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Biden's Response to the Supreme Court's Abortion Pill Ruling Is Here

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

On Thursday, the United States Supreme Court ruled that a group of doctors did not have the legal standing to challenge the Food and Drug Administration’s regulation of mifepristone, the drug that causes a pregnant woman to have an abortion.


As Townhall covered, the unanimous opinion in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine was written by Justice Brett Kavanaugh. 

“Plaintiffs are pro-life, oppose elective abortion, and have sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to mifepristone being prescribed and used by others,” the opinion written by Justice Brett Kavanaugh stated. “Because plaintiffs do not prescribe or use mifepristone, plaintiffs are unregulated parties who seek to challenge FDA’s regulation of others.”

“Plaintiffs advance several complicated causation theories to connect FDA’s actions to the plaintiffs’ alleged injuries in fact,” he added. “None of these theories suffices to establish Article III standing.”

In a lengthy statement on Thursday, pro-abortion President Joe Biden said that the Supreme Court’s ruling “does not change the fact that the fight for reproductive freedom continues” and that mifepristone, which makes up the majority of abortions in the U.S., is “safe and effective” (via The White House):

But let’s be clear: attacks on medication abortion are part of Republican elected officials’ extreme and dangerous agenda to ban abortion nationwide. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Republican elected officials have imposed extreme abortion bans in 21 states, some of which include zero exceptions for rape or incest. Women are being turned away from emergency rooms, or forced to go to court to plead for care that their doctor recommended or to travel hundreds of miles for care. Doctors and nurses are being threatened with jail time, including life in prison, for providing the health care they have been trained to provide. And contraception and IVF are under attack.

The stakes could not be higher for women across America. Vice President Harris and I stand with the vast majority of Americans who support a woman’s right to make deeply personal health care decisions. We will continue to fight to ensure that women in every state get the health care they need and we will continue to call on Congress to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade in federal law — that is our commitment.


Many pro-life groups came out opposed to the court’s ruling on Thursday.

“It is a sad day for all who value women’s health and unborn children’s lives, but the fight to stop dangerous mail-order abortion drugs is not over. Abortion drugs send approximately one in 25 women to the ER according to the FDA’s own label, yet the abortion lobby gaslights women about the risks and seeks to block states from even collecting safety data. Planned Parenthood boasts about dispensing these high-risk drugs by app, ‘completely free of face-to-face interaction with a clinician,’ to anyone with a mailing address – including traffickers and abusers,” Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America State Policy Director Katie Daniel said.  

“Joe Biden and the Democrats are hell-bent on forcing abortion on demand any time for any reason, including DIY mail-order abortions, on every state in the country. Pro-abortion fearmongering has hit new lows as the Democrats go all in on abortion to save them in the coming elections. They seek to shut down pregnancy resource centers, ban safe and effective Abortion Pill Reversal, put pro-life advocates in jail and rewrite all the laws to make sure abortion is the only ‘choice’ available. It is they who are playing political games with women’s lives, while every pro-life state in the country protects them,” SBA President Marjorie Dannenfelser added.


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