"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage on the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.
Pathological Media Amnesia – CNN
- Revisiting Brian Stelter's defense of not covering the Hunter Biden laptop.
After the muted confirmation that Hunter's laptop and the emails therein have been confirmed to be valid, there is great fun in looking back over all the outlets that dismissed the story outright and/or demonized the New York Post for being accurate.
One delicious item worth revisiting was this exchange on a British media show where Brian Stelter got into a snit with Susan Ferrechio because she would not let him slither away from responsibility. Stelter's media newsletter had NO MENTION of The Times' report in last night's edition.
I have long held Stelter as the media custodian, and he excuses away the press corps by pathetically claiming they did not rush to report on the laptop because they were busy verifying the story. Note this old clip where Brian leans heavily on the now-debunked Russian involvement and focuses more on who might be behind reporting on the laptop than what is actually on the laptop.
Ferrechio blasts him by pointing out how the press could not report fast enough on the countless unverified lies during the Russian collusion hoax. This is glorious to watch as she is resoundingly unimpressed by Brian's squirrely approach.
.@BrianStelter: "Don't you dare. Don't you dare act like newsrooms didn't have ethics in 2017 & 2018."@SusanFerrechio: "You can 'don't dare' me all you want, Brian, I've been doing this for 30 years."
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 22, 2020
Susan and Brian clash over the Hunter Biden story vs Steele Dossier. pic.twitter.com/JSxwxyRK4b
It is safe to say the folks at the Broward County news outlet are rather upset at the passage of the new parents' rights law. In an emotional, hysterical editorial, the editors rail against the bill, casting accusations and calling for the press secretary of Ron DeSantis to step down. Maybe making hyperbolic claims about a law providing disqualifying evidence is the wrong move in an editorial.
In the course of ranting, the editors make a foolish move; they prove the law is not removing any curriculum regarding gay teachings.
- "This milestone in political evil does not simply prohibit teachers from addressing sexual and gender issues in grades K-3, which they haven't even been doing."
This can only be interpreted one way. If the topics are not being taught right now, then the only reason to be mad at a law upholding that standard is that you want to teach these sexual topics to kindergartners. And that is an accusation that angered the editorial board enough to write the rambling screed.
Florida Newspaper Sun-Sentinel Gets Hysterical Over Parents Rights Bill and Self-Owns In the Process
— RedState (@RedState) March 18, 2022
Anti-Social Media – USA TODAY
- Claiming to be un-hateful by wishing death on others is a strange flex.
Also angered by the Florida law was USA Today columnist Mike Stern, who displayed both ignorance of the bill and intolerance toward those with opposing opinions.
I'm not a believer, but the tornado that just ripped apart the home of the author of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law is making me reconsider.
— Michael J. Stern (@MichaelJStern1) March 16, 2022
Hey, Joe Harding (@josephbharding), God thinks you're a rotten bigot and just bitch-slapped you. pic.twitter.com/albQSocbKP
Getting wrong both theistic natural disaster confluences as well as the contents of the law is an impressive feat. Displaying those inaccuracies in venomous fashion is far less impressive.
Low Octane Gas Lighting – PARAMOUNT+
- This is just as valid as her claim to the governor's office.
The producers of "Star Trek: Discovery" thought it was a grand idea to make a statement by having Stacey Abrams appear on their show in a cameo. On the one hand, it made sense since she is an avowed fan of the show. However, in placing her in a position of an elected official – posturing here as President of the United Earth – what they are essentially showing us is that Stacey Abrams winning an elected office is, in fact, science fiction.
Stacey Abrams Becomes President of United Earth on Star Trek: Discovery: 'She's a Civil Hero' https://t.co/scSOYDd4MC
— People (@people) March 18, 2022
- There must have been a run on tinfoil in their area.
It is fair to say many in the press have had a hard time with the revelation of the Hunter laptop becoming verified. I doubt, in all honesty, you can find a more unhinged approach to this news however than seen in The Palmer Report. Sit back and allow the magnificence of this unhinged thread as a response to wash over you.
All the NY Times did today was confirm that some real Hunter Biden emails were planted on the laptop the republicans pretended was his. This means the fake scandal involved hacking and was an even bigger crime than we thought. Many republican operatives could go to prison for it.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) March 17, 2022