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How House Republicans Are Standing With Israel: NDAA Amendments

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Since the October 7 terrorist attack that Hamas perpetrated against Israel last year, House Republicans have been prioritizing the support of our ally in the Middle East. Earlier on Wednesday, the House passed several amendments, including an amendment from Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC) as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2025. The amendment was also cosponsored by Rep. Jim Baird (R-IN). 


The brief but no less important text of the amendment "declares that Israel is the United States’ greatest ally in the Middle East; and demands the release of all hostages held captive by Hamas and their return to safety." 

In response to his amendment passing, Fry talked to Townhall about the need to stand by Israel. "When I visited Israel earlier this year, I witnessed first-hand the devastating aftermath of the October 7 terrorist attacks. For almost 250 days — Israel has been fighting to defend their sovereignty, and hostages have been held captive by Hamas terrorists. Our greatest ally in the Middle East deserves our unwavering support, and Hamas terrorists must release the civilians they’re barbarically holding hostage," he shared.

Fry also addressed that trip back in April in a post shared to his official X account.

Hamas terrorists not only brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis--not even sparing babies or Holocaust survivors--they also took approximately 240 hostages, many of whom still remain in captivity. Last weekend, the IDF engaged in a daring mission to rescue four hostages being held captive. 


Not only is the NDAA focused on America's defense, then, but on standing by our allies at critical moments. Dozens of the amendments mention support for Israel, with many including bipartisan copsonsors. The amendment before Fry and Baird's amendment came from Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) pertaining to hostages.

Fry also served as a cosponsor on an amendment that "Prohibits funds authorized or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense in FY25 from being used to build, maintain, or repair a pier off the coast of Gaza, or to transport aid to such a pier," and on another amendment that "Prohibits the Secretary of Defense from paying for or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services."

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