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The Great Gaslight About the Great Replacement

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AP Photo/David Goldman

It stupefies the imagination: The Left believes most Americans are too ignorant to realize what's going on about our Southern border and the flood of multi-millions of un-vetted immigrants. 


Targeted Numbers to Targeted States

The numbers speak for themselves. Since the Biden/Harris administration was installed on January 20, 2021, estimates of how many people from around the world have crashed our gates and infiltrated America range from nine to 20 million. Sadly, those figures do not include the hundreds of thousands that the Biden/Harris administration has flown into the U.S. and resettled throughout. 

If the resettlements were equally dispersed among the 50 states, one might conclude that the Biden/Harris administration and the thoroughly demented Alejandro Mayorkas were simply like immigrants. A recent analysis, however, shows that the seven swing states -- Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania – have received a disproportionate share of illegal aliens. In fact, the percentages are beyond staggering. 

This mass relocation is a thinly veiled attempt by the Biden/Harris administration to alter elections in America forever more. They are working feverishly to do everything within their means to enable these illegals to vote in the 2024 election or as soon as possible. They know that by dramatically influencing the results in the seven swing states, they can swamp the Electoral College and mock U.S. elections forever more. 

A Nine-Year-Old Can Understand It

The long-term ramifications of allowing multi-millions of gate-crashers into our nation are clear to anyone paying attention. The Left has long derided the notion of the “Great Replacement Theory,” wherein allegedly mysterious forces are seeking to diminish the number and percentage of Caucasians in America and replace them with people of color, from primarily South America and Latin America, but also Middle East Asia and more than 160 nations in all. 


As with most matters related to the Left, the opposite is true. The Great Replacement is an ongoing, massive current reality. 

What’s more, the Left’s gaslighting is so intense that anyone mentioning “replacement” is quickly deemed unhinged, delusional, or racist. As such, the Left has disparaged Governor Greg Abbott, Governor Ron Desantis, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Kari Lake, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Elise Stefanik, and legions of others.

Reality Matters

In perspective, the Caucasian population in the U.S. when Ronald Reagan was first elected represented 81% of America. In 2024, indications are that the Caucasian population is now 59% and falling. This 22% drop in our ethnic composition in less than 45 years is not random. It is a vigorously orchestrated campaign to accomplish exactly what the Left continues to deny with vehemence – to replace U.S. Caucasians as rapidly as possible. Ironically, it is a ploy fueled by self-loathing progressive Caucasians. They hate their own ethnicity, themselves, and America. 

The hate that they harbor for America, and Caucasians in particular, is a curious phenomenon that sociologists and researchers will be studying 100 years from now but exists in the present and must grapple with the issue now. 

No culture on Earth wants to be swamped by outsiders. It is not xenophobic or racist for a nation and a culture to preserve itself. Whites here do not seek a totally White America; they seek the America that they’ve known all along until recent decades. 


“Legally” is the Operative Word

Our 48 million black Americans, 64 million Hispanic Americans, 25 million Asian Americans, and four million Middle Eastern Americans are part of the fabric and framework of our society. Immigrants who enter legally, as Donald Trump has emphasized repeatedly, are welcome.

Those who want to flood our nation with gate-crashers fail to recognize that such a maneuver would not merely change this nation; it would doom the very people pushing the Great Replacement. Leftist elites wish to rule from their various vantage points. Instead, they'll turn the country into a 1960s South Africa. They think the crocodile will not have them for lunch, but the crocodile devours whatever is in the vicinity without consideration. 

America makes up less than 5% of the world's population. Why Leftist zealots yearn for the Great Replacement, 24/7/365 is madness on a scale that is perhaps unprecedented in history. However, when have America's Leftists shown any common sense?

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