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'Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough': Dems Grapple With Their Political Frankenstein Creature

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AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

Remember this line that Democrats used to spew endlessly after a tragic mass shooting: ‘Thoughts and prayers are not enough.’ Usually, some call to action accompanied this en masse mockery of those who pray for the victims and their families during these heinous events. There is nothing wrong with offering thoughts and prayers in the aftermath of such incidents. Now, that same line could be redirected at Democrats over their side’s unspooled ranks attacking Jewish people. 

There are no calls for prayer in these remarks, but the condemnation from elected Democratic lawmakers in the wake of the college campuses being overrun by pro-Hamas antics, Jewish students being forced into hiding, and now an antisemitic mob physically attacked Jews trying to enter a synagogue in Los Angeles. 

Democrats accused the GOP of issuing the ‘thoughts and prayers’ remarks in lieu of doing something to curtail the civil rights of law-abiding Americans. We have a constitutional right to own firearms. You don’t have the right to target ethnic and religious groups, but we know the Democrats won’t do anything. It’s an election year, and the party needs these antisemites and Hamas supporters to vote for them in the upcoming elections. 

To add insult to injury, Biden was hours late issuing any statement on the ongoing antisemitic attacks brewing nationwide. That’s because he absconded to Camp David for the week, where his advisers test if the aging, senile president can stand for 90 minutes without falling. Where’s the Department of Justice, too? They’re hell on wheels on pro-life activists at abortion clinics, even dispatching FBI agents to make creepy house visits, but when it comes to protecting Jewish people, they’re AWOL. 

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said they were appalled and found the attacks abhorrent. Okay, will you arrest or open cases on the individuals who engaged in this bigoted mayhem? No. Like Biden, issuing a tweet is all these Democrats can do or think they can do, even though these assaults will likely continue as the unhinged pro-Hamas Left continues to harass Jewish people. 

It looks like the ‘thoughts and prayers’ monster is beginning to eat the Left, though the notable exception here, besides gun rights being codified in the Constitution, is that Democrats’ calls for more gun control post-shootings were always red herrings for illegal gun confiscation and databases. There were always plenty of laws on the books that could and do prevent mass shooters from unleashing their senseless rage on the population. It’s all about enforcing them. How many times have we heard the shooter was a) known to law enforcement, b) had a history of mental illness, c) had a disturbing social media history, or d) was all the above? There was nothing short of unconstitutional gun grabs that Republicans could push for other than talk about fixing our mental health system. All that could be done during the wait when police sift through the details of these crimes is offer thoughts and prayers, which liberals mocked and found insufficient. 

With antisemitic violence and quasi-pogroms, you can empower police to go after and jail the offenders. Unlike mass shootings and Second Amendment rights debates, these incidents are remarkably unnuanced: you can’t punch and attack people of a particular faith. There are laws against that, but Democrats have spent years ensuring the people don’t get locked up. In some parts of the country, that even extends to domestic abusers. Is anyone going to crack down on these antisemitic maniacs, or will there be more tweets where Democrats are appalled but don’t do anything to protect Jewish neighborhoods? Unlike the gun control debate, some immediate measures can be deployed to enhance public safety amid targeted attacks on Jewish people.



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