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Americans For Prosperity Looks To Seal The Deal On Right-To-Work In West Virginia

Right-to-work in West Virginia is virtually guaranteed. Since this bill isn’t related to the budget, or any other appropriation, Republicans just need a simple majority to override a veto from Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. Yet, even with the political atmosphere in their favor, Americans For Prosperity are making sure the economic benefits from this piece of legislation sinks in with fellow West Virginians:


The pro-economic liberty organization has also distributed these two mailers in key districts, noting the job creating impact right-to-work legislation has on state economies.

In a statement from AFP-WV state director Jason Huffman said:

Our legislators promised West Virginians jobs, and with less than half of our state working, right-to-work is one of the most important steps we can take to creating opportunity in the state. We want lawmakers to know that the grassroots expect bold policy action to keep the promise of jobs and if that promise is to be kept, then they must pass right-to-work legislation.

At the same time, opponents of this legislation, who have noted that this bill won’t do much to create more jobs in the state, got a heavy hitter of their own who goes by the name Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) (via WVMetroNews):

During my time as Governor of West Virginia, and now your Senator, I never had a single company tell me that it would relocate to our great state if only we would pass ‘right-to-work’ legislation. Simply put, this is a partisan bill that will do nothing to create jobs in West Virginia. During these tough economic times, we must focus on fighting for every job we have and every potential job we can create, rather than fighting over a divisive political issue being used to divide us, rather than unite us. I find it highly objectionable that people would attempt to play partisan politics with our jobs. The proponents of ‘right-to-work’ legislation are not able to show us the companies that will relocate to our great state if this legislation passes. Instead of engaging in divisive political fights, we should work together to bring successful companies to West Virginia.”


Regardless, the West Virginia State Senate passed the Workplace Freedom Act, with the State House of Delegates waiting to act on it.

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