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Terror Group Threatens to Poison Food in Greece Over Holiday Season

An eco-anarchist group in Greece has threatened to poison food in the Mediterranean country with chlorine and hydrochloric acid over the next two weeks—a move Greek authorities have labeled a terrorist act.


The group, which goes by the name FAI/IRF, has targeted major companies in the area including Coca-Cola, Nestle, Unilever and Delta. According to reports, the eco-terror group delivered the targeted companies thumb drives that laid out their plans, showing how they could poison food items while leaving the packaging intact.

“Our goal is economic sabotage, not the poisoning of any unsuspected person,” FAI/IRF said in a statement.

EKAM, Greece’s Special Anti-Terrorist Unit, has taken over the investigation of the group’s threats.

FAI/IRF claims to be opposed to capitalism and Marxism, and in their statement argue that Coke profits from “forced labor” in China, while alleging Nestle is “responsible” for the death of 1.5 million children in third world countries.

Greek officials are warning people in Greece's Attica region, which encompasses the capital city of Athens, not to consume the targeted products, which include Coca-Cola Light, Delta fresh milk, Nestle’s peach and lemon iced teas, and Unilever’s Caesar salad dressings.

The threat period will last two weeks, beginning Dec. 22, according to the group.

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