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The Press Stoops Lower for Fetterman

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Legalized Press-titution – THE MESSENGER

  • The sophomoric attacks from the adolescent-outfitted senator are deeply impressive!

One thing lost in the controversy for the Senate dress code flap is how the Democrats are so willing to lower the bar to appease John Fetterman's needs, after claiming he would be perfectly operational and there would be no impact on his ability to serve. After his arrival all we have seen it the Senate equivalent of putting up guardrails over the gutters at a bowling alley in order to be able to hit the pins.

What is more revealing is how the press is rushing to Fetterman’s side, defending his “honor” and praising the way he delivers cutting messages on Xitter. That they are aligning with someone calling his opponents “jagoffs” and insulting other politicians while acting like a petulant child is not a good position for any journalist, but let’s just keep this alliance in mind as they will inevitably attempt to lecture on decency in the future.

First Amendment Strike Force – YOUTUBE

  • Your line on morality seems like a wadded-up ball of yarn.

YouTube came out to announce it was demonetizing Russell Brand’s videos on its site, as a result of “off-platform behaviors that harm our users, employees, or ecosystem”. This, while the uproar is based on nothing more than anonymous allegations that have not even been investigated by authorities, let alone resulted in charges filed.

Meanwhile, the site is content to allow others to remain viable on the site who have been convicted of serious crimes, such as convicted mobster Sammy “The Bull” Gravano.


  • There’s lowering the bar, and then there is placing it on the ground, hoping he doesn’t trip over it.

Not to say that it takes very little for the minds at MSNBC to be impressed by the president, but when you are deeply impressed that he appears on an international stage and is not openly mocked, then maybe you need to recalibrate things, just a little.

Nobody laughed at him?! HEADLINE!

Low Octane Gas Lighting – MICHAEL WOLFF

  • Seems a weak attempt to have DeSantis saddled with his dog-on-the-roof-of-the-car moment…

The publishing version of a sh**-poster, Michael Wolf, has a new scandal tome set to be released concerning gossip from inside Fox News. One entry is about a visit Ron DeSantis and his wife paid to Tucker Carlson in his home. It did not go well, according to Wolff.

  • Despite hoping to impress Carlson—arguably a top GOP kingmaker—the presidential hopeful and Trump rival failed the “Susie Carlson test” during the visit. For two hours Ron DeSantis sat at her table talking in an outdoor voice indoors, failing to observe any basics of conversation ritual or propriety, reeling off an unselfconscious list of his programs and initiatives and political accomplishments. 

What a monster. But oh, it gets worse!

  • DeSantis pushed the dog under the table. Had he kicked the dog? Susie Carlson’s judgment was clear: she did not ever want to be anywhere near anybody like that ever again. Her husband agreed. DeSantis, in Carlson’s view, was a ‘fascist.’

But, as usual with any Wolff release, the details are contested. The difference is this time the dispute arrives before the book release, and it is not denied by his target (DeSantis) but by Tucker Carlson.

First Amendment Strike Force – GOOD MORNING AMERICA

  • “Your free speech aggression sounds lovely, can you stay for a cooking segment??”

With all manner of world leaders pouring into New York to speak at the United Nations this week, one was former prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, and as any gravely important leader would do on the international stage, she went on…Good Morning America. And why not when, after delivering a deeply troubling speech about limiting people’s ability to enjoy free expression, in the name of safety, she would not be challenged on it while sitting in with Robin Roberts.

After all, why would anyone take issue with these comments, as she sounds like the villain from a dystopian novel?

Pulitzer Prize Nomination - POLITICO

As the White House is eager to get everyone back into panic mode regarding COVID, with an eye on pushing vaccines and masking requirements once again, the administration is rather stymied that most of the reactions to their plans come down to a pair of reactions: Abject apathy, or uproarious laughter.

Also seemingly baffled by this reaction is Sam Stein, as he claims Biden had made “tremendous strides” previously with vaccines while promoting this piece from his site.

Yep, after threatening people with job loss and other penalties if they did not succumb to mandates regarding a vaccine that had been wildly exaggerated or even lied about, it sure is baffling why people do not give a toss what these same voices have to say on the matter today.

"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation, where Brad Slager looks to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


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