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The Only Thing Democrats Have to Offer Is Fear Itself

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AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File

On Sunday, a shocking new NBC Newspollwas announced by Chuck Todd, anchor ofMeet the Press.It showed that 71% of Americans believe the country is on the “wrong track” and only 22% believe it is moving in the right direction.


These are horrible numbers for the Biden administration and Democrats who control both Congress and the White House. The NBC newspollalso showed that Republicans were trusted over Democrats by more than double digit margins in a wide range of areas such as handling the economy, inflation, crime, national security, border security, and “getting things done.”

These results reflect the reality of what the Democrats have done in the first ten months of the Biden administration. In certain respects, the disastrous Biden agenda is destroying the country. For example, a secure southern border has turned into a disaster as millions of people have poured into our country, with an untold number having serious health problems.

The previously strong economy is cratering with raging inflation, empty store shelves, skyrocketing gasoline prices and a surging labor shortage for small businesses.

Crime is escalating in our major urban areas that are facing a shortage of police officers. This crisis will explode since COVID-19 vaccine mandates will force more officers to leave understaffed police departments.

In the arena of national security, Americans will not soon forget the debacle in Afghanistan that cost the lives of thirteen military service members. Just last week it wasreportedby the Defense Department that over 400 Americans remain in Afghanistan, much higher than the administration’s previous estimates.


While problems are escalating, the Biden administration is accomplishing nothing of importance to Americans. There is no action on the border or the economy that will improve the situation in the short term. Administration officials tell weary Americans that empty shelves and higher prices are here to stay.

In contrast to action on pressing needs, the President yells at Americans to get vaccinated. He turns every problem into a call for more vaccinations. He continually spreads the fear of COVID-19 as he pressures vaccine hesitant Americans to do something against their beliefs or values.

To coerce these Americans, Biden has decreed vaccine mandates. Since fear of the virus did not work, he wants to use economic fear to force Americans to comply. These tactics are both un-American and unconstitutional. Vaccines should be available and offered to anyone who wants to take them. There should be no vaccine mandates for adults, and especially not for children.

The new battleground has become our public schools. More parents are upset with the curriculum, the ridiculous mask mandates, and the upcoming push to inject children with a vaccine for a virus that is almost no threat to them. As parents ramped up their involvement, the Attorney General issued his infamous letter threatening them for exercising their First Amendment rights.


The President also offers fear of climate change as his rationale for trying to destroy the oil and gas industry. His decisions to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and place a moratorium on new federal drilling leases contributed to the soaring gasoline prices now threatening the economic well being of millions of Americans.

Today, Biden arrives in Glasgow, Scotland to show solidarity with the climate change movement. He wants Americans to view climate change as the greatest problem the nation is facing.

Despite the fear mongering from Democrats, Americans do not view climate change as the greatest problem facing the country. A recentpollshows that only Democrats considered it a “major threat.”

Today, Americans want to enjoy their freedom, a secure border, safe streets, inflation under control, and gasoline prices to decline. In addition, Americans do not want debacles such as our military withdrawal from Afghanistan to threaten our national security. Sadly, this inept administration is uninterested in managing any of these critical issues. Instead, climate change and vaccine mandates remain the top priorities, regardless of the polls.   

Currently, congressional Democrats are debating bills that relate to climate change. Both the infrastructure bill and the “Build Back Better” bill are rife with climate change initiatives.


These Democrats will determine whether the country will waste $3 trillion or $6 trillion on these proposals while massively increasing taxes and sending an army of new Internal Revenue Service agents to spy on Americans and extract more of their limited income.

The surveillance state was a hallmark of the East German communists who encouraged their citizens to spy on one another. Fear was the tactic used effectively to keep the citizenry in line with the disastrous policies that did not work at anything but increasing the power and scope of the government.

Similarly, in our country, Biden is offering fear and more surveillance to keep our citizens in line. In response, Americans are becoming disgusted with this agenda. It is one of the reasons why the chant “Let’s Go Brandon,” has become so popular in the halls of Congress and at athletic events across the country.

Americans are not happy with an administration that ignores their real needs while pushing an agenda that is unworkable and is only going to increase government power at the expense of the liberty of the American people. Biden claims that his policies will make us safer, but as Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Americans must continue to exercise our free speech rights to oppose this agenda of fear. As Franklin also accurately noted, “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.”


When Americans oppose this fear agenda, we are not only fighting for our rights, but we are also fighting to save the country from tyranny. Thus, it is not repulsive, but righteous, to say, “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs nationally on Real America's Voice Network,AmericasVoice.News weekdays at 7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & He is a political columnist, the author ofAmerica's Last Chanceand provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on For more information, email him at

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