If you thought the Left was going to allow San Bernardino to go without exploitation for political purposes, you were wrong.
President Obama during a previously scheduled interview with NBC News yesterday:
Democrat Presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton:
I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now. -H https://t.co/SkKglwQycb
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 2, 2015
Democrat presidential candidate Martin O'Malley:
Horrifying news out of #SanBernardino. Enough is enough: it's time to stand up to the @NRA and enact meaningful gun safety laws
— Martin O'Malley (@MartinOMalley) December 2, 2015
Michael Bloomberg's Moms Demand Action President Shannon Watts was on MSNBC last night arguing that background checks are the solution to these incidents. She's also sent out a number of fundraising emails citing the shooting.
Here's what we didn't know at the time these statements were made:
-Who the suspects were, in fact, they were still at large
-What kind of weapons were use
-How the weapons were obtained
What we know now, but didn't find out until at least six hours after the statements above were made:
-The suspects are Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik . Farook is a U.S. citizen and Malik, his wife, is from Saudi Arabia. They had a six month old child who they left behind to carry out their rampage.
-They used two AR-15s, two handguns and three explosive devices were found
-They obtained the guns legally and used them illegally to kill people
-They used a black SUV as a get away car
Despite a severe lack of information, the liberal priority yesterday was to shamelessly push an agenda, no matter what the outcome or circumstances surrounding what happened.
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