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Joy Reid Chooses Biden Over the POC Kamala, and Utah Delivers Racist Salt

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Race To The Bottom – MSNBC

  • Joy Reid on an unhinged racial rant? Color us surprised!

One of those pundits most dismayed by the kicked over anthill character of the Democrats following Joe Biden’s debate fiasco has been Joy Reid. A testament to her pure emotional grappling with this aftermath is her most recent monologue where you see on display a complete absence of logic. 

She somehow declares it racist to not support the rich and white incumbent, all the while missing out that keeping Joe in place prevents the far more ethnic Kamala Harris from ascending into the top position on the Democratic Party ticket.



  • Well, he was a Republican, so you must highlight the one policy most hated of all.

Former Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe passed away, and given he hailed from the GOP it means that a tasteful send off is something the press is incapable of providing. Politico had to highlight Inhofe’s history of battling climate policy, because after a six-decade career in politics that is the only valid takeaway. The outlet altered its approach after catching grief for the slanted presentation.

As a sign of how Democrats are given more of a genteel sendoff in life, note how The New York Times also went with Inhofe’s climate antagonism, but a career racist (Robert Byrd) and a recidivist philandering U-boat driver (Ted Kennedy) were granted warmer headlines.

First Amendment Strike Force – WHITE HOUSE COMMS

In The New York Times, Maureen Dowd has a revealing piece concerning an interlude she had with the White House Communications Office’s resident rabid ferret, T.J. Ducklo. Now a campaign spokesman, Ducklo originally left the administration after lashing out at a reporter, and he seems to be no closer to mild these days. He contacted Dowd because she wrote a piece concerning Biden’s interview with George Stephanopoulos in which the president used the non-existent term “goodest.” Ducklo insisted that Dowd change the wording to now read “good as” because ABC News made this alteration in its transcript of the interview.

In her piece about these emails with Ducklo, she included a deeply curious entry:

He (Ducklo) emailed again to add: ‘Had another convo on this. ABC News received the tape and confirmed the error to us. Then made the correction.’

This is a sign of pressure being applied by T.J. and/or his office on ABC News. It makes zero sense that the network would be given a clarifying tape given it was the source of the interview and its being recorded.

Stealth Story Evolution – THE NEW YORK TIMES

  • Maybe checking to see if he follows his own central thesis would have been the way to go…?

In an editorial, Matthew Walther claimed he does not vote, and wrote at length about why this is a sound course of action for others to undertake. Or, not undertake, as it were.

Then some others looked into the matter and discovered that he has in fact been a voter in recent contests, so The Paper of Record went ahead and altered the record.

Correction: Matthew Walther is not an alumnus of Hillsdale College. We apologize for the error. 

Race to the Bottom – KSL TV-5, SALT LAKE CITY

Somehow a “problem” that has existed for thousands of years is today a borderline hate crime. Local news station KSL reports that the Great Salt Lake is racially intolerant. If you are asking “how?” we do not have the answer — this is because KSL does not provide one.

The issue is with the famed salt flats continuing to dry out, and with this a salty dust is created and carried aloft, distributed airborne. The station tells us that this salty dust is particularly impactful to minority communities:

A study published June 21 in the journal One Earth suggests that restoring the lake to a healthy water level would reduce disparities in harmful dust exposure experienced by different racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups, along with delivering other ecological and economic benefits.

Somehow, this salt dust targets Pacific Islanders and Hispanic people, while not delivering as much of an impact to non-Hispanic whites. What the impacts are and how this dust avoids whites is not at all made evident.


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