Wells, director of missions for Tri County Baptist Association in Nixa, Mo., has served as the convention's registration secretary since 2002. In a Nov. 23 e-mail, Wells expressed gratitude for the outpouring of concern he has received from across the country.
"To say thank you seems so little," Wells wrote. "I have sensed power and presence in such a way that my life will never be the same again. Your prayers have been what have held Judy and me up through all of this and I am convinced that God wants to get great glory from all of this. Your love and encouragement have been such a blessing and thanks for praying."
A doctor at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis delivered the diagnosis Nov. 22, telling Wells he had a sarcoma malignancy in his left hip muscle.
"The good thing is that it has not affected the sciatic nerve," Wells said. "It should not affect my mobility afterward. I will have surgery for its removal on Dec. 14, with pre-op, cancer screening and CAT scans the day before. It is a two- to three-day hospital stay and standard procedure is for radiation treatment to follow."
Wells can be contacted via e-mail at tricountydom@yahoo.com.
Compiled by Baptist Press staff.
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