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Israel Was Absolutely Right to Kill Everyone in Its Path to Save Its Hostages

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Kurt Schlichter is back for another episode of his "Unredacted" podcast! His unfiltered, uncensored, exclusive podcast is for our valued Townhall VIP membersIf you're not yet a VIP member, join today to get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP column, the Stream of Kurtiousness video series, and, of course, this VIP podcast! All uncensored! Use promo code KURT to get 50% off your membership!

Over the weekend, I woke up to wonderful news. The Israelis killed hundreds of Palestinian terrorists and rescued some prisoners. The reaction among the scum-sucking, pieces of gutter trash was that this was the worst thing ever. Now, there are two ways of looking at the world. There is the normal Western way, which is an inquiry. We look at the evidence and draw conclusions from it, including moral conclusions. Well, if you start a war, perhaps you shouldn't complain like a little girl when you get your butt kicked by the people who you started the war with. Our analysis is a search for truth. We look at the facts and come to a conclusion based on the facts. The third-world, garbage, communist way is to begin with the conclusion. The conclusion is: "Israel is always wrong. No matter what it does. Now, let's work backward and figure out how." And the reason why they are figuring out the "how," is because at some level, they understand that what they are doing is denying rationality.



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