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Donald J. Trump Fights Powerfully for Our American Values

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AP Photo/John Locher

I was honored to represent the people of New Hampshire as their U.S. Congressman and Senator for eighteen years. I know middle American values better than most and pushed those values, shared by former President Donald J. Trump, as a legislator. I also know that those values are not currently represented by President Joe Biden and his left-wing allies in the media. For America to survive, the 2024 elections must bring us back to these core American values.


Of all the Republicans who have tossed their hat into the ring, we know who will be the strongest to beat the left at their own game. Our American values can’t survive another four years of Joe Biden’s use of government to attack the family unit and weaken the perception of our nation abroad. President Biden’s weakness has allowed communist China, Russia, and North Korea to be openly aggressive towards the United States.

There is only one man running for office today who has fought for our shared values and stood up to dictators. One man exhibited great strength as President and is campaigning to restore American greatness again. No other candidate for office today, Republican nor Democrat, has the proven record of success of former President Trump.

Six years ago in June of 2015, then candidate Donald Trump promised us that he would secure our borders, drain the swamp, build up our military, make us energy independent, fill our courts with conservative constitutionalists, and get us out of endless foreign wars. Despite the incredible dirty tricks and lies perpetuated by the inhabitants of the D.C. swamp, Hillary Clinton, the media, and yes, even Obama and Biden, Donald Trump overcame and prevailed. President Trump accomplished what he promised he would do for us, and he will do so again.

Left-wing politicians and pundits have never stopped attacking Trump. Two political impeachments, and even a bogus accusation that he was a Russian asset hounded this good man for four years. The harassment continues to this day with politically motivated indictments by a weaponized Biden controlled Justice Department. The Biden administration knows that they are on track to lose again, so expect more dirty tricks to come in an effort to sabotage the 2024 presidential election for America First candidate Trump.


In spite of all the attacks, President Trump accomplished more in four years than most presidents do in eight years. In our hearts we all knew how bad these people were, but the Durham Report confirmed that the level of corruption was far beyond anything we could have imagined. The American people recognize the lengths the left will go to stop Trump and voters will not be fooled. The polling indicates that Trump is a lock to win the Republican nomination and well ahead in the polls versus President Biden.

Now that President Trump is running for re-election, Democrats are currently using the same old playbook because they know that they cannot beat him at the ballot box where millions of his supporters will rally to his defense and elect him again. They go to these lengths because Trump is the only candidate in the field with the stamina, experience, and backbone to prevail against these vicious forces. Democrats hate that Trump has become a symbol for all freedom loving Americans. If they are allowed to defeat Trump, they defeat us all. If they are allowed to take it away again, America will be lost to the left, the globalists and the swamp.

A few weeks ago, my wife, Mary Jo, and I had the honor to meet personally with President Trump. When you look a man in the eye, you can see his heart. We left that meeting knowing that Donald Trump loves America and its people. President Trump is doing everything he can to save America and preserve our freedoms at great personal sacrifice. He stood up for us when we needed him and now it is our turn to stand up for him. 


President Donald J. Trump has earned our respect and our support. Trust me when I say America needs him now more than ever and I am proud and honored to be supporting him for re-election to the Presidency of the United States.

Bob Smith is a former Republican Senator from New Hampshire who served on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

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