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Anti-Trump DeploraBall Demonstration Leads To Protesters Being Pepper Sprayed By Police


As Cortney wrote, anti-Trump protesters showed up at the National Press Club, which was hosting a pro-Trump inauguration celebration called DeploraBall. Let’s just say things got heated. In fact, thing became so intense that police were deployed at the doors of the building to maintain order. Eventually pepper spray had to be used to calm down the unruly crowd. The crowd pelted attendees of DeploraBall with objects as they left and were called “Nazi scum.” Some videos allege that tear gas was used, but that has yet to be confirmed as The Hill reported through NBC4 that protesters had set off smoking devices that could have lead to confusion regarding who set off what during the confrontation. The publication added that several protesters were arrested by police.

Sadly, this is normal progressive leftism at work. Find the people you hate and assault them. We saw this throughout the 2016 cycle at various Trump rallies, especially in deep blue states like California. In Washington D.C., on the eve of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, all the more reason for these people to get rambunctious, especially since Hillary Clinton lost in one of the biggest political upsets in American history in November. Ironic, since Clinton is the manifestation of Wall Street politics.


Regardless, as Trump supporters partied above in the Press Club, riot police were deployed. The protesters reportedly tried to say they were peaceful, but the footage says otherwise (via Fox News):

“We’re not attacking anyone!,” another protester said.

But, that was not the case for James Allsup, 21, from Seattle, Wash., whose head was gushing blood, as he sat surrounded by police officers on the side of the road.

“I was wearing my ‘Make America Great Again’ hat, and a white male came up behind me and swung at me with a flagpole – I kind of blacked out for a minute,” Allsup told “Before I knew it my head was gushing blood—there’s blood on my Trump hat.”

Allsup told that he and a friend were simply “grabbing drinks” in the neighborhood and walked through the street where protesters were gathered.

“I’m all for disagreeing, I debate people all the time and I want to engage in these discussions, but they’re throwing bottles,” Allsup told “I would be livid if people who supported Trump were doing this to Hillary supporters.”

“Fuck the police” was also chanted outside of the venue, revealing that the worst of the worst regarding liberalism was in the nation’s capital. This DeploraBall demonstration was one of several that occurred throughout the city last night on the eve of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inauguration. More are planned throughout the weekend, with the Women’s March rolling in on Saturday to the tune of 200,000 people (via NBC News):

The demonstration in D.C. was one of several held elsewhere in opposition to Trump Thursday, including a "unity" demonstration outside Trump International Hotel in New York, which was attended by actors Robert De Niro, Sally Field and Mark Ruffalo.

They could be a small taste of what's to come. Dozens of groups have been planning for weeks to descend on the city's capitol during inauguration week and make their opposition to the incoming president known.

Some, like the ANSWER Coalition — which stands for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism — are planning to be a vocal and visible presence near the inauguration, but not to engage in any potentially illegal activities.


But still others hope to create some chaos. That's the case with Disrupt J20, a group organizing a series of protests with the direct aim of disrupting the inauguration.

"We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can bear," reads the group's manifesto.

And the biggest protest, set for Saturday, could be history-making. That's when the Women's March on Washington is expected to draw 200,000 protesters to the streets of D.C., a number that Inaugural Historian Jim Bendat said could break records.


Overall, the National Park Service has approved 22 permits for First Amendment events ranging in size from 50 to 200,000 people for inauguration week.


Yeah, this isn’t probably the best weekend to try and foment violent revolution, with thousands of National Guardsmen and law enforcement personnel determined to maintain law and order. As for leading by example, almost 70 Democratic members of Congress plan on skipping the inauguration. So, it appears that throwing a tantrum isn’t just contained to this motely crew of progressive radicals, though the level of intensity is at different levels—skipping an inauguration ceremony and assaulting people who don’t think like you do.

Yet, let’s not fume right now. At noon, Donald J. Trump will become the 45th president of the United States. And Hillary Clinton, while attending, will not. That’s a damn good feeling.

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