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Let's Rewind the Clock: DOJ Tried Really Hard to Keep Hunter Out of Trial

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

A jury found Hunter Biden guilty on three felon counts Tuesday morning after he lied on a firearm background check form to illegally obtain and possess a firearm. 


While prosecutors from the Department of Justice ultimately tried the case against Biden, they were forced to do so after an unprecedented, sweetheart plea deal on two misdemeanors fell apart last summer. The plea agreement included immunity from future charges on separate investigations into tax fraud, evasion and Foreign Agent Registration Act violations. 

In other words, the trial was never supposed to happen. 

Further the same prosecutors, committing a cardinal sin of the legal world, allowed the statute of limitations on Biden's failure to register as a foreign agent - after years of lobbying for foreign companies - to lapse. This allowed for the protection of President Joe Biden, who was Hunter's business parter as the family received millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party, the Ukrainian government and through other foreign transactions. 


IRS whistleblowers testified last summer about Hunter Biden's free pass, in addition to DOJ efforts to quash investigations into President Joe Biden and the broader Biden family. 

DOJ then went after the whistleblowers for their testimony. 

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