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Know Your Enemy

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AP Photo/John Hanna

Victory is sweet, but never final. Ignorance almost destroyed us once, and can still do it. I intend to continue writing about Leftism’s horrors to warn Americans about it. Here, I wish to examine someabominations of this hideous ideology that are so apparent in today’s world.


1.  Leftists make their own rules, always changing, withno absolute morality.  Marx and Leftism plainly teach that “everything is evolving,” there is nothing fixed, final, absolute. No God, no absolute morality.Thus, we see the ever-changing moral standards ofthe Left—men can become women, sextrafficking, child mutilation and pedophilia, and a host of other “progressive” immoral decadence.  It arises straight outof Darwinian materialismand Marxist “scientific socialism.”

One of the greatest lies of our day is atheism’s attempt to define some kind of moral absolutes. They KNOW, because they have God-given consciences, that some actionsare wrong, always have been, and always will be. But how to define such moral absolutes without a God? It must be in some terms of defending humanity.  But then, the hypocrisy, because the application has been fully evident historically. Leftist atheists like Stalin, Lenin, and Mao thought they were “progressing” mankind “forward” by murderingcountless millions of useless peasants. “It’s all for the betterment of humanity.” Because peasants want propertyand thus were burgeoning bourgeoisie, they had to be removed to make way for the great “socialist utopia” Marx and Leftists envision. Thanos in Avengers 3—half the universe had to die to save the other half.  If, as per Leftist philosophy, EVERYTHING is “evolving,” then how can morality EVER be absolute?  It will always “evolve,” too. And Leftist elites want to define it, create the rules, anddecide what “absolute morality” you must believe.  And, believe me, it won’t include protecting you.  It never does.  If you disobey or balk against their “absolute morality”—well, just ask the hundreds of millions of Stalin’s, Mao’s, and Hitler’s victims, and aborted babies in America, what they think of the Left’s “absolute human moral standard.”


How can an ever-evolving universe have a final, fixed, absolute—ANYTHING?

Never forget the earthly “utopia” the Left is driving at.Since this earth is all we will ever have, we must turn it into a Shangri-la. And only Leftists know how toaccomplish that. Thus, they must set the standards, they must define morality, they, not God, must tell others how to live.

2.  Leftists have a warped definition of “love.”  After a Townhall article I wrote regarding abused North Korean workers in China (here), a Leftist woman wrote me an email telling me how “hateful” and “divisive” I am.  “We need to practice love.”  I kindly tried to point out to her that what the Chinese were doing to the North Koreans wasn’t terribly “loving,” but it was a waste of time. Some Leftists (with total ignorance) try to fall back on how Jesus loves everybody. And while that is certainly true, by "love" the Left means allowing them to commit any sin they want to without opposition.  EXCEPT: the only "unloving" thing is to oppose and expose sin and not let Leftists practice whatever perverted licentiousness they desire.

Jesus forgave the penitent, and we should, too, but he also said, “Go and sin no more.  His language to the power-hungry, impenitent, hypocritical Pharisees doesn’t sound very “loving”:  “Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?”  The “loving” Jesus.  But it WAS very loving, because he was trying to warn his listeners not to follow these wicked religious leaders. You can’t do anything more loving than to try to save lives and souls. The Leftists, since they define all morality, tell us what “love” means, and it always seems to involve letting them do as much evil as they want without opposition.


3.  Leftists are globalists. Modern globalism arises frommodern Leftism. The more power, the better; it’s all about power to them. They NEED the power, globally, to usher in the earthly utopia they envision. Give them the power and they will take care of us.

The lady who wrote me the email described above believes I’m “divisive” and “hateful.” And much of that is because I believe in America and traditional American values.  We must understand that, to globalist Leftists,nationalism is “divisive. It “divides” the world into nation-states, makes it harder to control, and limits Leftists’ power over mankind. This is why Leftists hate America. They don’t want to “Make America Great Again,” they despise “Christian nationalism, they want to open America’s borders to the world.  Globalism.  Marxist universalism. All of mankind should be “one,” loving each other. Therefore, American nationalists are “divisive” and hateful” because we don’t accept the Leftist vision of a one-world government with them in charge. Well, excuse me, but that is what Lenin, Stalin, Mao, et al, wanted to give humanity, too, and until the Leftists provide better leaders than thosemurdering thugs, I’m going to continue to be “divisive” and “hateful.” I do hate what communism did/does to countless millions of innocent people, and I will continue to try to “divide” (separate) people from it.  Just like Jesus “hated” Pharisaism and tried to “divide” people from it.  


But it’s the Left’s globalist vision for mankind.  It’s utopian, and it will never happen on this earth. Not unless they force it upon mankind and kill half of humanity in the process. That’s a “loving” price I’m not willing to pay.

Speaking of Chairman Mao, I wonder, if it ever gets that far, how the CCP would react to this “globalism.”China is the most racist country on earth, and the CCP doesn’t want to share power with anyone.  I guess they’d go along if their guy got to be world dictator and decided who lived and died.

Know your enemy. This is what we are facing, and they will never give up.

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