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The More People Hear From Kamala Harris The Less They Like Her

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

I couldn’t help but notice on Labor Day that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris went and spoke to members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). While not unusual – Democrats have always pandered to unions and are in bed with union bosses, getting almost all of the campaign cash unions spend – something occurred to me while watching: How many non-union, non-Democratic Party crowds has Kamala Harris addressed in the last month. Turns out, not many.


While not every Harris event has been a union event, every Harris event is dominated by union members. It makes you wonder if anything about her or her campaign is real.

I know the answer, Democrats are frauds, but there’s usually something at least tangential to “real” in the endeavor. In the case of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, I simply do not see it. 

The crowds they speak to are generally invited and small. You’d be surprised how you can make a small group of people look large with the proper framing. That’s not to say she hasn’t drawn large crowds because she has, but she’s not now. 

The “enthusiasm,” as far as it goes, on the left is canned. Democrats weren’t excited for Kamala, they were excited to be rid of Joe Biden. They would have cheered anyone. The overriding motivating force on the left is hatred of Donald Trump, not love for anything any elected Democrat brings to the table. Most Democrats have no idea what it is the party stands for now, they just know the alternative is Donald Trump and that’s enough.

People who are not particularly bright don’t need to be convinced, manipulation works just fine because the hive mind doesn’t ask questions anyway.


Kamala goes to town, whatever the local union that can help the most is chosen, usually on a rotating basis, to provide the human props for the stage backdrop, while local party officials bring in some donors for the VIP room and campaign volunteers for the audience. That last group is a dime a dozen and have more turnover than any office Kamala Harris ever was the boss of (which is an accomplishment since working for her is torture, I’m told). They will cheer when they’re supposed to, chant what they’re told to, and smile for the cameras like a groupie outside the Plaza Hotel in 1964 pretty sure they’ve figured out what they have to do to meet the band.

It's tempting to say they’re AI, but there is zero evidence of anything resembling the “I” part. 

There are telltale signs off all of this, especially the human props wall on stage with Kamala and Tim. Notice how they almost always wear union t-shirts? Either “The such and such union for Harris” or just a shirt with their union’s name on it. 

Democrats either think the general public is stupid or know their supporters are. It could also be both.

This could be the first presidential election in history where the candidate of one party never has an honest, unscripted moment with a member of the general public. 


At a diner outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Harris/Walz campaign kicked the real people out of the joint so they could stock it like a trout pond with people approved by the campaign to be within talking distance of the group – meaning campaign employees and volunteers as well as obedient media who wouldn’t dream of asking an unauthorized question. 

It makes you wonder what Democrats are afraid of. 

Actually, we know. As Kamala’s run in 2019 showed, the idea of Kamala Harris is fairly popular, but the reality of her is not. When she got in the race back then, she immediately polled near the top of heap. Then people heard her.

Her ideas weren’t really all the different from anyone else’s, Democrats are essentially interchangeable like Lego pieces. There was something uniquely unappealing about Kamala Harris the person. It could’ve been her voice, her laugh, her inability to speak off the cuff about anything in a way a normal person would speak. Voters in the Democratic primary recoiled and she faded away, dropping out before anyone had a chance to vote.

With a record like that, you can’t blame Democrats for wanting to hide her. If I were advising Trump, I’d propose giving most of his time in the debate to her, since the more people hear from her, the less they like her. Tossing a word salad will only get you so far, even with the media propping you up. 


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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