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The Stolen Republic

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Ben Gray/AP Photo

Why would the seated administration sue a state over a constitutionally verifiable action it takes—especially when 80% or more of its own supporters are in favor of that action? Specifically why would *President Joe Biden choose to sue the state of Arizona over a state statute, handling the state’s business?


You may say, “it’s none of the Federal Government’s business what that state decides internally within its borders.” And you would be right.

The Biden DOJ did that just a bit more than a week ago.

The state of Arizona, in conjunction with the will of its people, passed a law that requires proof of citizenship in order to be able to cast a ballot.

Many states already have such a rule. So why Arizona?

It’s not rocket science.

Arizona sits on the southern border. Millions of non-citizens have entered in recent months. And if each of them could score a ballot, then less-than-honest people can harvest them and use them to stuff drop boxes as was done in 2020.

Less than honest people like Guillermina Fuentes. The former mayor of San Luis was just convicted in June of slinging a web of ballot harvesting in the border town.

According to the Associated Press her scheme has been likely adopted in many additional areas of the nation. 

70% of Arizonans use mail-in ballots. Which means nearly anyone with an address has the possibility of being sent a ballot — citizen or not. This was especially true during CoVid when under the guise of the pandemic such widespread abuse of power was practiced by state executive branches.

Arizona also would have thrown out more than 60,000 ballots due to signatures missing. And once the ballot is in the Dropbox or handed to the poll worker—in 2020 it was counted as a legal vote. The Ninth Circuit of the federal courts has ended the ability for ballots to be cured if missing signatures and in 2022 the only ballots counted will be signed—theoretically.


So unlike the Wild West of 2020 where ballots went unsigned, illegally rounded up, and added to the pile, big changes will occur. 

Requiring the votes to be cast exclusively from American citizens will narrow the amount of ballots able to be cast. It should also for sure end the bizarre occurrence—which happened in several Arizona communities in 2020—where there were more votes cast than citizen voters available to cast them. 

But let’s just assume for a moment that none of what I just said mattered. Why wouldn’t the chief executive and his administration not want votes only counted if they came from actual US Citizens? 

It seems to me that protecting America from her enemies both “foreign and domestic” would create a heavy obligation to know with certainty that the will of the nation’s citizens exclusively were being served. 

This is why it’s so easy to understand that more than 80% of US voters believe in the validity and need for voter identification being a baseline requirement in order to be able to cast a ballot. 

And on a positive note Arizona’s not the only one. Pennsylvania has riddled themselves of the Zuckerberg drop boxes all together. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has outlawed practices that should never have been adopted, and True The Vote is working with state authorities to help bring people to justice like Fuentes.


Yet like his policies on energy, immigration, inflation, national security, and dozens more Biden prefers to put his own citizens at the back of the line.

His America Last policy is saturated through every decision he seems to make.

Even to the degree that he is willing to take you to court to make sure you have your vote canceled and your rights infringed upon.

It’s the preservation of the stolen republic, its days are numbered, and the people will be heard from soon!

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