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Trump Delays Executive Order On Refugees, Immigration From Nations With Terrorist Activity

Christine wrote about it last night, but it looks like the executive order to curb refugees and immigration from nations that have a history of terrorist activity won’t be happening tomorrow, according to CNN. For the Left, they’re bound to go indiscriminately insane since it calls for a blanket ban on Muslim migrants for a four-month period, but a draft of the executive order seems to be pretty common sense, especially given the nations the Trump administration has selected to temporarily ban. At the earliest, the executive order could be signed by Friday. The language has not been finalized:

President Donald Trump is considering a blanket ban on refugees for up to four months, according to a draft executive order obtained by CNN, making good on a campaign promise to enact stringent measures on Muslim migrants trying to enter the US.

The plan also bars all persons from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen from entering the US for 30 days, consistent with the "Muslim ban" that Trump promised during the 2016 presidential campaign. While the measure doesn't reference Islam specifically, advocacy groups said the order was plainly targeting Muslims.

The order, if enacted, would put in place tough new vetting measures in an attempt to bar potential terrorists from entering the country. Sources familiar with the order said Trump could sign it as early as Friday, but caution the language is not yet final.

A senior White House official made it clear that Trump will not sign executive orders Thursday targeting the refugee program or immigration from terror-prone countries.


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