So if you repeat the exact same propaganda as Planned Parenthood, are you really #prolife?
Author, and former evangelical, Rachel Held Evans seems to think so. The liberal, who identifies as a Christian, decided to tweet a long diatribe defending Roe in light of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement.
It didn’t go well (see my video takedown here). Her eugenics-laden screed of pro-abortion talking points resorted to calling pro-lifers, who support Trump, racists who oppress people of color.
Yawn. Doesn’t it get tiring using the same lame accusations?
She is the typical liberal abortion apologist. They love their “complex nuances”. Yet their lies are simple to identify. I’ll highlight her top 5 pathetic defenses of keeping the violence of Roe legal.
1. Conviction Versus Condition
Evans first claims that “I’m prolife by conviction, though my views on the legalities of abortion are complex, ever-evolving, and detailed elsewhere.” Convictions rooted in immutable truths don’t shift with every political wind or triggered feeling. Of course we’ve never heard this line before—“I’m personally against ________, but I don’t think it should be legislated.” If slavery abolitionists chose to embrace that same chasm between morality and political action, the 13th Amendment wouldn’t exist.
Roe is not freedom, for anyone. It is oppression, no matter what nuance you try to spin.
2. Clueless about Prolife Movement
Evans reveals her complete ignorance about the prolife movement by charging us with only valuing hypothetical “white, blue-eyed, motherless babies”. Eugenicists idealize certain babies (“wanted”, wealthy, mostly white). The Pro-life movement defends and values unborn human children and the parents who procreate them. The prolife movement cares for mother and child…and father (which Evans never mentions in her entire thread). I guess her own child deserves a father, but others…not so much. She clearly hasn’t been tuned into anything going on in the Pro-life movement. Have you seen any of our campaigns?
More evidence of this is her bizarre assertion that pregnancy care centers merely “give out free diapers”. These donor-funded pregnancy help centers provide far more care than Planned Parenthood does for mothers. And all of their services are free, which include free pregnancy tests, parenting classes, material assistance (furniture, maternity/baby clothes, toys, and yes, diapers, which are a huge expense). Many run maternity homes (Planned Parenthood operates none of them). Some offer life coaching, STD testing/treatment, mentors for fathers, GED completion classes, free prenatal care, gynecological services, adoption services, even marriage support and job training. Many partner with local resources that, together, help provide a holistic approach to meeting needs.
3. Lack of Access…to the Truth.
Evans is just empty on facts. Although she acknowledges abortion rates are up to 5 times higher in the black community, she blames this on pro-lifers, you know, because conservative oppression. She doesn’t call out an industry that kills millions and disproportionately targets poor minorities—but the people that fight an evil industry. What’s more systemic and more racist than more black babies being aborted than born alive? In 2014, for every 1,000 black babies born alive, there were 1,101 aborted (currently 1,039 are aborted). Contrary to Evans’s claims, Hispanics are more impoverished than blacks in NYC (24% versus 21.5%) and are less insured (17% versus 10.5%) yet have half the abortion rate. When Planned Parenthood tweets that black women are better off having an abortionist kill their child than giving birth—yes, real systemic racism.
4. Bogus Charges of Oppression
I’ve worked in poor black communities many of my adult years as a community volunteer, a mentor, and leader. People from across the political spectrum work with the broken, the hurting, the poor. I’m so tired of those who regurgitate this easy and unoriginal lie that “prolifers/conservatives don’t care about people after they’re born”. Many just don’t happen to think that welfare is an effective solution to communities ravaged by poverty, violence, drugs, and fatherlessness. “Safety net” programs often don’t make situations safe. Evans—who is a white married woman with a father for their child—apparently thinks that government is a good substitute for actual fathers.
The welfare state couldn’t exist, by the way, if both political parties didn’t legislate it into existence and continually vote to sustain it. Our government is to provide for the general welfare of its people, not excessively provide welfare. Political power requires dependency, just like liberalism requires an abundance of victimhood. Newsflash—the War on Poverty and its billions haven’t ended poverty. On the 50th anniversary of the “unconditional” War on Poverty, $22 trillion spent hasn’t resulted in the change that progressives claimed America would see. Welfare shouldn’t be a destination but a temporary place for those in need to get the necessary support in order to help better their current situation and be freed from a life of dependency.
5. Elevation, Not Elimination
Evans deleted her thread on defending Roe. She claims others have misrepresented her views. No. We haven’t misrepresented her views. She misrepresented Christianity.
As a pro-life factivist, it is not my job to tackle every issue of (real) injustice. It’s not feasibly possible. As Christians, who are part of the body of Christ that specialize in different areas, we are called to work collectively to “speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice for those being crushed” and to “speak up for the poor and the helpless and see that they get justice”. It doesn’t say repeat the lies of an industry that kills the image of God 2,500 times a day in our country. It doesn’t say stand with those who celebrate the shedding of innocent blood as a “right”.
What the Bible I know says about any circumstance, humanly planned or unplanned, is that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Truth. It’s immutable. It’s not that complex. And it’s the only thing that brings freedom.
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