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Republicans Got It Right About Obamacare: 5 Predictions That Turned Out To Be True

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Republicans Got It Right About Obamacare: 5 Predictions That Turned Out To Be True

Republicans were right about Obamacare and Democrats were wrong. Before Obamacare was passed, when Democrats were telling the public that it would make health care cheaper, better, and would cure cancer right after it makes your bed in the morning and cuts your grass, Republicans were pointing out the very flaws that the American people are bitterly complaining about today. This is why we're not going to help the Democrats "fix" Obamacare. The fact of the matter is that we've been right every step of the way so far and what we're telling people is that the worst is yet to come. The only real way to "fix" this law is to repeal it. The people telling you that are the ones who pointed out all of these problems that the Democrats lied about and missed like...


1) The cost of insurance will go up: "There is nothing in the House or Senate bills that will enable Americans to have the kind of cost control that the President is promising. No matter how you look at this, health care costs both for individuals and for the country as a whole are going to increase." -- Senior Fellow for Health Policy Studies at Heritage, Robert Moffit in 2009

2) People will lose their jobs or be cut back to part-time because of Obamacare: "Additional taxes on employers and new government mandates that dictate acceptable insurance will place new and crushing burdens on employers. These are burdens that will ultimately fall squarely on the backs of workers in the form of reduced wages, fewer hours or lost employment. CBO agrees that ‘[e]mployees largely bear the cost of… play-or-pay fees in the form of lower wages.’ According to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s largest small business association, an employer mandate of this magnitude will disproportionately impact small businesses, triggering up to 1.6 million lost jobs. Two-thirds of those jobs would be shed by small businesses." -- House Majority Leader John Boehner in 2009

3) More Americans will lose their health insurance because of Obamacare than will be covered by the law: "This new regulation appears to ignore the impact it will have in the real world. It’ll drive up costs and reduce the number of people who will have insurance." -- Republican Senator Mike Enzi, 2010

4) "If you like your doctor, you keep your doctor" was a lie: "Remember when the president said, 'If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor'? Not true. In Texas alone a record number of doctors are leaving the Medicare system because of the cuts in reimbursements forced on them by Obamacare.” -- Former governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin in 2010

5)"If you like your plan, you can keep it" was a lie: "The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well." -- Republican Senator Chuck Grassley in 2010

These are just five examples of what most conservatives thought would happen with Obamacare and we were spot on. In fact, conservatives predicted every problem with Obamacare other than the utter and complete failure of the website, which if anything shows that we may have given Obama too much credit. What should really scare you is that the same people who got so much right about the bill so far are predicting tens of millions of Americans will lose their plans when the employer mandate comes online and there will be death panels, doctor shortages, a dramatic decline in the quality of care, and massive cost increases that will dwarf anything we've seen so far, even though tens of millions of Americans still will remain uninsured under the law.


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