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Is Biden’s Tax Hike a Threat to Middle-Class Stability?

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

On October 1, President Biden's significant capital gains tax increase will take effect, nearly doubling the top marginal rate from 23.8% to 44.6%. This change aims to target the wealthiest individuals but has broader implications for the stock market and the economy.

  1. Stock Market Volatility: The higher capital gains tax rate may prompt investors to sell off stocks before the new rate takes effect, leading to increased market volatility and potential declines in stock prices. This preemptive selling could create a domino effect, triggering further market instability.
  2. Reduced Investment Incentives: The increased tax burden on capital gains may discourage long-term investments in stocks and other securities. This could lead to lower capital inflows into markets, potentially stunting growth and innovation within the economy.
  3. Impact on Small Businesses: Many small business owners rely on selling their businesses as a significant source of retirement income. The new tax rate could reduce the net proceeds from these sales, making it harder for entrepreneurs to profit from their hard work and reinvest in new ventures.
  4. Real Estate Market Effects: The higher tax rate may also affect the real estate market. Property owners might rush to sell investment properties before the tax hike, potentially flooding the market and depressing property values.

While the intention behind the tax increase is to promote fairness and generate revenue for public services, it is essential to consider its broader economic impacts. Investors, business owners, and policymakers must prepare for potential market fluctuations and economic shifts as this significant tax change takes effect.


With the capital gains tax nearly doubling, successful investors and entrepreneurs face a punitive financial burden.

  1. Punishing Success: After years of hard work and prudent investing, individuals now face exorbitant taxes that eat into their hard-earned profits. Consider John, who invested in tech stocks a decade ago. His gains, which he planned to use for his children’s college funds, will now be slashed almost in half by taxes.
  2. Threatening Livelihoods: Small business owners planning to sell their businesses for retirement will see their nest eggs substantially diminished by the new tax rates. For instance, Jane, a successful small business owner who has built her company from scratch, now faces a drastically reduced return on her lifetime of hard work when she decides to sell.
  3. Economic Disincentives: The increased tax burden discourages investment and innovation, stifling economic growth and job creation. Imagine a tech entrepreneur who, after years of innovation and development, now finds that future profits will be heavily taxed, making it less appealing to take the financial risks necessary to start new ventures.
  4. Market Instability: Anticipation of the tax hike is causing market volatility, with many rushing to sell assets, potentially leading to a market downturn. Wealthy investors, seeing the writing on the wall, might liquidate their holdings preemptively, causing widespread market instability and impacting everyone from large investors to retirees relying on their 401(k)s.

A Looming Threat to Not Just Investors and Business Owners but You!

The initial promise that tax hikes would only affect the wealthy seems to be fading, placing middle-class Americans squarely in the danger zone.

With the current financial trajectory, it's clear that pressures are mounting:

  • Reduced Disposable Income: Higher taxes will leave families with less money to cover daily expenses and save for future needs.
  • Investment Growth: Increased capital gains taxes can slow the growth of retirement accounts and other investments.
  • Consumer Spending: With less disposable income, consumer spending may decrease, impacting the economy and potentially leading to higher unemployment.

This dramatic shift has placed the burden of government extravagance on the shoulders of ordinary citizens, challenging the financial stability of middle-class families.

The IRS is intensifying its focus, equipped with a substantial budget to enforce these new tax measures, signaling that no one is beyond its reach.

Strategies for Long-Term Stability and Peace of Mind

Imagine it's 2008 again. You're watching the news, seeing the stock market plummet, and with it, your hard-earned savings. It's a sinking feeling, right? Almost everyone felt it. Retirement accounts and stock portfolios weren’t just on a roller coaster; they were in a free fall. Those with all their money in stocks saw their investments, their dreams for the future, practically cut in half. It wasn’t just a market crash; it was a wake-up call.


Fast forward to today. You've got more options and more control over how you prepare for those unforeseen twists and turns. Think about your savings. It's more than just numbers on a page—it’s your future vacations, your kids' or grandkids’ education, and the peace of mind you want when you retire.

Consider this: if your IRA/401k gains get a drastically reduced return due to the tax hike. Your hardworking savings in years will be cut significantly.

There’s a silver lining in this cloud of economic uncertainty...

To mitigate these impacts, consider diversifying your portfolio with stable assets like gold and silver. Explore tax-free tactics such as investing through tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s. This can help protect your investments from the punitive effects of higher taxes and ensure your hard-earned money grows securely.

Additionally, amid this economic turbulence, gold has emerged as a beacon of stability, continually breaking records and showing robust performance. Leading financial experts, including those at JP Morgan, are predicting that gold’s rise will not only continue but could potentially reach unprecedented levels, with forecasts suggesting a surge to $2,500 by year's end.

Priority Gold has over two decades of experience assisting clients to diversify their portfolios with gold and silver, which may shield you from the unpredictable currents of today’s policies and economic storms.


Your financial freedom is hanging in the balance, and now is the moment to fortify your assets against the erosive forces of new fiscal policies.

Learn more about how to diversify your portfolio with gold and silver today!

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