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Activists Are Eyeing Your Tax Dollars to Shove Critical Race Theory into Young Minds

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AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

As America's children return to the classrooms this fall, parents have their homework assignment: Remain vigilant in determining whether their children are being educated or indoctrinated.


If there was one silver lining from online instruction during the pandemic, it revealed to parents that critical race theory was being pushed on America’s children. But in the wake of the pandemic came a $200 billion relief fund for schools. One report suggests that $78 billion–$123 billion could go toward spending unrelated to COVID-19. You can bet your last tax dollar that activists are working behind the scenes to channel vast sums towards spreading critical race theory.

For months, school officials have been gaslighting parents when asked whether critical race theory is being taught. They’ve served up dismissive lines such as, “That’s a complicated legal theory," and the deceptive, “We don't teach that," and so on. That’s even been the case in places like the Loudoun County, Virginia school district where an invoice from an outside “equity consultant” firm specifically notates “critical race theory training."

The example from Loudon County makes it clear that activist administrators are trying to hide their CRT advocacy. That’s why this fall, parents need to do their homework by being vigilant in determining what their children are learning.

Fanatical adherents of CRT analyze all aspects of American life through the prism of race. According to the left-leaning American Bar Association,

“CRT is not a diversity and inclusion 'training' but a practice of interrogating the role of race and racism in society. It critiques how the social construction of race and institutionalized racism perpetuate a racial caste system that relegates people of color to the bottom tiers. It acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of color continue to permeate the social fabric of this nation."


If we accept our opponent's definition and apply it to curricula across the country, it becomes clear that not only is CRT being taught, but that this distorted political indoctrination has become pervasive in America’s public schools.

Proponents might try to cloak their ideological brainwashing within the language of diversity and inclusion, but parents who know what to look for aren't being fooled. As author Douglas Adams humorously quipped, “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.” For example, the Eagan High School (Minnesota) website proclaimed that “racist power is intertwined with all aspects of American life, including public education,” and that "we must be prepared to admit that Eagan High School creates, institutionalizes, and perpetuates racial inequities, whether they are academic, social, cultural, co-curricular, or otherwise." This language sounds like it was grabbed from the ABA website and repurposed for school children.

The Iowa City Community School District website prominently features a section on “anti-racism tools” highlighting work by controversial CRT proponents Ibram Kendi and Robin DiAngelo. A handout “race conscious > race blind” mocks the idea of merit because “people’s starting lines are pushed farther and farther back based on institutional racism … ignoring race would be like giving bikes to the people who are already closest to the finish line – not only perpetuating the unfairness, but exacerbating it.”


The Penn-Harris-Madison School District in Mishawaka, IN pushed a “pyramid of white supremacy” that says that indifference about racism can lead to mass murder. In the top region of the pyramid, “MAGA” or Make American Great Again is shown as an example of white supremacy right underneath the KKK. The pyramid, opposed by many district teachers, was developed by the National Equity Project, whose website boasts about working with 41 districts across the country.

School administrators can deny all they want that CRT is being taught in our schools, but the truth is that it is widespread, and unless parents push back hard and often, it will continue. There’s little-to-no oversight of the “diversity industry,” and the harm that it is perpetuating threatens to haunt our children for the rest of their lives. If voters allow COVID school relief funds to be diverted toward CRT advocacy, the monster will grow far larger.

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