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Who Is Going to Save America?

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AP Photo/Tom Copeland, File

Since 2021, the Democratic Party has let into America millions of people of questionable civilization for one reason:   political gain.  They want to give these people amnesty and the right to vote so that the Democratic Party will perpetually be in power for generations to come.  That is the only reason these people are being allowed into America.  To destroy the American Republic.


The Republican Party, which exists in opposition to the Democratic Party and was elected by Americans who want them to hinder what the Democrats are trying to accomplish, is doing absolutely nothing to halt this flow of illegal immigration that will, eventually, make the Republican Party, at best, a permanent minority, out-of-power party.  That is, if the totalitarian Democrats even allow it to exist.  One of the first things totalitarian governments do is outlaw all opposition political parties.  The Republican Party might not even survive another 20 years.  Why are Republicans allowing this to happen?

Democrats see this immigration as a means to perpetual power.  We know that the Democratic Party leadership in Washington, D.C. and around the country cares absolutely nothing about the American people, they only care about their own power.  You don’t let the kind of people that Democrats are allowing in if you love your country.  You just don’t do it.  You vet and protect.  Democrats hate America and they want to change the country.  With themselves in total power, in total control, telling you what you can do, what you must believe, who you can vote for, if they even allow you to vote any more.  No Chinese slave voted for Xi Jinping to be the president of that country, and that system would suit the Democrats just fine because they are Leftist totalitarians, too.  They want an America after their own image—atheist, anti-Christian, no freedom, a totally submissive population.  Too many Americans, right now, don’t believe in that kind of America.   So, the Democrats are importing millions whom they can educate and control.  How many more millions will enter if Biden or a Democrat is elected president in 2024?


Why are the Republicans not stopping this?  Cowardice is one reason.  They are afraid of the media and being called “racists,” or some such.   They also love, and fear, the Deep State Washington Establishment.  They are part of it and don’t want to leave the gravy train.  Most Republicans don’t love America, either, or they would be fighting to end this nightmare of illegal immigration, and protect the American people from the hellhole the Democrats are creating.  We elect Republicans to stop Democratic Party madness.  They don’t even try.  Indeed, basically, they give the Washington establishment everything it wants.   Republicans are cowards; not men, cowards.  Self-serving, craven, less-than-useless weaklings.  

The governor of Texas is a Republican.  Why hasn’t he called out the Texas National Guard and a citizen militia and stationed them on the border with Mexico with guns—the whole border, El Paso to Brownsville?  If Biden tells him to stand down, well, Mr. Abbott has a middle finger.  “Make me, traitor!”  Texans would stand with Abbott; I’ll go home to do it.  Davy Crockett would probably come from Tennessee again to help.  

Abbott’s a coward.

And he is a Republican.  A true-blue, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, invertebrate Republican.  And he will soon lose his state to the Democratic Party.


There are a few exceptions in the Republican Party in Washington.  Take off one glove and count them.

And you people wonder why I choose to live in Thailand.  At least I don’t have to live in the midst of the destruction Democrats and Republicans—both—are wreaking on America.  I can’t afford a Biden-inflation home anyway.  And the taxpayers aren’t going to provide me a place to live as they do the illegals.  I’ll stay in Thailand a little longer.

Democrats are deliberately destroying America to establish a totalitarian regime they will control.  The Republicans are too gutless to stop it.  That is the situation Americans face today.

There is one more group culpable in all of this:   the American people themselves.   We elected those Democrats and Republicans—every one of them.  It is, ultimately, our fault, and it is, ultimately, our responsibility to change it.   Whether the American people have the intelligence (extremely doubtful), morality (virtually gone), courage (little to none), determination (less than zero), and foresight (utterly non-existent) to do that is problematic indeed.

The Democrats are traitors.  The Republicans are frauds.  The American people are...what? 

Maybe Donald Trump gets it.  He talks like he does, whether he really does or not.  Where is the wall he promised us when he was president?  Ron DeSantis also seems to have some insights into it; he said that, if elected president, he would send all the illegals back where they came from.  Vivek maybe understands.  Nikki Haley is more concerned about Ukraine’s borders than America’s.  The rest of the Republican Party losers running for president are equally...Republican.  Put a band-aid on stage four cancer.   


And the Democrats are all Democrats.  Kill the patient before he revives.

Are there enough true Americans—and I mean, you and me—left to save the country?  Can we wake up enough of our fellow countrymen to what is happening to revive a near-dead skeleton?  I don’t know the answer to those two questions.  I only know that we must try.  If we are going to go down, we go down fighting.  There are some things worth fighting and dying for—God, family, true religion, human civilization—things that neither the Democratic or Republican Party leadership believes in any more.  And countless millions of Americans obviously don’t, either.  Or they wouldn’t have elected the people they did.

I wish I could be optimistic.  Maybe enough Americans WILL wake up in the next 12 months to give us SOME leadership that will at least TRY to save the nation.


Check out my substack, mklewis929.substack.com, and listen to my “Wisdom from Our Founders” series, especially my current podcasts on the Declaration of Independence. Many other articles/podcasts as well.   Sign up for free.  Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  Follow me on Twitter: @thailandmkl.  



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