Last summer, I flew to Montana ahead of a week-long road trip through Yellowstone and Teton National Park. When I landed at the airport in Bozeman, I was greeted by National Guard troops. After scanning my driver’s license, taking my temperature and answering a few questions, they allowed me to move along to baggage claim and my rental car.
In Washington, D.C., that same summer, I received text messages from a friend walking along the river. There, she saw National Guard troops ensuring people didn’t sit on benches and giving orders to pedestrians who weren't "properly" socially distanced outside.
A few months later, when I traveled to New York City for work, police officers met the passengers of our train at the top of the escalator at Penn Station and directed us to a table. We were forced to fill out paperwork about where we were staying, where we were from and contact information. We were reminded of the mandatory 14-day quarantine period after traveling from out of state, threatened with hefty fines or jail for violations and told a law enforcement official could show up at the address provided in order to ensure compliance. Essential workers were given an exemption but still encouraged to quarantine.
All of this was unsettling. The implementation of a police state for American citizens was done in the name of preventing the spread of Wuhan coronavirus.
Now, one year into the pandemic and under a new president, we’re learning the Biden administration is allowing hundreds of illegal aliens who have tested positive for the disease to travel freely around the United States.
"More than 100 illegal immigrants released by the Border Patrol into Texas since late January have tested positive for the coronavirus following their arrival," Fox News reported. "Felipe Romero, a spokesperson for Brownsville, said Wednesday that the 108 positives represent 6.3% of the number of total migrants who have been rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station, where they are being released by the Border Patrol. Rapid testing of the individuals began there on Jan. 25."
"Miriam Izaguirre, a 35-year-old from Honduras who also tested positive, told Noticias Telemundo Investiga that she planned to travel by bus to Houston," the report continues.
None of these people are being tracked, asked for their addresses, or required to quarantine under threat of punishment despite testing positive for the disease and knowingly traveling while infected. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could be directed to prevent them from traveling, and yet, that directive hasn't come.
When asked about the issue, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki offered a word salad of bureaucratic guidance and refused to directly tell illegal aliens not to get on buses if they test positive for the disease. She also reiterated those who cross would be released and not deported.
"Our guidance to anyone, regardless of status, is testing positive for COVID-19 or experiencing COVID-like symptoms is to social distance, to wear a mask and seek medical attention as needed. But in general, our approach and our policy is to work with local governments, work with local NGOs to make sure to have testing, to ensure these migrants are tested," Psaki said.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration is waiting on "further guidance" from "experts" about when President Biden will lift official travel bans from foreign countries.
Americans haven’t been able to visit family members for a year. Government travel restrictions have prevented family members overseas from visiting. Grandparents have been placed in solitary confinement without the comfort of loved ones. Americans have been threatened with fines and jail time for leaving their homes. And yet, illegal aliens who cross the southern border are allowed to do what they please. Worse, government officials who have been proponents of lockdowns, like those working in the Biden administration, have no interest in applying the health standards they expect Americans to follow to illegal aliens traveling to different parts of the country. Dr. Fauci, who has been readily available for interviews and cover-shoots for InStyle magazine, has nothing to say about this inevitable superspreader event.