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Some Violent Rhetoric Is (D)ifferent, and the Press Marvels How Kamala Is Successful...Due to the Press

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Anti-Social Media – CNN

  • Just more evidence of how they have moved on from the assassination attempt.

Let us begin by reflecting on how often we have endured lectures from the press and Democrats about the vile nature of "violent rhetoric." Now frame that in the recent aftermath of an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and the fact that Senator Cory Booker can be on with CNN's Jake Tapper and not be called out for such language. Listen as he brings up Trump's name and then goes on to say "Kill that MAGA strain of the Republican party" with no pushback from Tapper.


  • When the press marvels how Kamala is benefitting from…the press coverage.

The AP sounds positively enthralled by Kamala Harris straddling two competing campaign strategies: She runs on some successful policies and presents an image of change from the Biden administration. The reporters go on to quote a Democrat think tank figure:

She has this powerful and unique and interesting advantage that we have never seen before in our politics. She is both an incumbent and she’s been able to seize the ‘change’ banner away from Donald Trump.

She also has not given interviews or press conferences in over a month, meaning this marvelous accomplishment has taken place entirely with the urging of the press.

News Avoidance Syndrome – POLITICO

  • Do you REALLY intend to insult the Republicans for having no message?!

Jonathan Martin displays what happens when you have a particular focus on one side of the political aisle. J-Mart tries to insult Trump's campaign tactics by stating that there appears to be a focus on whatever pops up in the news about his opponent and that this is a sign of an absence of message. Seriously. He said this about Trump's campaign, not the woman who refuses to outline her agenda and cannot even list her policies on her campaign website.

Making this more obtuse, Martin mocks Trump for mentioning the abject lack of any campaign message from Harris.

News Avoidance Syndrome – ESQUIRE

  • Clearly, you are asking the wrong question, by design.

On the anniversary of the terrorist attack at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan, which took the lives of Marines during the fiasco of a pullout from that nation by Joe Biden, Donald Trump met with surviving family members at Arlington. Esquire saw this act by Trump and railed about the supposed offense because Esquire harbors animosity for the man. It does not harbor journalistic curiosity.

The main question that should have been asked: Why were Biden and Kamala Harris NOT in attendance? But that would, obviously, highlight a disastrous moment in the Biden tenure, so that has to be overlooked.

In asking why Trump was at Arlington in a cynical rhetorical fashion, Charles Pierce clearly did not look into the matter because, had he asked legitimately, he would have learned that the families invited Trump to the cemetery to honor their fallen family members.

Pathological Media Amnesia – THE NEW YORK TIMES

  • It appears the man does not go back to read his content.

Regarding the condescending press, it is hard to find a more insufferable personality than David French. He loves to lord over others with "proper" approaches to being a Christian, all while seemingly defying his very lectures.

There is no better example than his latest lesson, saying that Christianity has little impact on how one votes. This flies directly in opposition to his very own positions.


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