Sometimes you have to shake your head in wonder at what works on Democrats when it comes to separating them from whatever money they manage to get their hands on. It's not hard to do – a fool and his money and all that. It is still shocking just how simpleminded some of these pitches are, and even more shocking that they work.
The "no one cared" gambit.
Here are a few examples of Democrat fundraising emails using pity to scam suckers out of their money.
"Almost no one -- seriously, NO ONE -- has donated to boost Democratic Voter Turnout in Pennsylvania."
"Because almost no one – seriously NO ONE – has donated to boost Democratic Voter Turnout in Arizona."
"WE TOLD YOU no one -- seriously, NO ONE -- has donated to our campaign to boost Democratic Voter Turnout."
"Almost no one -- seriously, NO ONE -- has donated to boost Democratic Voter Turnout in Florida."
Those are just a few examples, and actually, in the past month, I've received four emails with that exact line about Pennsylvania and three about Arizona. How dumb do you have to be to throw good money after a cause that no one else is giving to?
They all continue with some form of this, from the emails about Pennsylvania. "If we miss tonight's 25,000 donation goal, our campaign in Pennsylvania (THE MOST COMPETITIVE SENATE RACE) is DONE. McConnell wins again. We. Would. CRY. So this is your FINAL chance to do the right thing! We are BEGGING you." Harvey Weinstein conducted himself with house plants with more dignity than these Democrat groups.
Then again, when your job is to do anything for money… I mean, the prostitute doesn't judge Hunter Biden, at least to his face. There's no way those hookers aren't laughing about what the son of the president asks for when he's not around, and there's no way the people who work at these groups aren't laughing hysterically that their pathetic fundraising actually work on people.
Liz Cheney, about to lose her primary election for selling out the party, is now, rather hilariously, a darling of the left, for fundraising purposes anyway.
"SIGN THE CARD: Thank Liz Cheney for bringing Donald Trump to JUSTICE for his role in the January 6th insurrection," a Democrat email opens. And guess what happens when you click on the link to "sign the card"? You guessed it, it's a pitch to donate to the group.
It's funny how the name Cheney has gone from one that immediately sends leftists into a rage when it was her father, to one that gets particularly stupid members of their party to open their wallets. The circle of life, I guess.
It continues, "Donald Trump thought he could get away with the crimes he committed on January 6th. But Liz Cheney – yes THAT Liz Cheney – is laying down the law as the chair of the January 6th Investigation Committee! She: Broke from Republican party lines and voted to IMPEACH Trump. Called January 6 what it is: an INSURRECTION. Is working tirelessly on the JANUARY 6TH COMMITTEE. If we can get a groundswell of grassroots activists to THANK Liz Cheney -- we'll build major pressure for Republicans to turn against President Trump. He'll come crashing down!"
Nowhere in that email does it say anything about giving any of the money they collect to Liz Cheney's reelection bid. Democrats don't give a damn about Liz Cheney, they actually care less than some Republicans do. She's just the delivery device for money, period.
When Cheney loses her primary, Democrats will send out an email calling for suckers to "sign the card to thank her for her service," which will call for another donation. Useful idiots will have every bit of usefulness wrung out of them.
You really have to wonder how people dumb enough to fall for these Democrat pitches manage to function as human beings. They're lucky breathing is a reflex or else they'd forget to do it.
These groups wouldn't do these things over and over if they didn't work, they'd switch to some other way that works to get them money. There's a question as to whether or not PT Barnum actually said, "There's a sucker born every minute," but there's definitely one emailed everyday by Democrats.