muslim and motivated by Islamic theology of one form or another – how in the world can we possibly feel safe?


Let’s turn back to the now famous “Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and the Crusaders” signed by Osama bin Ladin and published in an Arabic newspaper in London in 1998.

After a long diatribe about the evil perpetrated by the “Crusader-Jewish alliance” on the Arab world, the declaration concludes:

“By God’s leave, we call on every Muslim who believes in God and hopes for reward to obey God’s command to kill the Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them and whenever he can. Likewise we call on the Muslim ulema and leaders and youth and soldiers to launch attacks against the armies of the American devils and against those who are allied with them from among the helpers of Satan.”

What’s not clear here?

A few years later, 19 Muslims hijacked three American airplanes and used them as suicide weapons which killed thousands of American citizens. How about the head of our Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano? Given the grave responsibilities that Ms Napolitano has, you would think she would have been fired after her blatant incompetence associated the Christmas Day bomber. Who can forget her initial press appearances in which she dismissed the likelihood that the bomber had connection to Islamic terror networks? Now with the Times Square bomber, she did the same thing. She initially wrote off Faisal Shahzad as “one-off.” Just another isolated, marginal nutcase. A few weeks ago, Senators Lieberman and Collins wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal saying that the “administration continues to withhold crucial information from Congress” about the Fort Hood massacre. The Senators have been denied their request to interview FBI and Defense Department agents and for interview transcripts with associates of the terrorist Major Hassan. Meanwhile, as Americans are up in arms about illegals crossing our southern border, the American government is putting unprecedented pressure on Israel to compromise its own border security calculations and to allow a new state to be established as its neighbor by those who have never demonstrated ability to govern themselves and whose only unifying theme is hatred for and wish for the destruction of Israel. Who is governing America?

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