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No One Is Free to Sit Out This Fight

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AP Photo/Andres Kudacki

If the Hamas surprise attack and the subsequent rallies in favor of the barbarians were just an “Israel-Palestine” issue, many in the West could legitimately excuse themselves from getting involved. But just as Hamas wants to wipe Israel and the Jews off the map, those protesting in the West would like to do the same to Western culture and those who live by it.


In the post-Vietnam days, there was a very popular bumper sticker: “What if they made a war and nobody showed up?” It was up there with “One nuclear bomb could ruin your whole day.” It’s a cute idea. War is declared but neither side shows up to shed blood. Very idealistic and fashionable for the 1970’s. I think that today’s updated version would read, “What if they made a war and only one side showed up?” The jihadists are playing for keeps, while the West worries about guys competing against girls and which bathroom one may use.

The brutal attack by Gazans on 10/7 included mostly Hamas terrorists but also members of other terror organizations (including those aligned with the Palestinian Authority) as well as private Gazan citizens. The acts of murder and barbarity have been described, certainly not in full detail, but in enough detail to know about violent rapes, torture, babies burned to death, parents killed in front of children and vice versa, and civilians from babies to Holocaust survivors being marched off to Hamas dungeons. The sympathy for Israel losing over 1,400 citizens with three times as many injured lasted maybe 24 hours. Even before Israel began to defend its citizens, which everyone seems to claim is Israel’s right until Israel actually does it, large riots and demonstrations broke out throughout the West against Israel. Palestinian flags flew from Dearborn to Sydney, and signs and chants called for the destruction of Israel, murder of Israelis and Jews, and praises for the Hamas psychotics without any criticism of barbarity rivaling that of the Nazis. In London, 100,000 enraged protesters demanded an intifada from London to Israel.  That intifada is not meant just for Jews.


One could say that the issues on the streets of major cities and on campuses across the US have nothing to do with me. I am not Jewish, am ambivalent about Israel and couldn't care less about somebody else’s fight. Growing up in the Chicago suburbs, I of course was aware of the “Troubles” in Northern Ireland, but being a Jewish-American, it was something to be read about in a newspaper without much thought regarding the details or the history of the Northern Ireland conflict. Today’s issues would appear to be different from those in the past which one could conveniently ignore. One certainly does not have to suddenly become pro-Israel, but he or she might begin to realize that the massive demonstrations in the US are not simply about Israel and Gaza. Those joining the fight such as Antifa, BLM, and other left-wing individuals and organizations want to rule over you. Jihadi Islamists have made it clear that their goal is Sharia law throughout the world. BLM and trans activists probably do not share such a goal, but they would be happy if you were disarmed and that the police that protects you were handcuffed in their ability to prevent crime. They want to be the ones calling the shots in your life. What happens in the coming weeks and months in southern Israel and Gaza (and possibly in the north of Israel or even with Iran) may well have an impact on which way the US and the West go.


A decisive victory by Israel with strong US support over jihadists will set them and their fellow travelers on the left back significantly.Their demonstrations will have accomplished nothing, and their ability to project the size of their movement and their power will be significantly weakened. If G-d forbid, Hamas wins or even comes out still alive, then those in the West will conclude that Israel and the rest of the West cannot defeat them. They will believe that what started as a barbaric attack in Israel could be expanded (decolonisation they will call it so as to make it sound righteous) to Europe and the US, where they have thousands or maybe even tens of thousands of supporters.

As I previously wrote, anti-Western, Jew-hating immigrants imported wholesale into Western countries where they often do not integrate need the left-leaning students and organizations to give them heft and legitimacy. The latter need the former so as to feel some type of purpose. If you’d asked anyone on the left on the 6th ofOctober if they could see themselves marching vociferously in favor of a group that raped women, alive and dead, cut off babies’ heads and burned whole families alive, they would feel that the question was repugnant. But a week later, they had no problem howling, “From the river to the sea” or “Gas the Jews” on the streets of major cities. In the end, the Islamists will get rid of the left, whose values (homosexuality, women’s rights, trans, etc.) they loathe, but for now they will work with them to advance their interests.


The question is will the other side also show up to this battle. Will Americans and Europeans stand their ground for the values that made their countries great and in which they still believe? Will they proudly express their religious and national beliefs to stymie those who wish to control their lives? Will they fight for their Constitutional rights to own a firearm or express themselves without fear of retribution? One might think that the war is way over therein Israel but with the massive outpouring in favor of the murderers, the battle is also in the West and very possibly in your hometown. A good first step would be to deport those in the US illegally and anyone who violated his or visa through participation in anti-American protests.

So what can you do? Do you have to stand outside in the driving rain with some placard? No. Do you have to give your money and time to some organization that you do not know? No. The first thing you need to do is not to stand idly by. If you see something offensive, take a picture, put it up on social media and call out the perpetrators, like those guys in New York who gave it to the guy tearing down posters of Israeli captives in Gaza. If you see something dangerous or someone threatening Jews or others, call the cops. But the most important thing that you can do is to vote. Vote for candidates who will reign in uncontrolled immigration and will throw out visa violators and those who hate the country that graciously let them in.This is no time for 60% voter turnouts. We need every man and woman to be ready to get officials in local, state and national office who care for the values of the US that previous generations actually fought with their lives to preserve. Let’s not let the jihadis and their friends on the left win. Voting for politicians who share your value is your way of fighting back against those who misuse American freedoms to attack others and threaten the very country which we hold dear.


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